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3rd PlanIt v8.06.004 *INCL.KEYMAKER*
Cracked by.... tam Release-Name.. CR-XXI01.ZIP
Supplied...... CORE Release-Date.. 2009/03/13
Packaged...... Bergelmir Release-Type.. Util
² Protection.... Serial OS............ Windows ²
Crack/SN...... Keymaker Language...... English
Rating........ You decide! Disks......... 16
°² ²
² .. DESCRiPTiON .. ²
² ²
² ²
² The Premier Track Planning Tool for All Scales ²
² ²
² Version 8 offers you unparalleled design capabilities for your ²
² railroad layout. Built on a strong, innovative set of design ²
² tools, the new 3D terrain and landscape features let you really ²
² visualize your layout like never before. Its powerful Dynamic ²
² Design Tools let you quickly build precise track of any design. ²
² And a comprehensive suite of 3D Object Design Tools let you craft ²
² buildings, rolling stock, equipment, automobiles, cranes, boats ²
² and just about anything you can imagine. ²
² ²
² High-speed, textured, 3D rendering brings life to your track plan. ²
² You can position your viewpoint at any location to evaluate your ²
² design. And when you're done, you can print 1 1 Cross-Sections so ²
² you can cut bulkheads for the terrain you've designed. 3rd PlanIt ²
² is a complete package, from CAD design, to simulation, to aids for ²
² building your design. ²
² ²
² Take a tour through Gerry Baldwin's HO layout, complete with ²
² backdrop, tunnels, rolling stock, terrain and buildings. He's even ²
² entered his layout room in detail, complete with desk and chair, ²
² carpeting and transparent windows, With 3rd PlanIt, you can plan ²
² your layout to whatever level of detail you like! ²
² ²
² The Standard Library with Automatic Rescaling makes all objects ²
² available in all scales so you can easily place buildings and ²
² rolling stock in any scale drawing. This allows you to easily use ²
² buildings designed for another scale in your track plan as ²
² placeholders, or templates for scratchbuilding. ²
² ²
² Other recent additions allow you to rotate, tilt and roll objects ²
² around their centers. The new Multi-Sense User Interface offers ²
² every user a work environment they find preferable. If you're a ²
² user of AutoCAD* or another program with a Click-Move-Click ²
² interface, you'll be right at home on this new version of 3rd ²
² PlanIt. In its standard mode, you can free intermix Press-Move- ²
² Release control with Click-Move-Click . Or, you can set the ²
² program to use only a single interface style, optimized for ²
² familiarity and convenience. ²
² ²
² URL http //www.trackplanning.com/ ²
² ²
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² Use our keymaker to register the application. ²
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² .. iMPORTANT NOTE .. ²
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² Run CORE10k.EXE to verify this release, if CRC-check fails or ²
² even CORE10k.EXE is missing - you are probably using webshit! ²
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² else ²
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² Thanks for choosing ²
² C hallenge O f R everse E ngineering! ²
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² - not available - ²
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nfO UPdATED ON 2008/01/08
c C.O.R.E. 2 0 0 9