中文名: IMSI 電腦輔助設計軟件英文名: IMSI DesignCAD 3D Max v19資源格式: 壓縮包發行時間: 2009年地區: 美國語言: 英文簡介:
網址:http://www.imsisoft.com/Products ... d/1110/Default.aspx/
DesignCAD 3D Max 是能處理2D草圖和3D模型的 CAD 系統,是一款用於創建精確、專業質量的矢量圖、模型和動畫的最終初學者工具。最新的 Design CAD 3DMax 版本比以往的任何一個版本都強大的多,具有運行速度快,容易學習和使用,兼容 Autodesk AutoCAD 的DWG格式等種種優勢。DesignCAD 3D Max 是你所需要的制圖好幫手,和其他產品比較,DesignCAD 3D Max 優點突出,投入低廉,是制圖設計者的理想選擇。
DesignCAD 3D Max 包含豐富而精確3D和2D模型實體,它使用非常簡單,無論你需要的是復雜的航天飛機,還是簡陋的茅捨,DesignCAD 3D Max 都能讓你的設想實現。
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/|_|__|_ DesignCAD 3D Max 19 _|__|_|\
| | c IMSI | |
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| .. |
| 0-0279xx.zip .. filename type ...... util |
| February 16, 2009 ...... date language .. english |
| Windows ........ os disks ..... 15 |
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| description |
. . . .
. . DesignCAD 3D Max v19 combines easy to learn and use 2D . .
`.. drafting with powerful and precise 3D modeling to unleash ..'
your imagination and creativity. Easily design anything
with its intuitive interface and extensive online help
libraries. DesignCAD 3D MAX is the versatile CAD tool for
beginners and advanced users.
__ __
| Unpack and install. |
___| Use the serial 0000-0000-0000-0000. |___
/|_| Copy contents of Crack to the installation dir. |_|\
|_| Enjoy. |_|
. | | .
... .. .. ...
. . .. . Quality over Quantity! . .. . .
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--- ----- `. ------------ | | ------------ .' ---- ----
\__________________________ | _________________________________/
| | [email protected]
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