Origin Pro7.5,也是從騾子搜到的,由於速度不快,故重新發布。
Origin 7.5 是美國OriginLab公司推出的數據分析和制圖軟件,是公認的簡單易學、操作靈活、功能強大的軟件,既可以滿足一般用戶的制圖需要,也可以滿足高級用戶數據分析、函數擬合的需要。
以下內容是 OriginLab 網站相關的介紹,由於時間關系,我只譯了部分內容,如果有需要,將在以後譯出。
Origin 是為研究人員研究各種科學規律而專門設計的全面的圖形和分析解決方案。Origin 為您導入、轉換、處理、作圖以分析數據以及發布研究結果提供了各種各樣的工具和選項。
使用 Origin 時,用戶可執行以下操作(有些用戶可能只需要其中部分功能):
1. 向 Origin 中輸入數據
2. 准備作圖和分析所需的數據
3. 使用數據作圖
4. 分析數據
5. 自定義圖形
6. 導出或打開圖形以備發布或介紹
7. 組織項目
8. 混合編程以提高效率
Origin 7.5 新增主要功能
對於 Origin 7.5,OriginLab 的目標是創建一整套功能,提高 Origin 的易用性並進一步拓展其分析能力。通過重新設計舊的軟件並引入新功能,已經實現了這個目標。使用 Origin 7.5,已經顯著地簡化導入數據、創建圖形以及為圖形應用各種格式所需的步驟。
Origin 新的“導入向導”(Import Wizard)提供可視化的反饋,幫助您將一個或多個ASCII 或 Binary文件導入工作表或圖形窗口中。高級選項包括提取標頭變量和指定繪圖名稱。您可以將導入設置保存至過濾文件中。然後通過簡單地拖放數據文件就可以創建工作表或數據圖。
現在,您可以通過分析一個內置或用戶定義的格式信息集合(稱為“主題”(Theme))立即更改圖形視圖。由於許多發布具有獨特的要求,因此,在創建用於多個發布的圖形時,主題就非常有用。“主題畫廊”(Theme Gallery)允許您快捷地選擇、編輯及應用保存的主題。
New controls allow you to customize how Origin increments the color, symbol, line type, and other format settings for grouped data plots. You can eliminate, reposition, and nest shapes, interiors, colors, and styles. All settings for grouped plots can even be copied and pasted to another graph or saved to a theme.
Plot data from any worksheet within your project. An intuitive interface allows you to quickly and easily select the data to be plotted, as well as configure plot settings. In one step, you can even plot columns of the same name from multiple worksheets.
If you need to repeatedly perform data set calculations, you can speed up your work by enabling the new AutoUpdate option in the Set Column Values dialog. You can even specify calculations based on columns from other worksheets.
日期 (DDD) 和 IRIG 時間支持
Days (DDD) support allows easy import and plotting of data files that include IRIG Time data.
Specify tick labels for an axis using a nonlinear function.
LabVIEW™ 連接
Send data to Origin using LabVIEW VIs for Origin.
If you have MATLAB on your machine, you can import data from the current MATLAB workspace or from a saved workspace file (*.MAT).
Make quick changes to your data plots using the Style toolbar. Line color, thickness, and connection type as well as the pattern, pattern color, and pattern width can be updated using the Style toolbar. All color drop-down lists even include Group Format Color Palettes for grouped data.
Origin Project (*.OPJ) files now accept any type of file attachment. This includes files such as Microsoft® Word® documents, Adobe® Acrobat® PDFs, and more.
Attached Origin C files automatically compile and are ready for use. Origin Script files are also immediately accessible.
可編程的 Origin C 語言對話框
Use a single Origin C command to create custom dialog boxes for your graphing and analysis routines. This new feature is a dynamically generated, easy-to-use, and powerful graphical user interface device.
Access Origin from other applications, such as Microsoft® Excel, Microsoft® Visual Basic®, and National Instruments™ LabVIEW™.
For example, you can program Excel to call Origin to perform data analysis, such as FFT, smoothing, or curve fitting and then return the results, including an Origin graph, to your workbook.
供源時間:一般為 8:00 pm- 6:00 am
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