《多體系統動力學仿真》(Functionbay RecurDyn v7 R1)[Bin],行業軟件、資源下載 簡介: 中文名: 多體系統動力學仿真英文名: Functionbay RecurDyn v7 R1資源格式: 光盤鏡像發行時間: 2008年制作發行: FunctionBay地區: 美國簡介: 下載連接來自TLF,未經過安全檢測與安裝測試,使用後果自負與本論壇無關 資源版權歸作者及其公司所有,如果你喜歡,請購買正版 語言:英語 網址:http://www.functionbay.com/ 類別:多
"《多體系統動力學仿真》(Functionbay RecurDyn v7 R1)[Bin],行業軟件、資源下載"介紹
中文名: 多體系統動力學仿真英文名: Functionbay RecurDyn v7 R1資源格式: 光盤鏡像發行時間: 2008年制作發行: FunctionBay地區: 美國簡介:
— 虛擬產品設計開發工具
RecurDyn (Recursive Dynamic)是由韓國FunctionBay公司基於其劃時代算法——遞歸算法開發出的新一代多體系統動力學仿真軟件。它采用相對坐標系運動方程理論和完全遞歸算法,非常適合於求解大規模及復雜接觸的多體系統動力學問題。
傳統的動力學分析軟件對於機構中普遍存在的接觸碰撞問題解決得遠遠不夠完善,這其中包括過多的簡化、求解效率低下、求解穩定性差等問題,難以滿足工程應用的需要。基於此,韓國FunctionBay 公司充分利用最新的多體動力學理論,基於相對坐標系建模和遞歸求解,開發出RecurDyn軟件。該軟件具有令人震撼的求解速度與穩定性,成功地解決了機構接觸碰撞中上述問題,極大地拓展了多體動力學軟件的應用范圍。 RecurDyn不但可以解決傳統的運動學與動力學問題,同時是解決工程中機構接觸碰撞問題的專家。
RecurDyn 借助於其特有的MFBD(Multi Flexible Body Dynamics)多柔體動力學分析技術,可以更加真實地分析出機構運動中的部件的變形,應力,應變。RecurDyn 中的MFBD技術用於分析柔性體的大變形非線性問題,以及柔性體之間的接觸,柔性體和剛性體相互之間的接觸問題。 傳統的多體動力學分析軟件只可以考慮柔性體的線型變形,對於大變形,非線性,以及柔性體之間的相互接觸就無能為力了。
RecurDyn 中為用戶提供了完整的解決方案,包含控制,電子,液壓以及CFD,為用戶的產品開發提供了完整的產品虛擬仿真、開發平台。
RecurDyn 的專業模塊還包括,送紙機構模塊,齒輪元件模塊,鏈條分析模塊,皮帶分析模塊,高速運動履帶分析模塊,低速運動履帶分析模塊,輪胎模塊,發動機開發設計模塊。
RecurDyn 給用戶提供了一套完整的虛擬產品解決方案,可以和控制,流體,液壓等集合在一起進行分析。形成,機、電、液一體化分析。
Functionbay 公司簡介
成立於1997年,創辦人為Dr. J.H. Choi 和Dr. D.S. Bae, 這兩位分別為世界知名多體動力學大師Prof. A.A.Shabana 和Prof. E. J. Haug 的門徒。RecurDyn 是FunctionBay Inc.所研發和行銷產品名稱。目前業務行銷總部設置於日本東京,技術研究總部設置於韓國漢城。結合世界各地一流專家共同研發新一代多剛柔體動力學的計算核心,目前共有全球7所大學共10個研究實驗室共同參加,這樣的技術整合也是前所未有,勝過以往軟體研發團隊陣容,全球的市場布局也遍及五大洲,目前設有分公司區域有日本、韓國、美國、中國、德國、印度等。
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______________________________ PROUDLY PRESENTS _______________________________
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RecurDyn/Professional is a complete solution for creating and simulating
multi-flexible bodies of dynamics models. Powerful pre- and post-processing,
an easy to use, intuitive Windows interface, and a fast, state-of-the-art
solver gives you a very powerful design and analysis tool for complex
mechanisms. With fully integrated linear and non-linear FEA capabilities,
you can create detailed, realistic models for design studies and improving
your product s performance.
Based on the Parasolid kernel, the RecurDyn modeler has everything you expect
from a state-of-the-art, professional CAE tool.
- Geometries, profiles modeling Parasolid
- CAD operations
- CAD translations
- Parasolid .x_b, .x_t, .xmt_txt, .xmt_bin
- STEP .step, .stp option
- ACIS .sat option
- IGES .igs option
- Sophisticated post processing
- Conformance to industry-standard conventions
- Easy to use design and simulation utilities
- Familiar, intuitive Windows interface
- Parameterization
- Interactive simulation and visualization
- Menu and toolbar customization
- Single and multiple screen picking selection
- Drag and drop, cut and paste
- Split window
- Multi-model, Multi-tasking
The RecurDyn/Solver is based on a fully recursive algorithm. By using
relative coordinate systems, the number of generalized coordinates and
constraint equations is minimized. As a result, the equations of motion
for the multi body dynamics system can be solved very quickly.
RecurDyn is 2 to 10 times faster than other MBD solutions letting you carry
out more design iterations in less time and concentrate on improving performance,
not running software.
Not only is the RecurDyn solver very fast, it is also highly robust and stable.
RecurDyn is very effective at solving complex contact and high-speed problems.
- Pre analysis
- Static analysis
- Dynamic analysis
- Recursive formula in using relative coordinate
- DASSL/Implicit G-Alpha/Track G-Alpha Integrator
The three types of contact in RecurDyn are general, primitive, and toolkits. The
general contact uses CAD geometry data, while the primitive contact uses the pre-
defined shape, and the toolkit contact is optimized in each RecurDyn/Toolkit.
RecurDyn lets you build a complex system from several subsystems, and simulate
each subsystem or the total system.
url http //www.functionbay.com/ /url
Thanks Team Oddity for the nice Crack
圻哌哌咣 哌哌哌哌哌哌哌哌哌哌哌哌哌哌哌哌哌哌哌哌哌哌哌哌哌哌哌哌哌哌哌哌哌哌?
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1. unpack the files
2. burn or mount the image
3. install
4. Check Readme.txt into Shooters Dir
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Greetings to Oddity,Paradox,ENiGMA,ViRiLiTY,TBE all we have forgot
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[email protected] 圻哌哌哌哌?圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圯?苘圹圮 哌?
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