快捷 與其他CAM系統相比,CAMWorks可節 省50%編程時間。
易學 基於SolidWorks平臺,完全掌握只需3天
開放 秉承了SolidWorks可二次開發和集成的全部優點。
智慧 國際上唯一採用可加工特徵自動識別 技術的軟體。
集成 基於資料庫技術,支援各種應用介面,符合產品全生命週期PLM的應用理念
採用獨創的自動特徵識別AFR與交互識特徵識別IFR技術,能夠方便快捷地識別出零件幾何特徵。自動提取CAD模型的加工工藝參數,自動形成加工工序結構樹。設計者可以直接從知識庫中提取所需要的加工工藝資訊,也可對資料庫進行修改和管理。在 SolidWorks 設計環境下完成零件 3D CAD 的造型(或其他 CAD 模型資料導入),所有加工操作在同一環境下完成。
CAMWorks 可支援 2-7 軸的數控銑削、車削、線切割、等加工方式,並可直接在實體模型上進行數控加工類比。CAMWorks 採用了特徵歷史樹和聯合加工技術,將不同的加工工序組成邏輯組,排列成樹結構,通過視覺化介面檢查和編輯,簡化了複雜刀具路徑的生成,縮短特徵改變以後對刀具路徑重新編排的時間。應用於二維和三維的零件加工、模具加工、及逆向工程。支援主要的CAD/CAM/NC標準資料格式,具備上百種機床的後置處理。
代碼 ?
苘圻 ? LineZer0 懿? ?苘 懿? 薏苘 ?
苘膊槽?草 ? 哕? ?? 苒曹 卟曹 ?苘策?懿?
弑膊圹圮 ?? 薏?圯 哌? 薏膊策?苘膊鄄?
薏圹圹圻 草 苘策 哕?懿?薏苘圻?苘槽圹咣圹?
槽圹圯 膊圮哌苓 懿圮 薏??懿膊 苘槽圹哌 圹鄄
槽圹? 卟草 草 哌 懿曹圻哌哌?卟槽圮 薏? 圹鄄?
薏圹圯 ?卟懿曹 苘懿哌?苘膊曹 哕 曹圹?輩? 咣鄄脖苘
薏圹圯 槽圮?哌哌?苘懿圹圹圹鄄曹 掭捋圯薏膊? 捋圹膊?
懿?輩圹? 槽圹圹圹? 膊圹圻哌 咣咣鄄曹掭捋圯薏脖?苒圹圹?懿?
?? 槽圹?薏圹甙卟??薏圹圯 薏?掭捋鄄膊?圹?邊 苒?槽圹? ??
曹 薏圹圯 膊圹 掭 掭 哌哌?懿?苓苒鄄策 ?圹? 苒? 捋圹草 懿
?薏蒉槽圹? 卟圹苓?咣膊膊哌 苘圮鄄哌 茌 ?圹槽圻 懿 捋圹草薏??
膊?膊圹? 捃 卟圹苓?哌 苘槽圹哌苘苘苘 懿咣圹圯 膊草 槽鄄?卟?
??薏蒉槽圹? 策? 苒圹圹曹膊圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹苒咣圹圮 哌? 槽圹草薏???
cpN薏膊 輩圹圯 苘苒圹圹圹鄄脖輩策哌哌哌哌膊槽圹圮敗槽圹圹苘?捋圹脖 膊草cRo
苘膊?輩槽圹圹圹鄄膊哌哌 苘懿槽槽苘? 哌膊圹圮哌膊槽圹圹圹鄄脖 卟曹?
卟膊?鼙輩膊圹膊哌? 苘苘?懿哌 哌膊? 卟槽圯 哌卟槽鄄膊北?膊膊?
捋鄄苘?哌膊? 苘懿槽圹膊 膊? presents 薏圯 薏圹荼膊苘? 卟策?苘懿圹?
