中文名: ESRI ArcGIS Desktop 9.3.1 Patch
英文名: ESRI ArcGIS Desktop 9.3.1 Patch
資源格式: 安裝包
發行時間: 2009年
制作發行: ESRI
地區: 美國
語言: 英文
軟件介紹1. ArcGIS Desktop是美國環境系統研究所(ESRI,Environmental Systems Research Institute)開發的地理信息系統軟件,在當前眾多的GIS軟件中,其功能最強、市場占有率最高,影響最大,對GIS技術的發展都有一定的影響。ESRI公司從1982年推出ARC/INFO軟件後,在技術上不斷地改進完善,軟件不斷升級,2000年推出的ArcInfo 8是ESRI在繼承已有成熟技術的同時,全面引入最新的軟件程序設計思想、數據庫及網絡技術而開發的新一代GIS軟件。2004年,推出的ARCGIS 9保留了原Arc/info的所有功能。將基於現有版本在空間處理、3D可視化以及開發工具方面進行拓展。包括圖解建模方式在內的五種空間處理方式;可進行全球三維可視化的ArcGlobe;增強的注記管理和擴展模塊Maplex;標准的開放的空間數據庫格式的發布;增強的柵格空間數據庫能力等。同時將推出的,還有ArcGIS家族的兩個最新的基於ArcObjects的產品:面向開發的嵌入式ArcGIS Engine和面向企業用戶的以“集中式管理、網絡為核心、基於服務器”為特點的ArcGIS Server,它們將支持包括UNIX和Linux在內的跨平台的解決方案。
2. 該增強包的新功能
ArcGIS 3D Analyst
ArcGIS Geostatistical Analyst
ArcGIS Network Analyst
ArcGIS Schematics
ArcGIS Spatial Analyst
ArcGIS Survey Analyst
ArcGIS Tracking Analyst
ArcGIS Data Interoperability
ArcGIS Publisher
ArcScan for ArcGIS
Maplex for ArcGIS
安裝提示1. 需預裝ArcGIS Desktop 9.3,破解可見下附錄
2. 運行平台:Windows XP
病毒掃描報告Kaspersky Anti-Virus
Database Release Date: 5/7/2010 6:51:00
No Threats Deteced. (檢測結果無威脅)
1. Install ArcGIS v9.3
I use this crack: ESRI.ArcGis.Desktop.v9.3.Crack.Only-TBE (含在安裝盤的Crack文件夾中)
2. Edit 37102011.efl9 license file
You will see the following line of script:
"SERVER pan-reload ESRI_SENTINEL_KEY=37102011 27001"
Replace "pan-reload" with the name of your computer. Save the changes and copy and paste file in the LM dir. (注:我下載後pan-reload 是this_host,這步可不用做)
3. Install "LMSetup.exe" using "37102011.efl9" as license file
4. After install, reboot.
5. Rename 37102011.efl9 file to license.lic and copy that file to
C:\Program Files\ESRI\License\arcgis9x
6. Copy ALL files in crack folder to C:\Program Files\ESRI\License\arcgis9x.
If you are unable to copy because some files are in use, kill the lmgrd.exe process in task manager.
7. Copy "data_interop\fme_license.dat" to "C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\Data Interoperability Extension"
8. Startup the License Manager Tool. If you are on Vista or Windows 7, right-click and choose to run as Administrator.
9. Click on ?Configure Services? tab. Set your path for the lmgrd.exe, license file (use the renamed license.lic that you did in step 5, and a debug log file. Once done, click Save Service.
10. Go to Start/Stop/Reread tab.
Click Stop Server, Start Server, and ReRead License File. Exit when complete.
10a (optional). Go to Server Diag, and run Perform Diagnostics. If everything is good, you see something like the information below:
This license can be checked out
"BusinessFX" v9.3, vendor: ARCGIS
License server: YOUR_COMPUTER_NAME
floating license starts: 1-aug-2008, expires: 17-nov-2017
11.start "Desktop Administrator" and
* "Software Product": choose "ArcInfo (Floating)"
* "License Manager": change to "localhost"
* "Availability": select "ArcInfo Desktop (Floating)", you should see a lot of licenses
12. When using ArcMap, to go Tools->Extensions, and choose the extensions you want to use.
Note: If you use a firewall, make sure the software can have access to localhost (internal network), but block it from the external network.