中文名: 急速工業渲染器英文名: Bunkspeed HyperShot v1.9.21 資源格式: 壓縮包版本: v1.9.21發行時間: 2009年制作發行: Bunkspeed Inc.地區: 美國語言: 英文簡介:
![IPB Image](https://www.ed2k.online/software/UploadFiles_5327/201707/2017071217402002.jpg)
無聲渲染 — 只需幾分鐘,而不是數小時
渲染全部,無須任何專門技術。現在,任何人都可以為他們的 SolidWorks 設計創建照片質量的圖像 — 只需幾分鐘,而不是數小時。 現在有了 Bunkspeed 提供的 HyperShot 的強大功能,渲染已成為創建過程和工作流程(從設計構思到營銷圖像)中一個簡單而必要的部分。
HyperShot 申報了專利的技術可實現直接渲染,您可以實時創作和處理高分辨率 3D 數字圖像。設計的渲染是動態進行的,其效果極為真實,並且具有全部圖形細節。以前要由專家進行的工作,現在團隊中的任何人都可以完成。
Bunkspeed is proud to present HyperShot 1.9. This upgrade provides significant render performance improvements as well as a number of new features, making HyperShot even more powerful than before. See a detailed list of features and improvements below. The all new bump mapping capability for all materials lets you easily take any image and turn it into a bump map, giving your materials an even more realistic look.
New Features
All new bump mapping
- Place a bump map on any material including metal, plastic, glass, xray, and thinfilm, using any JPEG, TIFF or PNG image.
- Choose from various mapping types (uv, box, planar, cylindrical, spherical).
- Alpha/Transparency channel is supported for bump decal creation.
- Combine with textures on non-transparent materials for the most realistic look.
- Use of true normal maps instead of image file to get the most refined look for bump maps.
- Bump dialog has the same functions as the new and improved texture dialog.
Improved texture manipulation
- Place the center of the texture or decal exactly at the position you want on the model with a single mouse click.
- When experimenting with various textures and decals, a “Reset” button lets you quickly reset all values to quickly start over “with a clean sheet of paper.”
- “Intensity” let’s you control the brightness of the texture on the object with a given material.
Environment height adjustment
- Move the environment up or down relative to its overall size. This gives users greater control over placement of light and reflection of the environment (HDRI).
Better ground shadows
- When rendering the final image, you will notice that the ground shadows are now calculated cleaner every time the “Shadow Quality” parameter is increased.
Interactive realtime window resizing
- Grab the lower right hand corner with the left mouse button and interactively change the size of the realtime window. The aspect ratio will be maintained.
- The realtime window size and final render output size are also connected. Changing the realtime window size interactively or numerically will update the render output size accordingly.
Remember on screen positions of dialogs
- Remember on screen positions of dialogs: In addition to the main dialog and the material library HyperShot now remembers the position of the “Move Object”, “Material Edit”, “Texture Map”, and “Bump Map” dialog during the current session as well as upon restart.
- Remember last opened folder.
- Remember last 5 opened scenes that you’ve worked with under “File”, “Open Recent ...”.
- Size of material library window is stored when closed.
More Interactive dials in addition to numeric input
- Interactive dials have been added to the “Move Object” dialog, as well as “Environment Size.”
![IPB Image](https://www.ed2k.online/software/UploadFiles_5327/201707/2017071217402156.jpg)
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