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《管道應力分析軟件》(Bentley AutoPipe) v09.04.00.19[壓縮包]
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《管道應力分析軟件》(Bentley AutoPipe) v09.04.00.19[壓縮包] 簡介: 中文名 : 管道應力分析軟件 英文名 : Bentley AutoPipe 資源格式 : 壓縮包 版本 : v09.04.00.19 發行時間 : 2012年 制作發行 : Bentley Systems, 語言 : 英文 簡介 : Bentley AutoPIPE 是一套全 Windows 環境的管道分析軟件,主要是用來計算當一管道系統受到靜態 (Static) 及
"《管道應力分析軟件》(Bentley AutoPipe) v09.04.00.19[壓縮包]"介紹
中文名: 管道應力分析軟件
英文名: Bentley AutoPipe
資源格式: 壓縮包
版本: v09.04.00.19
發行時間: 2012年
制作發行: Bentley Systems,
語言: 英文

Bentley AutoPIPE 是一套全 Windows 環境的管道分析軟件,主要是用來計算當一管道系統受到靜態 (Static) 及動態 (Dynamic) 荷載 (Loading) 時,系統所承受的法規應力 (Code Stresses) 、荷載力、及變形量 (Deflections). AutoPIPE 可以分析各種復雜管道系統 : 如地下管道分析 (Buried Pipeline), ,波浪荷載 (Wave Loading) ,水 ( 或蒸氣 ) 槌效應 (Water Hammer), FRP/GRP 管道以及管道與鋼結構交互作用.
Bentley AutoPIPE 是一個全面集成的管道分析與設計解決方案,包括類似 CAD 的一流圖形界面以及獨特的對象技術、快速分析、逼真的動畫和可視化工具以及國際設計規范。
Bentley AutoPIPE 允許用戶快速輕松地創建、修改和檢查管道與結構模型及其結果,同時提供了靜態和動態條件下的先進的線性和非線性分析功能,例如溫度、風、海浪、浮力、地震和瞬變載荷等。
AutoPIPE 被設計成一個可擴展的解決方案,可以滿足從事核電和火電、處理廠和化工廠、海上 FPSO 平台和防浪豎管設計、防火系統、煉油廠、跨國油氣管線、FRP 管道以及建築服務管道等行業的公司需要。AutoPIPE 現在融合了 ASME、英國、歐洲、德國、日本、中國、API、NEMA、ANSI、ASCE、AISC、UBC 和 WRC 原則與設計限制,從而為整個管道系統提供全面的分析。
AutoPIPE 提供獨特的功能,包括地下管道、海上 FPSO 平台、海底管道分析以及動態荷載、非線性約束力(nonlinear restraint) 等 此外AutoPIPE 也具備局部應力計算 (Local Stresses)、時間變化動態分析 (Time history)、流體瞬間變化及減壓閥計算、管支架縫隙及摩擦力計算、夾套管計算(Jacketed Pipe) 及提供25種管道法規。
經過分析後,你可以點取圖形上的任一物件來讀取它的應力、變形量、力(Forces)及力距(Moments). 此外 AutoPIPE 會以顏色來表示管道的應力分布,讓你很快知道應力集中的重要局部,以節省時間來讀取大量的報表。AutoPIPE 提供超過 500 種的荷載組合(Load combinations),你可以利用交談方式來過濾、排序及打印出最大的值並以表單式格子方式(Grid)顯示於屏幕上
AutoPIPE 可以讀取 Bentley AutoPLANT, PlantSpace, Intergraph PDS 及 Aveva PDMS的模型數據. 如此可以節省模型建立的時間並確保分析模型與 CAD 模型的資料一致性。AutoPIPE 與 AutoPLANT 具有雙向界面,經由AutoPIPE 分析後,模型的修改也可以更新至AutoPLANT的CAD模型。
AutoPIPE 可與所有主要的智能化三維 CAD 系統,如 AutoPLANT、PlantSpace、Intergraph PDS 和 Aveva PDMS 進行無與倫比的集成。可以輕松生成和自定義自動化智能等壓圖。現在,項目組的任何成員都可以做出早期設計決策、查看所有模型和圖形數據,以及使用 ProjectWise Navigator 對 AutoPIPE 和 CAD 模型並行進行自動沖突檢測。
