中文名: 瑞士Bitplane三維細胞結構分析軟件
英文名: Bitplane Imaris
資源格式: 壓縮包
版本: v7.2.1 Win32|Win64
發行時間: 2010年
制作發行: Bitplane AG
地區: 瑞士
語言: 英文
Bitplane Imaris 快速、精確且簡單易用的三維細胞結構生物顯微影像分析處理軟件。可輸出普通的TIFF格式、QuickTime和AVI格式。Bitplane的Imaris系列模塊是生命科學領域中的顯微圖像分析中,多維圖像處理和分析的主導軟件。它由多個模塊組成,主要包括
Imaris 7.2版軟件包中新增功能包括:
ImageJ/Fiji 圖像處理軟件為Imaris用戶提供了強大的過濾器和為眾多生物醫學成像應用而開發的宏。現在,用戶可以在Imaris中分析觀察實驗,然後通過各種過濾器及個別3D/4D圖像的轉換對圖像進行更深一步的分析。
Xuv tools——生物醫學領域中高度自動化的3D無縫拼接軟件
可靠的多圖像3D水平拼接是實驗數據觀察分析環節中最重要的一步。進行3D圖像拼接中最具挑戰性的是將具有多重迭區域及具有部分重迭區域的多張3D圖片還原為細胞或組織。通過Xuv tools即可將共聚焦圖像獲得的多個圖像拼接成為一張完整的大視野圖像,並傳入Imaris軟件中進行多維觀察及分析。
現在,Imaris軟件可Andor iQ多維圖像。讀取的iQ文件包含了圖像參數,縮略圖,圖像文件名稱篩選等多種分類指標,在眾多的實驗圖像中進行查找變得簡單直觀。
Windows2000/512MB內存/1GCPU/支持OpenGL顯卡;高端系統要求:WindowsXP/3GB內存 /3.6G CPU/ ATI RADEON X800 顯卡/高速硬盤
Imaris is Biplane’s core software module that delivers all the necessary functionality for visualization, segmentation and interpretation of 3D and 4D microscopy datasets. Combining speed, precision and ease-of-use, Imaris provides a complete set of features for working with three- and four-dimensional multi-channel images of any size, from a few megabytes to multiple gigabytes in size. Conveniently load, process and visualize images acquired from almost any confocal and wide field microscope to gain new and groundbreaking insight from your image data.
Imaris is Biplane’s core software module that delivers all the necessary functionality for visualization, segmentation and interpretation of 3D and 4D microscopy datasets. Combining speed, precision and ease-of-use, Imaris provides a complete set of features for working with three- and four-dimensional multi-channel images of any size, from a few megabytes to multiple gigabytes in size. Conveniently load, process and visualize images acquired from almost any confocal and wide field microscope to gain new and groundbreaking insight from your image data.
Imaris allows visualization of original and derived data objects in a real time interactive manner so you can quickly make visual assessments of your experiments in 3D and 4D to discover relationships that are otherwise hidden. Its rendering quality, speed, precision and interactivity are unrivalled. With a large variety of segmentation options, Imaris provides you with the most effective tools to segment even the toughest datasets to identify, separate, and visualize individual objects and then utilize the Imaris MeasurementPro module to pull out the statistics.
Imaris includes features to communicate and share results convincingly: The "Snapshot" command is a convenient way to export any image view in a standard format that can be used for presentations and publications. The highly advanced “Key Frame Animator” allows intuitive creation of even the most complex movie from 3D and 4D scenes and allows those movies to be saved as a QuickTime or AVI file. The option to generate a QuickTime VR movie is also provided. No other software gives you so much control at so many levels.
Visualize volume images and objects in real time using a rich selection of rendering modes.
Automatically or manually identify objects based on morphology, intensity, size and many more parameters.
Validate segmentation by superimposing objects on the original volume image.
Interact dynamically with individual objects.
Create the most impressive pictures and animations for your publication with just a few mouse clicks.
The Imaris interface has been carefully designed for the life sciences. Imaris takes away the burden of selecting and managing multiple poorly integrated imaging tools and increases time spent on research. Imaris exploits the latest hardware technologies to put new capabilities at your fingertips.
