中文名: 化工流程模擬系統工程套裝
英文名: ASPENTECH ASPEN ONE V7 Engineering Suite
別名: aspenONE™ Process Engineering
資源格式: 光盤鏡像
版本: V7.1
發行時間: 2009年
地區: 美國
語言: 多語言
(以上資料由【馬後炮化工論壇 http://bbs.mahoupao.com 】提供,感謝分享。資源僅供學習交流之用,版權歸作者及ASPENTECH公司所有,如需保留,請購買正版軟件。)
適用系統:window XP SP2/window VISTA-x86/windows 7-x86/windows server 2005/windows server 2008/Linux(以上為通過安裝測試的系統)
附帶:ASPEN 官方(含有簡體中文)多國語言補丁,win7-x86,xp-SP2下安裝測試通過
ASPEN ONE V7 document(ASPEN ONE V7 說明書)
安裝說明(XP-SP2)(感謝 海川化工論壇-螢火蟲 提供)
全部資源通過 諾頓NIS2010病毒庫版本2010/5/29)檢測。
AspenTech Core Product Portfolio Unparalleled breadth and depth of offerings
AspenTech's core product portfolio represents the broadest footprint of process optimization solutions in the market. Our best-in-class products span across engineering, manufacturing, and supply chain and are fully aligned with our integrated aspenONE solutions, enabling you to create and maintain sustainable best practices while driving operational excellence.
aspenONE® V7Process Engineering
Aspen Basic Engineering
Aspen Economic Evaluation
Aspen Exchanger Design & Rating
Aspen HYSYS®
Aspen Plus®
Supply & Distribution
Aspen Retail
Aspen Inventory Management and Operations Scheduling™
Aspen Petroleum Supply Chain Planner
Advanced Process Control
Aspen DMCplus®
Planning & Scheduling
Aspen Collaborative Demand Manager™
Aspen Petroleum Scheduler
Aspen PIMS™
Aspen Plant Scheduler™ Family
Aspen Supply Chain Planner™
aspenONE Planning & Scheduling for Olefins
Production Management & Execution
Aspen InfoPlus.21®
Aspen Suite是大型通用流程模擬系統,源於美國能源部七十年代後期在麻省理工學院(MIT)組織的會戰,開發新型第三代流程模擬軟件。該項目稱為“過程工程的先進系統”(Advanced System for Process Engineering,簡稱ASPEN),並於1981年底完成。1982年為了將其商品化,成立了AspenTech公司,並稱之為Aspen Suite。該軟件經過20多年來不斷地改進、擴充和提高,已先後推出了十多個版本,成為舉世公認的標准大型流程模擬軟件,應用案例數以百萬計。全球各大化工、石化、煉油等過程工業制造企業及著名的工程公司都是Aspen Suite的用戶。
Aspen 套件 (Aspen Suite) 主要應用於一些關鍵的領域,如﹕研究和開發階段的數學模擬放大﹑概念設計﹑工藝設計及工程設計﹑工廠開工指導及操作工仿真培訓﹑工藝流程改進及優化﹑工廠脫瓶頸及技術改造﹑工作流集成。
Aspentech 公司不但在供應鏈管理軟件及服務方面是一個領先供應商(在世界化學工業的供應鏈軟件市場佔22.5%份額),而且還能夠把一個公司及其延伸企業的所有方方面面的業務,從電子商務市場直到車間操作室都集成起來,提供端到端的解決方案。
ASPEN ONE V7 新特性:The 7.1 release enhances aspenONE V7 Engineering's ability to help companies increase efficiency and productivity in the face of today’s challenging economy. aspenONE V7 Engineering supports the 7 Best Practices of Engineering Excellence. These best practices are based on proven engineering work processes used by leading AspenTech customers such as BP, BASF, Dow, Fluor, KL Energy, SNC Lavalin and URS.
Enhancements include:
Batch process development innovations — delivering efficient and error-free transfer from lab to pilot to manufacturing, and accelerating process development through improved reaction modeling, solubility modeling, and batch distillation
Faster integrated conceptual engineering with simulation, sizing, and economic analysis — enabling optimization across multiple economic scenarios earlier in the design thereby improving design quality and efficiency
Expansion of the process industry’s most comprehensive physical property database (including the latest NIST data) — enabling reliable out-of-the-box modeling across all process industries and providing a consistent foundation of physical property data for process design and simulation
Additional bio-ethanol, gasification, and CO2 capture process models — enabling accelerated development of alternative energy projects and extending AspenTech’s leadership in clean energy
A new equipment design solution tailored to cryogenic processes such as LNG — enabling customers to accurately size, simulate, and rate multi-stream plate fin exchangers.