AutoPIPE 提供了目前市場上唯一與 STAAD.Pro 集成的管道和結構分析解決方案,不僅可以節省數周的設計時間,還提供了更安全、更真實的工程設計。
AutoPIPE 通過國際公認的核能質量保證計劃保證了最高的軟件質量,包括 ASME NQA-1、ISO 9001 & 10CFR50 app B 等標准。此外,它還創造了 17 年通過獨立核審核的出色記錄。
AutoPIPE 具有嚴格的品質確證程序,AutoPIPE已經通過許多國際獨立稽核,包括10CFR50 App. B, ASME NQA-1, 及 ANSI N45.2標准,AutoPIPE 也是少許通過並允許使用於核電安全分析的軟件。
BENTLEY AutoPIPE 軟件包括靜態和動態條件下管道應力的計算,管道支吊架設計,設備管嘴荷載分析。 AutoPIPE 早在 1986 年就開始引領行業內的技術潮流,並且是通過了嚴格的核安全認證審查管道分析軟件。在中國已有多家用戶應用十余年
AutoPIPE 專為工業管道系統設計所開發,應用標准的 Windows 技術,包括面向對象的可視化圖形界面技術和 CAD 接口界面來快速方便的建立管道及其附屬的鋼結構模型。
ASME B31.1, B31.3, B31.4, B31.8
ASME Sec. 3, Class II & III
European Standard Metallic Industrial Piping EN13480
B31.4 Offshore, B31.8 Offshore & CSA_Z662 Offshore
加拿大 CAN/CSA–Z662
英國標准 BS 806, BS 7159 (GRP piping code)
法國 RCC-M and SNCT、瑞典管道法規 (SPC) Method 2
挪威 Det Norske Veritas (DNV) and TBK 5-6、荷蘭 Stoomwezen D1101
日本 KHK, MITI class 3 and General Fire Protection code
時間變化(Time History)動態分析並結合了減壓閥,流體瞬間變化的水槌效應
Mode Shapes 及自然頻率(Natural Frequencies)
Harmonic 荷載分析(可直接導入管網脈動分析軟件PULS中振動力)
Response Spectrum 及 Shock Spectra
NRC Spectra and code case N411
NUREG. CR-1677 Benchmark
依照ASCE 及UBC,自動生成風壓系數(Wind Profile)
水壓測試 (Hydrotest)可以自動把彈簧轉換為剛性約束力,並提供保溫開關選擇
精確的非線性支架間隙( support gap)及摩擦力 (frication)分析
夾套管(Jacketed Pipe)分析
根據 ANSI B116.5 的法蘭荷載分析
根據 API 650 App. P, ASME class 1,WRC 297 and Biljaard methods 來計算管嘴撓性
時間變化(Time History)動態分析並結合了減壓閥,流體瞬間變化的水槌效應
點取圖形上的任一物件來讀取它的應力、變形量、 力(Forces)及力距(Moments)
全新的格點(Input Grid)可以以交談方式過濾、 排序分析的結果
可以自動或手動方式設定荷載組合(Load combinations)
針對 API610, NEMA及API617及使用者自定的轉動設備的評估
可以輸出管嘴的荷載力至WinNOZL以計算局部薄殼應力(Local shell stresses)

AutoPIPE provides a comprehensive and advanced software tool specialized in pipe stress analysis. The intuitive modeling environment and the advanced analysis features provide for increased productivity and improved quality control. Fluent data collaboration can be obtained through the integration with structural and 3D models providing an environment for increased business growth.
