中文名: CFD專業網格生成器
英文名: Pointwise
資源格式: 壓縮包
版本: v17.00R2
發行時間: 2012年09月24日
地區: 美國
語言: 英文
[CFD專業網格生成器].Pointwise.v17.00R2-Lz0.zip 詳情 114.7MB
應用平台:Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows XP
問題反饋: http://www.pointwise.com/support/
網站鏈接: http://www.pointwise.com/pw/
Gridgen 前身是美國空軍和宇航局出資,由通用動力公司在研制F16戰機的過程中於80年代開發的產品。後由美國空軍免費發放給美國各研究機構和公司使用。由於各用戶要求繼續開發該產品,Gridgen的編程人員在1994年成立了Pointwise公司,推出了商用化的後繼產品。
Gridgen 功能介紹:
Gridgen可以生成多塊結構網格、非結構網格和混合網格,可以引進CAD的輸出文件作為網格生成基礎。生成的網格可以輸出十幾種常用商業流體軟件的數據格式,直接讓商業流體軟件使用。對用戶自編的CFD軟件,可選用公開格式(Generic),如結構網格的 PLOT3D格式和結構網格數據格式。Gridgen網格生成主要分為傳統法和各種新網格生成方法。傳統方法的思路是由線到面、由面到體的裝配式生成方法。各種新網格生成法,如推進方式可以高速的由線推出面,由面推出體。另外還采用了轉動、平移、縮放、復制、投影等多種技術。可以說各種現代網格生成技術都能在Gridgen找到。Gridgen是在工程實際應用中發展起來的,實用可靠是其特點之一。
Pointwise 功能介紹:
Pointwise Pointwise 於2008年1月正式發布,它的發布代表著CFD網格技術一個新時代的到來,它凝聚了Gridgen幾十年發展的精華,同時又加入了現代網格技術的最新功能。
3、 靈活性:首先是生成網格技術自動化技術,可以生成和人工干預及控制生成的同樣高質量的網格技術。其次是可以從不太完美的CAD數據生成符合你的求解器要求的高質量網格的技術。
4、 技術服務:Pointwise授權僅僅是我們幫助客戶成功的承諾的開始。不論客戶是遇到技術問題,還是僅僅需要獲得Pointwise建議,我們經過專業訓練的工程師都隨時准備伸出援手。我們不僅生成網格——我們還將建立長期的合作關系。
Mesh Confidently Using Pointwise for CFD
Generating meshes for computational fluid dynamics is neither easy nor fun. But mesh generation is where you have the most direct influence on how fast, how converged and how accurate your CFD solutions is. Because of that, you need a mesher that's flexible, robust and reliable. That's Pointwise.
How Meshing is Better with Pointwise
Mesh quality is the key to converged and accurate CFD solutions especially for viscous flows over complex geometry. With Pointwise, you get all the tools you need to achieve the desired results – high levels of automation plus intimate levels of control. Pointwise's structured quad/hex grid techniques are the best available and our T-Rex technique for hybrid prism/tet meshes automates the rapid meshing of complex shapes. Pointwise even lets you move grid points one at a time if that's what you need.
Pointwise is the workhorse that moves you confidently from dealing with less-than-perfect CAD to formatting the grid for your flow solvers. Using our proprietary geometry kernel, you'll import CAD data from native and standard formats, work with both analytic (i.e. NURBS) and faceted (e.g. STL) geometry representations, and ensure that your geometry is watertight and ready to mesh with solid modeling and quilting.
Once your mesh is complete, you'll export it and its boundary conditions to open-source, commercial, and standard CFD formats. And if Pointwise doesn't have built-in support for your CFD solver, you can add your own exporter with Pointwise's plugin capability. Even the meshing process itself can be customized with templates and macros you write in our Tcl-based Glyph scripting language.
Our commitment to your success is only beginning with your Pointwise license. Whether you encounter a technical issue or just need advice to get the most from Pointwise, our industry-tested engineers are ready to help. Support and training are included with every license. We generate more than just grids - we're building long-term relationships.
Pointwise v17.00R2
Release Date : 2012-09-24
Nfo Date : 2012-09-24
Num. Disks : xx/25 OS : Windows
Nfo Time : 13:37 Rel Type : License
Cracker : Team Lz0 Archive : lz0*.rar
Packer : Team Lz0 Rating : Your choice
Supplier : Team Lz0 Language : English
Protection : FlexLM
Requirements : N/A : Always use a firewall.
Publisher URL : http://www.pointwise.com/pw/ Û ²ÛÛ
1) Unpack and install.
2) See included linezer0.txt
3) Enjoy this release!