中文名: CAD設計綜合軟件
英文名: IMSI TurboCAD Pro Platinum
資源格式: 壓縮包
版本: v19.0
發行時間: 2012年
制作發行: IMSI/Design, LLC
語言: 英文
TurboCAD Pro 為頂級專業設計人員提供了終極設計解決方案。 它在 TurboCAD Pro 的強大功能,精確度與優異性能的基礎上,結合了 Architectural Edition 的實用工具集(參數化平板、門、窗、樓梯與扶手,以及建築對象的樣式管理器等等)和 Mechanical Edition 的創新性工具集(用於小面編輯、放樣、彎曲和拉直對象的增強性 3D 設計工具以及擴展的 D-Cubed 約束等等),是針對 CAD “高級用戶”而設計的一款綜合軟件。 另外,它兼容近40種 CAD 與圖形文件格式,是最為靈活的桌面設計工具。
官方網站 http://www.turbocad.com/TurboCAD/TurboCADW...tinum19/
建築工具 :
在圖形中添加一扇窗或一扇門會動態更新圖表清單。 用戶可完全控制文本顯示方式。
為建築對象的類型、圖表、文本和 ACE 標注直至最後的細節定制或修改樣式和參數。 定義樣式向導,並管理對象的定義方式、外觀及行為。
牆體自動創建參數化門窗的開口。 TurboCAD 還提供了一系列牆體支持工具。
牆體標注工具——快速地給任何直牆分配標注,包括厚度標注。 使標注與牆體平行或保持任意角度。
將門窗拖放到牆體中。 從成百上千種可能的建築樣式和材質組合中進行挑選。
20 種參數化的門類型——單扇門*,雙扇門,單懸門,雙懸門,雙扇反向開門,子母門,子母懸門,子母反向開門,雙折門,雙折雙扇門,匣門,雙扇匣門,雙扇滑門,三扇滑門,升降門,旋轉門,門洞,多折門,格板門以及雙開門。
7 種參數化的門形狀——矩形、半圓、四分之一圓、拱形、哥特式、瘦五邊形以及定制。
15 種參數化窗類型——景窗,單懸窗,雙懸窗,篷式子窗,雙扇平開窗,滑移窗,底開子窗,窗洞,單扇平開窗,單扇底開窗,單扇篷窗,立轉窗,平轉窗,子母單懸窗以及子母雙懸窗。
14 種參數化窗形狀——矩形、圓形、半圓、四分之一圓、橢圓、拱形、梯形、哥特式、等腰三角形、直角三角形、瘦五邊形、八邊形、六邊形以及定制。
高級機械工具 :
創建從距邊緣的特定距離處測量的准確彎角。 設置軸、角度和半徑,剩下的交給 TurboCAD 來完成。
使圓柱體變得不可思議地靈活。 只需選擇您所希望的彎曲位置即可創建先前無法完成的模型。
選擇將布爾運算與擠壓混合及倒角工具整合成單個過程,可節省多達 3 個步驟。
展開多種 ACIS 對象的表面,例如:圓錐,甚至那些以倒圓角後的矩形為基底的對象。 這也被稱為獲取曲面的漸伸線,若用於钣金或者織物,效果非常好。
Advanced Architectural Design
Speed design with the extensive collection of parametric object types and shapes for walls and compound walls, doors, windows, stairs, railings, roofs, and slabs. Use the style manager to create and manage how objects are defined, look and behave, or choose from the many pre-configured styles. Accurately manage data with dynamic window and door schedules and use the sections/elevation tool to examine custom cross sections of architectural designs.
Advanced Mechanical Design Tools
TurboCAD Pro Platinum offers advanced tools for 3D solid and surface modeling, including new smooth surface mesh 3D modeling tools. The thread tool, twisted extrude, extrude to face, imprint tool, parametric holes, imprint and more enable the easy creation of your more complicated professional designs.
Advanced Modification Tools
TurboCAD Pro Platinum includes a number of tools that enhance 3D modification for facet editing, lofting, bending and unbending of objects. These tools become even more powerful when combined with the Advanced Part Tree.
Advanced Part Tree
TurboCAD Pro Platinum greatly expands o n the Part Tree technology in TurboCAD Pro. Often referred to as history-based editing, the Part Tree can be used as a selective UNDO/REDO tool. And unlike with TurboCAD Pro basic, each of the design and modification tools, and most of the 3D primitives, may be driven by this Advanced Part Tree.
Pattern Tools
TurboCAD patterns are arrays of solid ACIS 3D objects copied in specific arrangements and controlled parametrically. Apply patterns to spheres and cylinders, radial patterns, 3D arrays, along a curve, and on polyline for shapes that couldn’t easily be drawn. Patterns are solid objects and they and/or their elements can be manipulated by 3D tools, like Bend; and patterns can be modified with Boolean operations with other 3D objects.
Platinum Constraints
TurboCAD Pro constraints are enhanced in the TurboCAD Pro Platinum with two additional constraints. The first is a Midpoint Constraint, and the second is the ability to create pattern constraints.
Plus All TurboCAD Pro Features & Tools
TurboCAD Pro Platinum is our most comprehensive CAD product for 2D and 3D design, documentation, detailing, and modeling. In addition to the tools above for greater control and flexibility, it includes all the tools found in TurboCAD Pro.
Performance Features
Drafting & Detailing
Drafting Palette
Architectural Tools
Mechanical Tools & 3D Modeling
Parametric Constraints
Symbol Library
Parametric Parts Manager
Design Director
Rendering & Visualization
Lighting & Materials
External References
Software Developers Kits
File Interoperability
System Requirements new
Minimum TurboCAD Pro 32-bit System Requirements:
Pentium® IV Processor
Microsoft® Windows® XP with 512 MB RAM, or Windows Vista or Windows 7 with 1024 MB RAM
300 MB of free hard disk space
Super VGA (1024 x768) display
High Color (16 bit) graphics support
Minimum TurboCAD Pro 64-bit System Requirements:
Pentium® IV Processor
Microsoft ® Windows Vista 64 bit or Windows 7 64 bit with 2 GB RAM
1 GB of free hard disk space
Super VGA (1024 x768) display
High Color (16 bit) graphics support
t h e c r a c k e r s o f
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p r e s e n t t h e 2 0 k - c o l l e c t i o n
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IMSI TurboCAD Pro Platinum v19.0 *INCL.KEYMAKER*
Cracked by....: KaiZer SoZe Release-Name..: CR-SFI01.ZIP
Supplied......: CORE Release-Date..: 2012/04/15
Packaged......: Bergelmir Release-Type..: Util
² Protection....: Serial OS............: Windows ²
Crack/SN......: Keymaker Language......: English
Rating........: [You decide!] Disks.........: 50
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² ..: DESCRiPTiON :.. ²
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² ²
² TurboCAD Pro Platinum is a premium, professional CAD package. It ²
² includes all the speed and technology of TurboCAD Pro for 2D/3D ²
² drafting, detailing, modeling, rendering, and extensive file ²
² sharing. Plus get advanced tools for greater control and ²
² flexibility with architectural and mechanical design. ²
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°² ..: iNSTALL/REGiSTER NOTES :.. ²°
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² Use our keymaker to register the application. Activate via phone. ²
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² Thanks for choosing ²
² (C)hallenge (O)f (R)everse (E)ngineering! ²
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lAYOUt & hEADER bY. [rAD!s]
nfO UPdATED ON [2012/01/13]
(c) C.O.R.E. 2 0 1 2
ת CRC 80B6:0120