Since its launch in 1993 Imaris has been installed at hundreds of leading sites throughout Europe, America, and Asia. Imaris has been chosen as the primary tool for image visualization and analysis by individual investigators, core facility managers as well as operators of our Advanced Imaging Centers.
Home : www.bitplane.com
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-|------------------------|- - - - TFT!2010 - -.
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|| ::: [ R e l e a s e . N o t e s ] ::: ||
- - ----'`----------------- - - - - ----------'`---- - -
Supplier...: The Force Team Release date......: 2011/01/08
Packager...: The Force Team Operating system..: WinAll.64Bit
Protection.: License
Size.......: 42x3.00MB
- - -----..--------------------------- - - - - ----..-------- - -
|| ::: [ D e s c r i p t i o n ] ::: ||
- - ----'`----------------- - - - - ----------'`---- - -
Imaris allows visualization of original and derived data objects in
a real time interactive manner so you can quickly make visual
assessments of your experiments in 3D and 4D to discover
relationships that are otherwise hidden. Its rendering quality,
speed, precision and interactivity are unrivalled. With a large
variety of segmentation options, Imaris provides you with the most
effective tools to segment even the toughest datasets to identify,
separate, and visualize individual objects and then utilize the
Imaris MeasurementPro module to pull out the statistics.
Imaris includes features to communicate and share results
convincingly: The "Snapshot" command is a convenient way to export
any image view in a standard format that can be used for
presentations and publications. The highly advanced “Key Frame
Animator” allows intuitive creation of even the most complex movie
from 3D and 4D scenes and allows those movies to be saved as a
QuickTime or AVI file. The option to generate a QuickTime VR movie
is also provided. No other software gives you so much control at so
many levels.
Visualize volume images and objects in real time using a rich
selection of rendering modes.
Automatically or manually identify objects based on morphology,
intensity, size and many more parameters.
Validate segmentation by superimposing objects on the original
volume image.
Interact dynamically with individual objects.
Create the most impressive pictures and stunning movies and
animations for your publication with just a few mouse clicks
The Imaris interface has been carefully designed for the life
sciences. Imaris takes away the burden of selecting and managing
multiple poorly integrated imaging tools and increases time
spent onresearch. Imaris exploits the latest hardware
technologies to put new capabilities at your fingertips.
Since its launch in 1993 Imaris has been installed at hundreds of
leading sites throughout Europe, America, and Asia. Imaris has been
chosen as the primary tool for image visualization and analysis by
individual investigators, core facility managers as well as
operators of our Advanced Imaging Centers.
- - -----..--------------------------- - - - - ----..-------- - -
|| ::: [ I n s t a l l a t i o n ] ::: ||
- - ----'`----------------- - - - - ----------'`---- - -
Unpack and install the program.
copy the contents of the TFT directory to the installation directory-
Overwrite any existing files.
Start the program, press "Browse Files..." and choose bitplane.lic
Done! The program is now ready to be used.
...Enjoy - THE FORCE TEAM 2010!
- - -----..--------------------------- - - - - ----..-------- - -
|| ::: [ N e w s ] ::: ||
- - ----'`----------------- - - - - ----------'`---- - -
* Would you like to join The Force Team ISO?
You think you can contribute?
You have one or more talents in:
- You can manually unpack applications with protections like
- You have good knowledge about cryptography, serial schemes,
License Managers like FlexLM, SentinelLM, SoftLM or hardware
dongles(Hasp4, NetHASP, HaspHL, Sentinel SuperPro, Ssprov2,
Hardlock etc.)
- You might be a programmer with good knowledge of ASM/C/C++
and can create tools for us from our instructions.
- You might be able to create trainers for new pc-games that
runs under Win9X/2K/XP.
- You are a coder who can code your own tools to automatically remove
commercial iso protections like the latest versions of any of the
following: SafeDisc, Securom, Tages, VOB, Laserlok, StarForce.
- You can supply new unreleased utils/games, maybe you work at a
game/util magazine, press/marketing company, warehouse, shop,
design firm, packing companystore, packing companystore,
language translation company etc
..contact us!
[email protected]- - -----..--------------------------- - - - - ----..-------- - -
|| ::: [ G r e e t i n g s ] ::: ||
- - ----'`----------------- - - - - ----------'`---- - -
Fellow competitors and friends who's trying to keep the scene alive...
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