AutoPIPE is the choice of leading EPCs worldwide. The most comprehensive piping analysis software for 20 years in small to high-end piping projects worldwide for the power, oil and gas, petrochemical, offshore, and nuclear markets. Faster engineered piping systems backed by nuclear Quality Assurance to ISO 9001.
- OpenGL CAD graphics with toggle between single line, wire-frame, and solid render drawing modes
- CAD style floating view and component toolbars
- New Reference point for manufacturer equipment loading reports
- Dynamically zoom, pan, or rotate model capability with toolbar or mouse wheel and buttons
- Single, double, or quad view ports for CAD style work environment
- Graphical object technology with point and click capability for inserting, modifying, or deleting piping components
- Graphical model selections for cut, copy, or paste
- Interactive input spreadsheet grid synchronized with the plot for checking, sorting and editing model data
- Up to 20 thermal, 10 static and 10 each of dynamic load cases
- Automatic renumbering of point names
- Switch vertical axis (Y or Z) on the fly
- English, Metric, SI, and user-defined units with automatic unit conversions
- Undo/Redo up to 99 operations
- Color-coded model view based on pipe identifiers, soil, temperatures, and pressures
- Library of temperature-dependent code material properties and allowable stresses for most piping codes
- ANSI/ASME, DIN, JIS, and GRP standard piping component libraries
- FRP and plastic pipe vendor libraries
- Customizable libraries for pipe components and materials
- Structural steel modeling using AISC standard structural steel library with nonlinear pipe/structure interaction
- Expansion joint modeling with tie rod assemblies
- Import models from AutoPLANT, PlantSpace, Intergraph PDS, Aveva PDMS or PlantFLOWT (Bentley's flow analysis application used to calculate steady state single-phase pressures, flow velocities, temperatures, and fluid properties in gas or liquid piping networks)
- CAD support and anchor tags
- Apply true CAD joint types to any point
- New automatic stress isometric generation with fully dimension Iso and customizable data
- Export model geometry data as PXF files into AutoPLANT
- Export model geometry data as DXF files into AutoCADآ® and MicroStationآ®
Dynamic Analysis
- Time history dynamic analysis with built-in relief valve, and water and steam hammer fluid transient utilities
- Mode shapes, accelerations, and natural frequencies
- Harmonic load analysis
- Response spectrum and shock spectra
- Multiple spectrum enveloping
- NRC spectra and code case N411 (PVRC) damping and spectra
- NUREG.CR-1677 benchmark
- Automatic mass discretization
- Missing mass and ZPA correction
Piping Codes
- ASME B31.1, B31.3, B31.4, B31.8
- ASME Sec. 3, Class II and III
- European Standard llic Industrial Piping EN13480
- B31.4 Offshore, B31.8 Offshore & CSA_Z662 Offshore codes
- Canadian CAN/CSA-Z662
- British Standard BS 806, BS 7159 (GRP piping code)
- Swedish Piping Code (SPC) Method 2
- Norwegian Det Norske Veritas (DNV) and TBK 5-6
- Dutch Stoomwezen D1101
- Japanese KHK, MITI class 3 and General Fire Protection code
- French RCC-M and SNCT
AutoPIPE Quality Assurance Program
- Passed numerous independent on-site audits to 10CFR50 App. B, ISO9001, ASME NQA-1 and ANSI N45.2
- Formal test plans for verification of every new feature to AutoPIPE
- Integration testing for features implemented in previous versions with records of validation spanning more than seventeen years
- AutoPIPE QA & Reporting Services for nuclear plant engineering users to help meet safety related QA requirements
- Calculation of the effects of multiple wind, earthquake, thermal and dynamic loads
