中文名: 統計分析軟件
資源格式: 壓縮包
版本: v13.1
發行時間: 2012年11月03日
地區: 美國
語言: 英文
問題反饋: http://www.systat.com/Support.aspx
網站鏈接: http://www.systat.com/
軟件介紹: SYSTAT Suite V 13
SYSTAT是一款強大的統計軟件,擁有你在進行高效的數據分析時所需要的各種統計功能。 它為你提供從基礎的描述性統計到基於高端算法的高級統計方法的各種功能。 如果你是統計學的新手,你可以使用友好、簡單的菜單-對話框完成工作。 如果你是統計學的老手,你也許更喜歡使用直觀的命令語言,快捷、方便地分析數據。在這兩種情況下,你可以利用它的許多強大技術來分析多種類型的數據和回答多種問題。你可以基於線性、廣義線性、以及混合線性模型進行單變量和多變量數據的全面分析。當你的數據不適合做傳統的多重回歸分析時,你可以進行多種穩健回歸分析。你可以計算偏最小二乘回歸。你可以做實驗設計,進行功效分析,擬合數據。你可以用它進行矩陣運算。任何你需要的——時間序列,生存分析,響應面優化,空間統計,測驗題分
分析, 聚類分析,分類和回歸樹,對應分析,多維尺度分析,聯合分析,質性分析,路徑分析等等——SYSTAT全都有。
你可以使用強大的Mersenne-Twister隨機數生成器來完成你的自助法和模擬任務. 當你做蒙特卡模擬時,你可以使用多達 43種SYSTAT隨機數生成器,包括單變量和多變量、 離散和連續型分布. 當分布十分復雜的時候, 使用拒絕法和自適應拒絕法抽取隨機樣本。對於復雜貝葉斯計算, 適當地采用 SYSTAT的通用馬爾科夫鏈蒙特卡洛 (MCMC) 過程, 比如Metropolis-Hastings和 Gibbs抽樣方法產生隨機樣本來計算Monte Carlo積分。
SYSTAT 提供大量的科技圖形,在你的分析過程中幫助你生成正確的圖形並定制它。 使用交互式圖形對話框來修改你的圖形的屬性,僅僅只需在一個單獨集成對話框中完成。比較各分組、套印圖標、坐標變換、添加投影、修改顏色、符號等等操作可以用來創建精妙的演示效果。
使用SYSTAT, 你可以輕松地得到內容豐富的結果
使用自動補全功能可以省時省力。使用主題菜單、可定制的菜單和工具欄可以使你的分析更加方便。支持長變量名以得到靈活的輸出結果。使用數據和變量表可以加速你的分析。 保存有用的數據文件和數據文件中的有用信。利用浏覽器樣式的結果輸出組織器快速浏覽輸出結果的詳細信。使用自動生成圖形的Quick Graphs即刻生成你的可視化結果。使用變量和命令模板後可以在不同的數據集運行相同的分析。使用命令日志來跟蹤和報告你的統計學方法。生成可供發布的輸出結果和圖形。
你可以重新組織SYSTAT 的各個方面,來適應你的喜好和需要。 你可以定制多種界面元素。你可以定制菜單和工具欄使你常用的功能項出現在醒目的位置。 你可以在字體、寬度、間距、風格等方面選擇輸出結果的外觀。你可以使你的圖形在顏色、背景、格局、表面風格、行風格、符號風格、以及標簽風格等方面符合你的要求。 你可以定制命令間距、輸出結果的組織、快捷鍵、按鈕等等。
無數的幫助使得理解和運行SYSTAT變得更容易,快捷,減少出錯。這些幫助就在你手邊或只需輕點鼠標,其中一些是: 每日提醒,氣球幫助, F1鍵幫助,工具提示,索引,詞匯表,擴展的狀態欄幫助,啟動頁上的“最近文件”快捷方式,主題菜單,案例表,自動補全,縮寫擴展,在線教程。除此以外,大約600個可用的在線例子,連同命令文件和數據文件,供你學習和效仿。另外還有超過4300 頁的在線pdf和紙質形式的手冊。
1. Getting Started
2. Data
3. Statistics I
4. Statistics II
5. Statistics III
6. Statistics IV
7. Graphics
8. Language Reference
9. Quality Analysis
10. Monte Carlo I
This month, your editor reviews another old friend. SYSTAT has long been a staple of the linear models crowd and now gets more powerful with every version. The present version includes Exact tests, Monte Carlo simulations, and the ever popular (and becoming more so every day) quality analysis section. As with most modern statistical software, it runs on 32- and 64-bit systems and loads trouble free (and I reviewed it on Vista!) from disk or internet. And they still offer perpetual licensure!
Upon first boot, the screen is refreshingly clean and easy to read. Tests and graphics are simple to find and most dialog boxes intuitive to understand. Even the first-time user will quickly master the nomenclature/use and will be up-and-running almost instantly. For those of us married to paper manuals, there are a series of these including 4 on statistics, and others on graphics, programming, data handling, and the specialized areas of Quality Analysis, Monte Carlo, and Exact Tests. While many appreciate menu-driven operations, for the diehard programming types there is the command line option. Table 1 lists the new features in version 13.
Selected New Features in SYSTAT13:
Error Variance with ARCH & GARCH
Best Predictors with Best Subset Regression
Fitness of Statistical Models Using Confirmatory Factor Analysis
Polynomial Regression
More 3D & 2D Graphics
ANOVA Upgrades
Basic Statistics Upgrades
Bootstrap Analysis Upgrades
Crosstabulation Analysis Upgrades
Hypothesis Testing Upgrades
Logistic Regression:
Simplified and easy user interface and command line structure to analyze binary, multinomial, conditional, and discrete choice models separately.
Option to specify the reference level for the binary and multinomial response models.
Simpler form of input data to analyze matched sample case-control studies with one case and any number of controls per set.
For Discrete choice models, SYSTAT 13 provides two data layouts: ‘Choice set’ and ‘By choice’ to model an individual’s choices in response to the characteristics of the choices.
Nonparametric Tests
Jonckeere-Terpstra test as an alternative to Mann-Whitney test: The test is used when the treatments are ordered in terms of the response. This test is based on the sum of the k(k-1)/2 Mann-Whitney counts (for k treatments).
Fligner-Wolfe test as an alternative to Mann-Whitney test: The test is used when one of the treatments acts as a control, to test equality of response to control vis-à-vis all other treatments, with a one-sided alternative. This is a Mann-Whitney test with two groups when the control is one group and all other treatments together form another.
Post hoc (multiple comparisons) tests of Dwass-Steel-Critchlow-Fligner and of Conover-Inman which can be used as a follow-up when a Kruskal-Wallis test shows significance.
A multiple comparison test due to Conover as a follow-up of Friedman test showing significance.
Now let’s look at a few of the specifics…
SYSTAT v13.1
(c) Systat Software
Date ..... : 2012-11-03
Size ..... : 53 x 5.00MB
Protection : Sentinel RMS
Type ..... : Statistics/Graphics
OS ....... : Windows 64bit
Unzip, Unrar, Install. Check /crack