中文名: 地震波分析軟件
英文名: Interpex IXRefrax
資源格式: 安裝包
版本: v1.14
發行時間: 2010年
制作發行: Interpex Limited
地區: 美國
語言: 英文
IXRefraX is the successor to GREMIX and FIRSTPIX, our DOS based seismic refraction data processing and interpretation system. It combines the features of both packages in one integrated system and adds bold and powerful new ideas and features!
New is the simple 2-D forward and inverse modeling. This is designed mostly to automate the GRM interpretation by providing a means of assigning arrivals to layers and determining X-Y values and reciprocal times (where data cannot estimate them). However, the forward and inverse modeling can be used to interpret data sets which lack the redundancy required for GRM interpretation.
“Interpex.IXRefrax.v1.14. (Win32.雲端版).exe”為軟件的雲端版本,軟件已注冊,下載運行解壓後即可直接使用。雲端版本在用完不想用了時可以很徹底地從系統中刪除,適合於喜歡軟件嘗鮮的驢友使用。
有關什麼是雲端,雲端版的技術特點是什麼,請看這裡:http://www.VeryCD.com/groups/daruanjian/790044.topic。軟件類型: 行業軟件-其它行業
軟件性質: 無插件綠色軟件 / 共享軟件
應用平台: Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7
資源發布: 大軟件分享基地