- Automatic generation of wind profiles per ASCE and UBC guidelines
- Wave loading and buoyancy for offshore applications
- Hydrotest analysis automatically converts spring hangers to rigid vertical supports
- Fluid transient utilities for water and steam hammer plus relief valve load analysis
- Automatic spring hanger sizing based on hanger data from 21 manufacturers
- Accurate nonlinear support gap and friction solutions
- Nonlinear state-of-the-art pipe/soil interaction for buried pipeline analysis
- Jacketed piping analysis
- Thermal bowing analysis
- Integrated flange loading analysis per ANSI B16.5
- Nozzle flexibility analysis per API 650 App. P, ASME class 1, WRC 297 and Biljaard methods
- Graphical point and click to view sorted stresses, deflections, or loads, at any point on the model
- Result grid synchronized with the plot for on screen viewing, filtering, printing and sorting all results
- Results saved to MS Access MDB file
- Automatic or user-defined load combinations
- Calculation of maximum intermediate stresses along any component
- Rotating equipment evaluation for API 610, NEMA and API617, and user-defined rotating equipment
- Min/Max load summaries
- Export nozzle loads to WinNOZL module for calculation of local shell stresses to WRC107, WRC297, KHK, API650 & PD5500
- Calculation and evaluation of code stresses for 29 standard piping codes
- Graphic viewing of results using color-coded model to highlight points that exceed user-specified criteria
- Filtering of results by stress, deflection or load criteria for custom reports

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²² ²²± ²  ²  ² ±²² ²²
²² °°     °° ²²
² ²
² AutoPipe v09.04.00.19 ²
     
²²² Release Date : 2012-05-24 ²²²
²² Nfo Date : 2012-05-24 ²²
²² ² ² ²²
²  Num. Disks : xx/51 OS : Windows  ²
²  Nfo Time : 13:37 Rel Type : Cracked  ²
²  Cracker : Team Lz0 Archive : lz0*.rar  ²
²  Packer : Team Lz0 Rating : Your choice  ²
²  Supplier : Team Lz0 Language : -  ²
²  Protection : N/A  ²
²   ²
²  Requirements : N/A  ²
²  : Always use a firewall.  ²
²  Publisher URL : http://www.bentley.com  ²
²  Publisher : Bentley  ²
²   ²
²  (-) Keyfile / License (-) Emulator  ²
²  (-) Patch (-) Serial  ²
²  (-) Cracked .EXE / .DLL (-) Retail  ²
²  (-) Keygen (-) Trainer  ²
²  ² (-) Loader (x) Other ²  ²
² ²   ² ²
²²     ²²
²² ²  1999 - 2012  ² ²²
² ²²  °°° °°°  ²² ²
  ²²² ² ² °±± ²² ±±° ² ² ²²²  
²²²   ² ±²² ²²± ²   ²²²
²²   ²²²² + I N F O + ²²²   ²²
²² ²  ²²²² ²  ² ²²
²   ²
²  AutoPIPE provides a comprehensive and advanced software tool  ²
²  specialized in pipe stress analysis. The intuitive modeling  ²
²  environment and the advanced analysis features provide for  ²
²  increased productivity and improved quality control. Fluent  ²
²  data collaboration can be obtained through the integration with  ²
²  structural and 3D models providing an environment for increased  ²
²  business growth.  ²
²   ²
² ²   ² ²
²²     ²²
² ²²   ²² ²
²  ²²  °°° °°°  ²²  ²
  ²²² ² ² °±± ²² ±±° ² ² ²²²  
²²²   ² ±²² ²²± ²   ²²²
²²   ²²²²+ N O T I C E ! +²²²   ²²
²² ²  ²²²² ²  ² ²²
²   ²
²   ²
²  Important information for site operators and other groups. By the  ²
²  first of April 2012 we will change our packaging ways to RAR/SFV  ²
²  and put the old ZIP/RAR/DIZ packaging to rest. It is long overdue,  ²
²  and this ancient way of packing has no meaning in 2012. We  ²
²  strongly encourage all other groups to do the same - and site  ²
²  operators, all you need to do is to add the 0DAY path to the  ²
²  SFV path of your setup, and your site will during the transition  ²
²  period do fine with both packaging standards. It's time to  ²
²  move forward.  ²
²   ²
² ²   ² ²
²²     ²²
² ²²   ²² ²
