中文名: 氣動彈性設計與分析英文名: Zona.Zaero資源格式: 壓縮包版本: V8.2發行時間: 2009年08月制作發行: ZONA Technology地區: 美國語言: 英文簡介:
ZAERO是用於飛行器氣動彈性設計和分析的專用軟件。美國ZONA Technology 公司經過幾十年的研究開發及商用化,以及世界各國用戶廣泛使用和實踐,ZAERO已成為飛行器氣動彈性問題所需的強有力設計和分析工具。世界各國的最主要飛機制造商均使用了ZAERO。它是同類商用工程軟件中的最先進最完整的軟件,能求解其它現有同類軟件不能處理的許多問題,其全方位功能比其它同類著名軟件要更強更全面,其差別是數量級的!ZAERO可用來求解下列飛行器的氣動彈性問題:
- 全音速范圍(亞音速,音速,跨音速,超音速,高超音速)非定常氣動求解
- 全機(機翼+機身+外掛)線性/非線性顫振問題,以及
· 氣動伺服(含飛行控制面等因素)顫振
· 陣風載荷
· 機動飛行載荷
· 彈射及拋物載荷
· 微調配平載荷
· 復雜多外掛結構
· 輸入利用風洞及 CFD 數據
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---- Zaero V8.2 Zona ----
( : : )
(_ : 0-xxxxxx.zip .. filename :: type ...... util : _)
( : 06.08.09 ...... date :: language .. english : )
: windows ........ os :: disks ..... 18 :
.:. .:.
:.: description :.:
: :
`. The ZAERO software system is a powerful engineering tool that .'
integrates all essential disciplines required for advanced
aeroelastic design and analysis. ZAERO supports the following
engineering disciplines:
* Flutter
* Parametric Flutter for Aircraft with Stores
* Non-Linear Flutter
* Aeroservoelasticity
* Transient Gust Loads
* Transient Maneuver Loads
* Transient Ejection Loads
* Trim Loads
A Unified Aerodynamic Influence Coefficient (UAIC) matrix
scheme allows for flutter, static aeroelastic and
aeroservoelastic analyses to be performed in subsonic,
transonic, supersonic, and hypersonic Mach numbers. A high
fidelity geometry package provides for easy modeling of
complex aircraft configurations that can include fuselage,
stores, engine inlets, etc. Built-in spline methods establish
accurate interfacing between structural FEA and aerodynamic
models. Structural modal results are directly imported from
other commercial FEA codes. ZAERO's modal importer currently
supports numerous FEA codes including MSC.Nastran, UAI
Nastran, CSA Nastran, NE Nastran, ASTROS, I-DEAS, ELFINI,
Genesis, and a free-formatted input for use by any other
FEA software. Versatile graphic output capability allows
for viewing of all facets of the aeroelastic analysis and
design process using a host of commercially available graphic
software packages. ZAERO is a professional software
engineering tool that can efficiently solve your most
demanding industrial aeroelastic and aeroservoelastic problems.
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/| prerequisite |\
| |
| The Network version of ZAERO requires that the Orion server be |
| installed. During each ZAERO execution, a token is checked out |
| from the server. When the ZAERO job terminates, the same token |
| will be checked back into the server. |
| |
| Java Environment: |
| Java SDK 1.3.1 (or above) is needed to run Orion server. |
| Java SDK or JRE 1.3.1 (or above) is needed to run ZAERO. |
| Download and installation instructions can be found at the web |
| sites of Hewlett Packard (HP), Sun Microsystems, IBM, or SGI. |
| |
| |
| installation |
| |
| Unpack and install. |
| Copy contents of Crack to installation dir. |
| Enjoy. |
:... ...:
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nerv(sac asl).