中文名: 邊界掃描工具軟件
英文名: Ricreations Universal Scan
資源格式: 壓縮包
版本: v9.4g
發行時間: 2012年
地區: 美國
語言: 英文
[邊界掃描工具軟件].Ricreations.Universal.Scan.v9.4g.WinAll-HS.zip 詳情 60.9MB
應用平台:Windows® 95/98/ME/2000/XP/7 compatible
問題反饋: http://www.ricreations.com/contactus6.htm
網站鏈接: http://www.ricreations.com/boundary-scan-products.html
軟件介紹:一款優秀的邊界掃描工具,讓你可以在實時監視JTAG pins,通過鼠標輕松控制JTAG pins,很快的開始進行電路板的Debug。(文:life_is_good@YDY)
-Monitor JTAG pins in real time on your display!
-Control JTAG pins with a mouse click!
-Start debugging your board in minutes!
-Program Flash and SPI Flash memories!
You supply the Xilinx, Altera, Digilent, Amontec, Spectrum Digital,
Lattice or Analog Devices JTAG download cable and you are ready to go!
Universal Scan full kit includes everything you need to get up and running in minutes:
* Universal Scan CD
* USB Security Key
* Demo Board (optional)
* 9Vdc Power Supply (optional)
* Free software upgrades for 1 year
Order Universal Scan Today!
Universal Scan supports your Xilinx, Altera, Digilent or Lattice parallel download pod/cables and USB Pods from Digilent, Analog Devices, Xilinx, Altera, Amontec and Spectrum Digital.
If you need cables, click here
** Annual Maintenance & Support:
$495.00 (after 1st year)
Download Free 14 Day Trial!
Universal Scan is Windows® 95/98/ME/2000/XP/7 compatible.
HS presents a nice release
Title...........: Ricreations.Universal.Scan.v9.4g.WinAll-HS
Cracker.........: TeamHS Type...........: util
Supplier........: TeamHS Date...........: 27.08.2012
Platform........: WinAll Language.......: English
Protection......: serial Disks..........: 13X5mb
Web-Link......: http://www.ricreations.com/
Boundary Scan Test Software version 9.4g!
-Monitor JTAG pins in real time on your display!
-Control JTAG pins with a mouse click!
-Start debugging your board in minutes!
-Program Flash and SPI Flash memories!
You supply the Xilinx, Altera, Digilent, Amontec, Spectrum Digital,
Lattice or Analog Devices JTAG download cable and you are ready to go!
Install note:
1. unpack
2. install