²  ²²  °°° °°°  ²²  ²
  ²²² ² ² °±± ²² ±±° ² ² ²²²  
²²²   ² ±²² ²²± ²   ²²²
²²   ²²²²+ I N S T A L L +²²²   ²²
²² ²  ²²²² ²  ² ²²
²   ²
²  1) Unpack and install.  ²
²  2) Overwrite existing with cracked files.  ²
²  3) Enjoy this release!  ²
²   ²
²  NOTE: For obvious reasons you should always make sure that  ²
²  the title is restricted access to internet by a firewall  ²
²  to avoid any problems. Further, when running our  ²
²  keygens/patches you might need to run it with admin  ²
²  rights while in Vista/Win7 to ensure that it has  ²
²  enough privileges.  ²
²   ²
² ²   ² ²
²²     ²²
² ²²   ²² ²
²  ²²  °°° °°°  ²²  ²
  ²²² ² ² °±± ²² ±±° ² ² ²²²  
²²²   ² ±²² ²²± ²   ²²²
²²   ²²²² + J O I N + ²²²   ²²
²² ²  ²²²² ²  ² ²²
²   ²
²  So you are interested in joining one of the most successful  ²
²  groups of all time? Then you might want to continue reading.  ²
²  Not only can we offer whatever your heart might desire, but  ²
²  becoming part of the group will also be one of the more  ²
²  significant decisions you perhaps will take.  ²
²   ²
²  Ever since our beginning in 1999 we’ve strived to make a group  ²
²  that not only is a group of knowledge, but a gathering of  ²
²  people that wants friendship, devotion, respect and fun. Hard  ²
²  work is what has brought us where we are today, and hard work  ²
²  is also what we would expect from you.  ²
²   ²
²  Given the amount of hours we all put into this every day, we  ²
²  like to see our self as a secondary family. We strive to take  ²
²  care of each other and thus – mutual respect is the essence of  ²
²  our group. We never pushed for being elite, as we do not believe  ²
²  that any of us deserve the mark of the elitists. Every member  ²
²  of our group is taught to honor the next guy or gal with the  ²
²  same respect as he or her demands for themselves. The same  ²
²  thought applies to how we look at other groups.  ²
²   ²
²  Are you ready to become part of a family? Do you think you have  ²
²  what it takes? Then now is the time to get up and contact us.  ²
²  Perhaps you will find a new road to follow with us. Open  ²
²  positions are as follows, but if you do feel you have something  ²
²  to contribute with but feel that it doesn’t match any of the  ²
²  open positions, then do contact us and let us be the judge  ²
²  of that.  ²
²   ²
²  CRACKERS  ²
²  Do you have a thrill to find solutions to various protection  ²
²  schemes? May it be unpacking, patching, finding algorithms  ²
²  or emulating? We’re always open for individuals that want to  ²
²  expand their knowledge in reversing. You are required to have  ²
²  some former knowledge in reversing as we do not tutor people  ²
²  from scratch. Former experience from other scene groups is  ²
²  good, but not a necessity. Unsure if you qualify? Contact us,  ²
²  and we’ll decide based on your qualities. Be prepared that  ²
²  we will demand examples of previous work.  ²
²   ²
²  CODERS  ²
²  You’re enthusiastic about coding, you love to optimize and  ²
²  integrate various projects; we always have projects ranging  ²
²  from smaller ones to large ones that are in need of attendance.  ²
²  If you are joining our family as a coder you will be appointed  ²
²  a variety of projects that will push you to do your best and  ²
²  will probably also serve as a great way of becoming an even  ²
²  greater coder. Projects are ranging from database integrations,  ²
²  IRC bots, and cracktros to tools and security oriented  ²
²  development. Examples of previous work will be required and  ²
²  experience beyond 2 years is also a requirement.  ²
²   ²
²  SUPPLIERS  ²
²  Do you have access to good titles? Perhaps you work as an  ²
²  engineer, network administrator, or by any other means can  ²
