《Cadence PCB設計》(Cadence Allegro PCB Design v16.2)[光盤鏡像],行業軟件、資源下載 簡介: 中文名: Cadence PCB設計英文名: Cadence Allegro PCB Design v16.2資源格式: 光盤鏡像發行時間: 2008年地區: 美國語言: 英文簡介: 下載鏈接來自TLF,未經過安裝測試與安全檢測,使用者後果自負. 版權歸原作者及其公司所有,如果你喜歡,請購買正版。 該下載僅限個人測試學習之用,不得用於商業用途,並且請在下載後24小時內刪除。 語言:英語 網
"《Cadence PCB設計》(Cadence Allegro PCB Design v16.2)[光盤鏡像],行業軟件、資源下載"介紹
中文名: Cadence PCB設計英文名: Cadence Allegro PCB Design v16.2資源格式: 光盤鏡像發行時間: 2008年地區: 美國語言: 英文簡介:
Cadence® 是世界上最大的電子設計技術和配套服務的 EDA 供貨商之一。Cadence® Allegro® 則是 Cadence 推出的先進 PCB 設計布線工具。 Allegro 提供了良好且交互的工作接口和強大完善的功能,和它前端產品 Capture 的結合,為當前高速、高密度、多層的復雜 PCB 設計布線提供了最完美解決方案。
Allegro 擁有完善的 Constraint 設定,用戶只須按要求設定好布線規則,在布線時不違反 DRC 就可以達到布線的設計要求,從而節約了煩瑣的人工檢查時間,提高了工作效率!更能夠定義最小線寬或線長等參數以符合當今高速電路板布線的種種需求。
軟件中的 Constraint Manger提供了簡潔明了的接口方便使用者設定和查看 Constraint 宣告。它與Cadence® OrCAD® Capture 的結合讓 E.E. 電子工程師在繪制線路圖時就能設定好規則數據,並能一起帶到Allegro工作環境中,自動在擺零件及布線時依照規則處理及檢查,而這些規則數據的經驗值均可重復使用在相同性質的電路板設計上。
Allegro 除了上述的功能外,其強大的自動推擠 push 和貼線 hug 走線以及完善的自動修線功能更是給用戶提供極大的方便;強大的貼圖功能,可以提供多用戶同時處理一塊復雜板子,從而大大地提高了工作效率。或是利用選購的切圖功能將電路版切分成各個區塊,讓每個區塊各有專職的人同時進行設計 ,達到同份圖多人同時設計並能縮短時程的目的 。
用戶在布線時做過更名、聯機互換以及修改邏輯後,可以非常方便地回編到 Capture 線路圖中,線路圖修改後也可以非常方便地更新到 Allegro 中;用戶還可以在 Capture 與 Allegro 之間對對象的互相點選及修改。
對於業界所重視的銅箔的繪制和修改功能, Allegro 提供了簡單方便的內層分割功能,以及能夠對正負片內層的檢閱。對於鋪銅也可分動態銅或是靜態銅,以作為鋪大地或是走大電流之不同應用。動態銅的參數可以分成對所有銅、單一銅或單一對象的不同程度設定,以達到銅箔對各接點可設不同接續效果或間距值等要求,來配合因設計特性而有的特殊設定。
在輸出的部分,底片輸出功能包含 274D 、 274X 、 Barco DPF 、 MDA 以及直接輸出 ODB++ 等多樣化格式數據當然還支持生產所需的 Pick Place 、NC Drill 和 Bare-Board Test 等等原始數據輸出。
Allegro 所提供的強大輸入輸出功能更是方便與其它相關軟件的溝通,例如 ADIVA 、 UGS(Fabmaster) 、 VALOR 、 Agilent ADS… 或是機構的 DXF 、 IDF……… 。
為了推廣整個先進 EDA 市場 ,Allegro 提供了 OrCAD Layout 、 PADS 、 P-CAD 等接口,讓想轉換 PCB Layout 軟件的使用者,對於舊有的圖檔能順利轉換至 Allegro 中。 Allegro 有著 操作方便,接口友好,功能強大,整合性好 等諸多優點,是一家公司投資 EDA 軟件的理想選擇!
With its comprehensive feature set, Cadence® Allegro® PCB Design offers the leading physical and electrical constraint-driven PCB layout and interconnect routing system. The fully integrated design flow includes design creation, library creation, placement, interactive routing and editing, automatic routing, and interfaces for manufacturing and mechanical CAD. The user interface is intuitive, easy-to-use, and consistent throughout the design flow. Large, dense PCB designs with high-speed interfaces can utilize Global Routing Environment technology for intelligent interconnect planning and routing automation.
Provides a scalable, full-featured PCB design solution
Enables a constraint-driven design flow to reduce design iterations
Provides a single, consistent, front-to-back constraint management environment
Delivers an integrated RF/analog design and mixed-signal design environment
Provides interactive floorplanning and component placement
Provides design partitioning for large, dispersed development teams
Enables real-time, interactive push/shove etch editing
Allows real-time plowing/healing with dynamic shape technology
Manages net scheduling, timing, crosstalk, layer set routing, and geometric constraints
Provides proven PCB Router technology for auto-routing of random signals
Captures design intent for interconnects through hierarchical flow planning
Shortens interconnect planning and routing time for dense designs with high-speed interfaces
Outputs design data in a variety of manufacturing formats
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Allegro PCB Design quickly takes simple or complex designs from concept to
production in a constraint-driven design system. Its scalable platform allows
designers to cost-effectively match the needs of small to large projects.
With its comprehensive feature set, Cadence« Allegro« PCB Design offers the
leading physical and electrical constraint-driven PCB layout and interconnect
routing system. The fully integrated design flow includes design creation,
library creation, placement, interactive routing and editing, automatic
routing, and interfaces for manufacturing and mechanical CAD. The user
interface is intuitive, easy-to-use, and consistent throughout the design
flow. Large, dense PCB designs with high-speed interfaces can utilize Global
Routing Environment technology for intelligent interconnect planning and
routing automation.
- Provides a scalable, full-featured PCB design solution
- Enables a constraint-driven design flow to reduce design iterations
- Provides a single, consistent, front-to-back constraint management
- Delivers an integrated RF/analog design and mixed-signal design environment
- Provides interactive floorplanning and component placement
- Provides design partitioning for large, dispersed development teams
- Enables real-time, interactive push/shove etch editing
- Allows real-time plowing/healing with dynamic shape technology
- Manages net scheduling, timing, crosstalk, layer set routing, and
geometric constraints
- Provides proven PCB Router technology for auto-routing of random signals
- Captures design intent for interconnects through hierarchical flow planning
- Shortens interconnect planning and routing time for dense designs
with high-speed interfaces
- Outputs design data in a variety of manufacturing formats
http //www.cadence.com/products/pcb/pcb_design/pages/default.aspx
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1. unpack the files
2. burn or mount the image
3. install
4. Check SHooters Dir Readme.txt
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Greetings to Oddity,Paradox,ENiGMA,ViRiLiTY,nGEN and NUll !!