中文名: 集成電路芯片設計工具英文名: HDL Design Entry EASE 7.2.R5別名: 電路設計輸入環境資源格式: 壓縮包制作發行: hdlworks地區: 美國語言: 英文簡介:
EASE可提供對VHDL、Verilog、FPGA和ASIC的混合語言等電路設計輸入最佳環境,當完成設計後,允許使用者自行選擇自己喜歡,由EASE提供獨立的合成與模擬工具。在市場上,EASE提供最直覺的設計輸入環境,而且不管是對初學者或進階者,提供HDL設計所需的特性,可選擇文字方式或圖形方式進行設計,EASE會自動依你選擇的編程語言將圖形轉換成對應的HDL語言。VHDL(VHSIC Hardware description language-高速集成電路描述語言;VHSIC- Very High Speed Integrated Circuit:高速集成電路)引用EASE offers the best of both worlds with your choice of graphical or text based HDL entry. You don’t need to be a master of either Verilog or VHDL. When you're creating a new design, just enter your design using your mix of graphics and text. EASE automatically generates optimized HDL code for you in the selected language - VHDL or Verilog. Industry standard version control environments deal with design and configuration management enabling multiple users to work simultaneously on one EASE project.
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/|_|__|_ HDL Design Entry EASE 7.2.R5 _|__|_|\
| | c HDL Works | |
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| .. |
| 0-0294xx.zip .. filename type ...... util |
| March 06, 2009 ...... date language .. english |
| Windows ........ os disks ..... 5 |
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| ------------------------------------------------------------------ |
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| description |
. . . .
. . EASE offers the best of both worlds with your choice of . .
`.. graphical or text based HDL entry. You don't need to be a ..'
master of either Verilog or VHDL. When you're creating a
new design, just enter your design using your mix of
graphics and text. EASE automatically generates optimized
HDL code for you in the selected language - VHDL or
Verilog. Industry standard version control environments
deal with design and configuration management enabling
multiple users to work simultaneously on one EASE project.
__ __
| Unpack and install. |
___| Copy patch.exe to installdir\bin\pc and run. |___
/|_| Copy license.dat to the installation dir. |_|\
|_| Specify license file on first run. |_|
. | Enjoy. | .
... .. .. ...
. . .. . Quality over Quantity! . .. . .
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--- ----- `. ------------ | | ------------ .' ---- ----
\__________________________ | _________________________________/
| | teamnull at ok dot kz
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