²  acquire the latest versions of what you have access to? Then  ²
²  feel free to contact us and let us know what you have. We do  ²
²  not focus on anything in particular and as such you will find  ²
²  that we do titles ranging from CAD/CAM to more common graphics,  ²
²  music and programming titles – as well as ordinary shareware  ²
²  titles. Contact us today and we will see if your titles are  ²
²  something we’d like to put some effort into.  ²
²   ²
²  SITES  ²
²  You’ve been running a dedicated and well supported site for  ²
²  more than 6 months, the site has grown some reputation and your  ²
²  staff as well as the chosen link location is security oriented.  ²
²  We do not accept sites that are running of rented boxes;  ²
²  neither do we accept sites located in United States of America,  ²
²  Germany or Austria. The speed of the site does not matter, what  ²
²  do matter is that it’s stable, it’s secure and above all – the  ²
²  entire site as well as crew is operating encrypted. You feel  ²
²  that this might be you? Then let us know today, and we will  ²
²  be getting back to you shortly.  ²
²   ²
²  BOX OPERATORS  ²
²  You have been running hosting services for years; either being  ²
²  BNC solutions or IRC daemons – or perhaps just have some boxes  ²
²  that you might think we can use. You’re an administrator of a  ²
²  network and have complete control over the box, the network  ²
²  area and access levels. If so, then you are someone we are  ²
²  interested to talk to. Keep in mind that we do not offer any  ²
²  boxes residing in the same countries as mentioned under “SITES”.  ²
²   ²
²  Remember, we all started out somewhere so do not keep yourself  ²
²  from contacting us thinking you aren’t good enough to help out,  ²
²  let us decide that.  ²
²   ²
² ²   ² ²
²²     ²²
² ²²   ²² ²
²  ²²  °°° °°°  ²²  ²
  ²²² ² ² °±± ²² ±±° ² ² ²²²  
²²²   ² ±²² ²²± ²   ²²²
²²   ²²²² + L E G A L + ²²²   ²²
²² ²  ²²²² ²  ² ²²
²   ²
²  Our releases are made to make sure that the end-user is able  ²
²  to fully test a title before going into a purchase as well as  ²
²  give the end-user an opportunity to make backup copies of  ²
²  titles he or she already owns. Please do respect our stance  ²
²  on this and make sure that you buy the required licenses upon  ²
²  deciding to buy the product. Respect the software authors  ²
²  that have put time, money and effort into creating the title  ²
²  you now have in your hand.  ²
²   ²
²  1. You should only use this title for the period of time  ²
²  as you decide if this is the right product for you  ²
²  personally or for your business. Upon deciding  ²
²  that this is the product you are looking for then  ²
²  we encourage you to buy the necessary licenses.  ²
²   ²
²  2. If you already own this title then this release can be  ²
²  used as a substitute to the original disks for backup  ²
²  and archiving purposes. This is convenient if you  ²
²  own a large set of various titles that all require  ²
²  dongles to run and you keep on mixing up the dongles.  ²
²  Our releases have removed those checks and thus will  ²
²  be more convenient to use. Again, this should only  ²
²  be the case if you own the required licenses.  ²
²   ²
²  3. We do not wish for our releases to be widely spread  ²
²  across web boards, P2P networks and the like. While we  ²
²  do know that occurs we strongly urge people to not  ²
²  share these titles at such places.  ²
²   ²
²  4. The group is not involved with the spreading of the  ²
²  release, partial files or any of the cracks. The  ²
²  distribution of our releases are all done by third  ²
²  parties – and as such according to the laws of the  ²
