中文名: 業務流程管理平台
資源格式: 光盤鏡像
版本: V7.1.0
發行時間: 2010年
制作發行: Software AG
地區: 美國
語言: 英文
IDS Scheer 的產品 ARIS 可以為企業提供完整的流程管理服務, 它不僅是一套軟件,也是一套方法和解決方案。在 ARIS 平台上,軟件方案和企業業務是緊密結合的。 ARIS 流程管理平台提供了一整套的流程管理工具,適合企業業務流程的各個方面和各個階段,是企業在尋求持續改進方面不可或缺的產品。ARIS 流程設計平台上的 ARIS 工具套件是世界銷量第一的流程建模工具。
ARIS為分析企業商業流程環境提供了一套規則和方法。在這套規則和方法上所建立的模型具有多維、多視圖、多層次和多格式的特點。它全面反映了企業的組織架構、信息系統和生產實踐之間的關系。 為不同層次、不同部門的人員提供了一個業務交流平台。
ARIS 戰略平台
根據業務流程生命周期理論,IDS Scheer將ARIS系列產品分為戰略、設計、實施、控制四大平台,分別對應業務流程生命周期的戰略、設計、實施、控制四個階段,滿足企業在不同階段優化管理的需求。
Market-Leading Technology for Business Process Management ! IDS Scheer has been optimizing business processes for over 20 years, gaining a wealth of business process management (BPM) experience that has driven the development of ARIS Platform. Research by leading technology analysts highlights the market-leading position enjoyed by ARIS Platform due to this combination of extensive project experience and innovative software development. With its intuitive user interface, smart Web technologies, and high level of scalability, ARIS is the benchmark for enterprise-wide BPM. Integration with various modeling methods and frameworks, such as, EPC, UML, BPEL, BPMN, ITIL, TOGAF, DoDAF, TEAF/FEAF, ArchiMate, and Zachman, supports the deployment of ARIS in many different business areas. All these methods are combined in the central ARIS repository.
Software and Procedure Models for Business Process Excellence
ARIS Solutions combine selected ARIS products with ARIS Value Engineering procedure models designed to meet specific needs. These specialist solution portfolios have proven successful in numerous customer projects. Leveraging this experience enables fast, cost-effective creation of customized solutions. All solutions are based on the central, integrated ARIS repository, so data can be exchanged and processed across multiple solutions. All the targeted user groups - organizational department and management, operational and IT departments, and financial controllers - work in an integrated environment. Integrated process management is therefore possible throughout the enterprise.
Modules of ARIS Platform
Based on IDS Scheer’s approach to BPM projects, the ARIS Platform products are assigned to four specialized modules:
ARIS Solutions for Business Process Excellence
ARIS Design Platform
Careful analysis and continuous optimization of business processes can deliver a real competitive advantage. Conversely, a random approach to process design negatively impacts a company’s bottom line. This insight is causing successful companies to adopt ARIS Design Platform as a way of aligning their business processes with customer requirements.
ARIS Strategy Platform
For defining business strategies, implementing them in operational processes, and performing continuous monitoring of target systems.
ARIS Implementation Platform
For transferring business process models to SAP NetWeaver, creating service-oriented architectures, process-driven software engineering, and managing business rules.
ARIS Controlling Platform
For dynamic monitoring of current business processes and establishing an enterprise-wide compliance management system.
More information:
Install notes:
Unpack, burn or mount with D-Tools & install
Check Crack/instructions.txt on DVD