《專業數據建模工具》(Embarcadero ER/Studio )[壓縮包],行業軟件、資源下載 簡介: 中文名: 專業數據建模工具英文名: Embarcadero ER/Studio 資源格式: 壓縮包發行時間: 2008年制作發行: Embarcadero Technologies地區: 美國語言: 英文簡介: 語言:英語 網址:http://www.embarcadero.com/products/erstudio/ 類別:專業數據建模工具 FROM net 引用E
"《專業數據建模工具》(Embarcadero ER/Studio )[壓縮包],行業軟件、資源下載"介紹
中文名: 專業數據建模工具英文名: Embarcadero ER/Studio 資源格式: 壓縮包發行時間: 2008年制作發行: Embarcadero Technologies地區: 美國語言: 英文簡介:
FROM net
引用Embarcadero Technologies 近日發布了適用於數據管理專業人員的 ER/Studio 8.0,該工具提供了模型驅動方法,可實現企業內部從數據源到目標位置的數據跟蹤查找。ER/Studio 含有 Visual Data Lineage(可視化數據血統)功能,可幫助數據體系結構設計師和建模工程師解決有關數據集成、合並和規范化的業務問題。
ER/Studio 8.0 是第一款提供企業內部數據血統可視化表示的專業數據建模工具,允許數據專業人員在數據源和目標之間進行影響分析,並且無需查看代碼即可實現可視化數據流分析和歸檔。
“由於規范化的沖擊以及理解和歸檔數據源的強烈需要,有效跟蹤數據血統的任務已經變得無比重要,”CDO Technologies 高級安全分析師 Ron Lewis 說。“使用其最新 Visual Data Lineage(可視化數據血統)功能,ER/Studio 8.0 簡化了在數據庫和平面文件之間跟蹤數據移動的方法,最終有助於我們更好地理解政府客戶組織中的數據資源。這使我們在促進數據合並、SOA 遷移、FISMA 順應性和 DIACAP 需要等多個方面受益。”
ER/Studio 8.0 其他主要新功能包括 Sybase IQ 12.5 和 Microsoft SQL Server 2008等最新的數據庫管理系統 (DBMS)的支持 、輕量級目錄訪問協議 (LDAP) 集成、屬性級子模型、對象級比較標記。
“隨著連續不斷的行業並購、規范化和 SOA 的提出,本來已經十分艱巨的數據管理工作面臨的壓力越來越大。這觸發了對采用能夠改善組織機構中數據質量和連續性的工具前所未有的需要,”Embarcadero Technologies 產品副總裁 Michael Swindell 說。“通過向公司提供對其業務數據的深刻理解,ER/Studio 可幫助他們減少與數據管理相關的許多風險。”
ER/Studio 8.0 的主要新功能和優點包括:
•Visual Data Lineage(可視化數據血統):在整個企業范圍內可視化表示出數據所在位置、數據流動和更改方式,賦予用戶自動靈活的處理程序和更加豐富的元數據。
•LDAP 集成:一個通過 LDAP 和 Active Directory 集成來管理用戶儲存庫訪問的自動方法,減少了在儲存庫安全層復制用戶帳戶更改的需要。
•企業體系結構支持:通過 EA/Studio 向該工具的現有數據建模功能添加業務流程建模和概念建模,提供企業級數據體系結構支持。
•擴展 DBMS 支持:通過支持 Sybase IQ 12.5 和 Microsoft SQL Server 2008,ER/Studio 目前支持所有主要數據庫管理系統的數據建模工具,使得用戶可以靈活使用任何數據庫類型。
Embarcadero ER/Studio 建模套件
Embarcadero 建模工具套件提供了一個用於分析、設計、創建和維護業務流程模型、概念模型、邏輯模型和物理模型的完整環境,可滿足數據建模和企業體系結構建模的雙重需要。Embarcadero 建模組件中含有多個可單獨或成套購買的工具,包括數據建模工具 (ER/Studio)、服務器端模型儲存庫工具 (ER/Repository)、元數據搜索和報告工具 (ER/Portal)、業務流程和概念建模工具 (EA/Studio)、模式確認工具 (Schema Examiner) 以及一個元數據集成工具 (MetaWizard)。
ER/Studio 8.0 目前可在全球廣泛使用。有關 ER/Studio 或 Embarcadero 完整建模工具套件的詳細信息,請訪問 http://www.embarcadero.com/products/erstudio/index.html。
關於 Embarcadero Technologies
Embarcadero Technologies, Inc 為應用程序開發和數據庫專業人員提供用於在他們自己所選擇的環境中設計、構建和運行軟件應用程序的開發工具。全球超過三百萬用戶和《財富》雜志評出的全球 100 強中的 90 家公司都依賴 Embarcadero 的 CodeGear™ 和 DatabaseGear™ 產品來提高生產率、進行開放式合作以及自由創新。創立於 1993 年的 Embarcadero 總部位於舊金山,分支機構遍布全球。Embarcadero 網站地址 www.embarcadero.com。
引用Embarcadero ER/Studio, an industry-leading data modeling tool, helps companies discover, document, and re-use data assets. With round-trip database support, data architects have the power to easily reverse-engineer, analyze, and optimize existing databases. Productivity gains and enforcement of organizational standards can be achieved with ER/Studio's strong collaboration capabilities.