²  countries where our members reside, it is not our  ²
²  responsibility what others decides to do with  ²
²  these releases.  ²
²   ²
²  5. You are NOT allowed to distribute our titles with the  ²
²  intent of earning money. This title is not yours to  ²
²  sell. We, as a group, do not participate in such  ²
²  actions and we plead to those that are thinking about  ²
²  selling pirated titles, reconsider – not only are you  ²
²  hurting us seeing our releases being abused, but above  ²
²  all – you are actually stealing profit from the  ²
²  software authors.  ²
²   ²
²  6. We do not take any responsibility of computer or data  ²
²  loss that may occur from using our releases. Keep in  ²
²  mind that you are using a third party solution that  ²
²  does not come from the original software authors.  ²
²  However we strive to make perfect releases so the  ²
²  chances of something like that happening are slim.  ²
²   ²
²  7. The usage of our cracks is legal in most countries  ²
²  outside of the United States, if and only if you own a  ²
²  complete copy of the program or game. But you are  ²
²  required to read the end user license agreements (EULAs)  ²
²  that comes with the various titles to be sure that you  ²
²  are not violating any agreements.  ²
²   ²
²  According to the DMCA ACT in the United States you have no  ²
²  rights to circumvent any copy protection. Keep this in mind  ²
²  as the penalties for doing so there are harder than if you  ²
²  stole the actual title from the self. Our base of operation  ²
²  however is not located in the states, and thus we are not  ²
²  bound by any of the legislations like “no electronic theft act”  ²
²  “digital millennium copyright act” or “the patriot act”. But  ²
²  you as a end-user might be, so be certain to read the EULAs  ²
²  that you agree to upon installing something to make sure  ²
²  you are not breaking any domestic laws.  ²
²   ²
²  Finally, we do encourage you to explore the open source  ²
²  community. In most cases you will find open and free software  ²
²  that does exactly what you need, and it won’t cost you  ²
²  anything. At the same time you can enjoy the feeling of  ²
²  doing something good, and support the open source community.  ²
²   ²
²  By using this release you agree to the statement written above,  ²
²  and accept that the responsibility to whet ever the usage of  ²
²  this title is legal or not is with you and you only. Make sure  ²
²  that you understand the potential risks of using this release.  ²
²   ²
² ²   ² ²
²²     ²²
² ²²   ²² ²
²  ²²  °°° °°°  ²²  ²
  ²²² ² ² °±± ²² ±±° ² ² ²²²  
²²²   ² ±²² ²²± ²   ²²²
²²   ²²²² + G R E E T S + ²²²   ²²
²² ²  ²²²² ²  ² ²²
²   ²
² ²  CHEMiCAL REACTiON (CRO)  ² ²
²²     ²²
² ²²   ²² ²
²  ²²  °°° °°°  ²²  ²
  ²²² ² ² °±± ²² ±±° ² ² ²²²  
²²²   ² ±²² ²²± ²   ²²²
²²   ²²²²+ C O N T A C T +²²²   ²²
²² ²  ²²²² ²  ² ²²
²   ²
²  If you want to contact the group either for a open membership  ²
²  position, for a site offer or just want to let us know that  ²
²  some release might be flawed, then we welcome your response.  ²
²  However we do not send out releases, files from releases,  ²
²  cracks or information to where you might find this. For quick  ²
²  response you might want to search for us online, if you can  ²
²  manage to wait then send us an email on the address below.  ²
²   ²
²  ² EMAIL : [email protected] ²  ²
² ²  UPDATED : 4th of November 2011   ²
²²     ²²
²     ²
²  ²  ²  ²
  ²    ²  
² ²²²  °°°      °°°  ²²² ²
² ² ² °±± ²²  ²² ±±° ² ² ²
  ² ±²²   ²²± ²  
 ²²²²²²   ²²²²²² 
²²² ascii proudly done ²²²²
²² by cpN of cRo ²²
²²  in 2oo6  ²²
 ²   ² 
²² ²     ² ²²
²²² ² ²²²
²  ²


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