中文名: 化工流程模擬系統
英文名: ASPEN ONE V7.2
別名: ASPEN ONE V7.2
資源格式: 光盤鏡像
版本: 更新2006.5
發行時間: 2010年07月13日
地區: 美國
語言: 英文
應用平台:Windows XP SP2+, win7 X86 X64
網站鏈接: http://www.aspentech.com/
美國艾斯本技術有限公司,過程行業軟件與服務提供商(AspenTech, 納斯達克:AZPN)日前正式發布其aspenONE軟件的V7.2版本。基於aspenONE V7的創新和用戶的最佳實踐反饋,V7.2版本的發布將使過程優化更加迅速便捷。新增功能包括:
- 工程領域:在全球范圍內,涉及金額高達數十億美元的特大項目與日俱增,aspenONE Engineering軟件順應這一趨勢,增加了全新的經濟評估功能,可幫助規模龐大的業主運營商與工程公司大幅削減精確項目評估所需的時間,最大幅度可達75%。此外,Aspen HYSYS 和Aspen Plu 軟件中集成的經濟評估功能現已提升高達4倍的運行速度。
- 制造業領域:面對日新月異的市場環境,aspenONE 先進過程控制系統可以減少使控制應用程序保持最佳性能時所需的時間與精力,從而保留了先進過程控制的性能提升優勢。
- 供應鏈領域 :隨著關於汽油配比規格的政府標准日漸嚴格,aspenONE 計劃與調度解決方案可幫助煉廠建立真實物理約束條件的模型,實現配比優化。這是旨在提高煉廠利潤和產品質量的關鍵措施。
- 基礎設施領域 :全新的Aspen Reporting Framework 可提供全面的運營信息,幫助煉廠更快地作出利潤更可觀的決策。
以上都是aspenONE V7提供的最新系列創新功能,該產品已成為過程優化最佳實踐方案的業界標准。
Aspen Suite是大型通用流程模擬系統,源於美國能源部七十年代後期在麻省理工學院(MIT)組織的會戰,開發新型第三代流程模擬軟件。該項目稱為“過程工程的先進系統”(Advanced System for Process Engineering,簡稱ASPEN),並於1981年底完成。1982年為了將其商品化,成立了AspenTech公司,並稱之為Aspen Suite。該軟件經過20多年來不斷地改進、擴充和提高,已先後推出了十多個版本,成為舉世公認的標准大型流程模擬軟件,應用案例數以百萬計。全球各大化工、石化、煉油等過程工業制造企業及著名的工程公司都是Aspen Suite的用戶。
更有 效率地響應市場和業務的變化
Aspen 套件 (Aspen Suite) 主要應用於一些關鍵的領域,如﹕研究和開發階段的數學模擬放大﹑概念設計﹑工藝設計及工程設計﹑工廠開工指導及操作工仿真培訓﹑工藝流程改進及優化﹑工廠脫瓶頸及技術改造﹑工作流集成。
Aspentech 公司不但在供應鏈管理軟件及服務方面是一個領先供應商(在世界化學工業的供應鏈軟件市場佔22.5%份額),而且還能夠把一個公司及其延伸企業的所有方方面面的業務,從電子商務市場直到車間操作室都集成起來,提供端到端的解決方案。
ASPEN ONE V7.2 新特性:
BURLINGTON, Mass — July 13, 2010 — Aspen Technology, Inc. (NASDAQ: AZPN), a leading provider of software and services to the process industries, today announced the availability of the 7.2 release of aspenONE software. Building on innovations delivered in aspenONE V7 and best practice input from users, the 7.2 release makes optimizing engineering, manufacturing and supply chain processes faster and easier. Examples include:
* Engineering – addressing the global increase in multibillion dollar "megaprojects," aspenONE® Engineering software includes new economic evaluation functionality that allows large owner-operator and engineering companies to slash the amount of time it takes to produce accurate project estimates by as much as 75%. In addition, integrated economic evaluation is now up to four times faster in Aspen HYSYS® and Aspen Plus® software.
* Manufacturing – in the face of dynamic market conditions, aspenONE Advanced Process Control allows process manufacturers to sustain performance improvement benefits from advanced process control by reducing the time and effort required to maintain control applications at peak performance.
* Supply Chain – as government standards for gasoline blending specifications become more stringent, aspenONE Planning & Scheduling allows refineries to model true physical constraints for better blend optimization. This is a critical step in improving margins and specification quality.
* Infrastructure – the new Aspen Reporting Framework™ provides operational intelligence for refineries that enables faster, more profitable decision-making.
The new features are the latest in a series of innovations delivered by aspenONE V7, which sets the standard for best practices in process optimization. For information on these and many other new features and enhancements in the 7.2 release of aspenONE, visit http://www.aspentech.com/v7/v72_enhancements.cfm.
About AspenTech
AspenTech is a leading supplier of software that optimizes process manufacturing – including energy, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, engineering & construction, power & utilities and other industries that manufacture and produce products from a chemical process. With integrated aspenONE solutions, process manufacturers can implement best practices for optimizing their engineering, manufacturing and supply chain operations. As a result, AspenTech customers are better able to increase capacity, improve margins, reduce costs and become more energy efficient. To see how the world’s leading process manufacturers rely on AspenTech to achieve their operational excellence goals, visit www.aspentech.com.
Aspenone V7.2 DVD1 光盤目錄--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Aspenone V7.2 DVD2 光盤目錄--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Aspenone V7.2 DVD3 光盤目錄--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Aspenone 2006.5 DVD1 光盤目錄--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Aspenone 2006.5 DVD2 光盤目錄--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Aspenone 2006.5 DVD3(Document) 光盤目錄--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Microsoft Security Essentials 版本: 2.1.1116.0
防惡意軟件客戶端版本: 3.0.8402.0
引擎版本: 1.1.7604.0
防病毒定義: 1.111.351.0
反間諜軟件定義: 1.111.351.0
網絡檢查系統引擎版本: 2.0.5854.0
[安裝測試]★WIN7 英文旗艦版(x86&x64)下測試通過。XP未測試。
[安裝步驟][化工流程模擬系統].Installing_ASPEN_v7.2.pdf ,按照這個文件介紹的步驟安裝,步驟比較多,請耐心一步一步來,安裝所需要的軟件資源中均已提供。AspenONE 2006.5的許可證生成器和V7.2相同!