ER/Studio offers:
Model-driven design environment
Complete database lifecycle support
Enterprise model management
Enterprise communication capabilities
Data warehouse and integration support
Quality database designs
What's New
ER/Studio 8.0 offers a new visual data lineage component to perform impact analyses between data sources. This allows users to visually analyze and document how data flows through the organization. ER/Studio 8.0 also includes new time-saving features for attribute-level sub-modeling and Compare options. For a complete list of new features in ER/Studio 8.0, see the New Features Guide.
Product Editions
ER/Studio Standard - Provides complete environment for analyzing, designing, creating, and maintaining database applications.
ER/Studio Enterprise - Includes the server-side ER/Studio Repository for improved teamwork and enterprise collaboration and Embarcadero's business process and conceptual modeling tool, EA/Studio.
ER/Studio Add-On Products:
ER/Studio Enterprise Portal - Browser-based solution which allows organizations to share, browse and report on the metadata contained in the ER/Studio repository for improved data and metadata management practices.
MetaWizard - Integrate metadata across modeling tools, business intelligence, ETL platforms and industry-standard exchange formats (XMI, XML and XSD). This tool enables ER/Studio to integrate with more than seventy other applications by sharing meta-data through an import-export capability.
Universal Data Models - Standard and Industry data model templates for ER/Studio that reduce the development time of database-related projects by an average of 60 percent, as well as improve the quality of existing and new data models.
ER/Studio Viewer - View, navigate and print ER/Studio models in a view-only environment. ER/Studio Viewer features the same sophisticated and advanced viewing, navigation and printing functionality.
EA/Studio - Business process and conceptual modeling tool for connecting process and data.
Revision Information:
Current Version: 8.0
Prior Version: 7.6.1
Current Release: January, 2009
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/|_|__|_ ERStudio _|__|_|\
| | c Embarcadero | |
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| February 01, 2009 ...... date language .. english |
| Windows ........ os disks ..... 27 |
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| description |
. . . .
. . Embarcadero ER/Studio, an industry-leading data modeling . .
`.. tool, helps companies discover, document, and re-use data ..'
assets. With round-trip database support, data architects
have the power to easily reverse-engineer, analyze, and
optimize existing databases. Productivity gains and
enforcement of organizational standards can be achieved
with ER/Studio's strong collaboration capabilities.
read nfo
Well here we go again, another group getting pissy because
we released something they did previously. This is now the
second lame attempt by xforce to proper us. The SideFX
Houdini proper we let slide since we like the work
xforce does and figure they would learn to live with
competition. In any case we knew the real nukers of the
scene who actually test before they nuke would find that
our SideFX Houdini releases are 100% working. But now this
Objeectering proper.. they are just acting like children,
plain and simple. A group thats been around as long as
xforce should know what the scene rules are.. but it seems
we have to explain some of the finer points to them
1 The size of the xforce Objecteering proper is far
beyond the acceptable size given in any 0day releasing
rules and also beyond what the majority of sites accept.
Putting no effort in to ripping down to a reasonable size
is just lazy.
2 If a group releases a cracked application that is fully
working, you can not proper them by releasing a
keygen+patch as xforce did in their Houdini proper.
3 Patched FlexLM applications are perfectly acceptable.
If they were not, then there are alot of releases by
oddity, recoil, tbe, and even xforce yes you guys release
apps with the flexlm patched too! that need to be nuked.
4 If a group releases a proper, they need to cite proof
and examples of how their release is working where the
other is not. We would welcome any real proof that any of
our releases are not working and would group.request it if
the proof was valid. But xforce did not give any
legitimate reasons in either one of their propers.
Instead they filled their nfos with insults, biased
opinions and conjecture.
The behavior they are exhibiting is reckless and immature
and frankly we expect better of a group as old as them.
Their nfos are indistinguishable from any other kiddie
group around today and that's just sad. The scene is built
on competition.. that's what keeps it going and that's
what makes it fun. If you guys have such a problem with
other groups releasing applications you have done in the
past, then you should spend more time watching for updates
and less time thinking up childish insults and fake proper
reasons to put in your nfos.
__ __
| Unpack and install. |
___| Copy patch.exe to the installation dir and run. |___
/|_| Enjoy. |_|\
|_| |_|
. | | .
... .. .. ...
. . .. . Quality over Quantity! . .. . .
__ __
--- ----- `. ------------ | | ------------ .' ---- ----
\__________________________ | _________________________________/
| | [email protected]
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