苒策槽圻哌 懿? 卟曹 哌? 懿圹? 懿? 哌咣鄄卟圮
膊圯 膊? 懿? ? 哌咣苘苘苘苘苘鄄哌? ? 懿? 輩?捋膊
卟槽?鞍 ?? ??鞍 苒膊?
卟圮苒? 捋苘鄄?
卟苓哕? CAMWorks v2008-08 苘哌懿?
哕?捋? 圯 捋 捋?苘?
捋膊哕懿? Release Date 5/08/2008 卟苘卟槽?
苘苒膊哌? Nfo Date 5/08/2008 12 00 00 AM 哌卟槽苘?
鄄?? ?膊?
圹?? Num. Disks xx/90 OS WinALL ?槽?
圹?? Nfo Time 21 13 00.0937500 Rel Type Application ?槽?
圹?? Cracker dA Archive lz0*.rar ?槽?
圹?? Packer Team Lz0 Rating 9/10 #########- ?槽?
圹?? Supplier Team Lz0 Language English ?槽?
圹?? Protection FlexLM ?槽?
圹?? ?槽?
圹?? Requirements N/A ?槽?
圹?? Publisher URL url http //www.teksoft.com/camworks/camworks.htm /url ?槽?
圹?? Publisher Teksoft ?槽?
圹?? ?槽?
圹?? x Keyfile / License Emulator ?槽?
圹?? Patch Serial ?槽?
圹?? Cracked .EXE / .DLL Retail ?槽?
圹?? Keygen Trainer ?槽?
圹??懿? Loader Other 懿??槽?
圹?曹 ? ?懿 槽?
咣鄄草 苓 ? ?哕 薏槽圻
卟圮懿?卟? 苘苘? 1999 - 2008 苘苘? 卟?薏苘鄄?
卟苓哕? 懿卟? 哌? 鞍? 鞍? 苓? 卟卟? 苘哌懿?
哕?捋? 圹膊圯草 懿?薏 氨? 苘懿哌哌哌卟苘? 北?草 懿?薏捋膊圹 捋?苘?
捋膊哕懿咣 哌圮? ?懿?輩槽哌 哌鄄脖 薏?? 哕圻?圻曹苓膊圯
苘苒膊哌圻 ? ? 膊圹懿鄄? + I N F O + 薏圹苒鄄? ? ? 咣哌膊圮苘
鄄?草 ? 哌卟膊槽? 苒圹鄄哌? ? 薏 膊?
圹?圻 咣 槽?
圹?? CAMWorks? with Machining Intelligence is the most advanced ?槽?
圹?? CAM programming software available for getting products to ?槽?
圹?? market faster, more efficiently and within budget. ?槽?
圹?? Introduced in 1997, CAMWorks is a next generation ?槽?
圹?? best-of-class CNC programming solution for producing molded ?槽?
圹?? parts from solid models. ?槽?
圹?? ?槽?
圹?? CAMWorks is a SolidWorks?Certified Gold Product for ?槽?
圹?? Manufacturing/CAM Software that provides state-of-the-art ?槽?
圹?? machining capabilities seamlessly integrated into the award ?槽?
圹?? winning SolidWorks?design software. As the first CAM ?槽?
圹?? solution to offer true knowledge-based machining ?槽?
圹?? capabilities, CAMWorks leads the way in advancements in ?槽?
圹?? Automatic Feature Recognition AFR and Interactive Feature ?槽?
圹?? Recognition IFR . CAMWorks offers true associative ?槽?
圹?? machining automatically accommodating changes to the part ?槽?
圹?? model, which eliminates time consuming CAM system rework due ?槽?
圹?? to design updates. ?槽?
圹?? ?槽?
圹?? Note SolidProfessor has been ripped from this ISO to make it ?槽?
圹?? fit on DVD-5 as well as being useless requires online auth . ?槽?
圹?? ?槽?
圹?曹 ? ?懿 槽?
咣鄄草 ?? ?? 薏槽圻
卟圮苒?懿曹 苘苘? 苘苘? 懿曹 捋苘鄄?
卟苓哕??懿卟? 哌? 鞍? 鞍? 苓? 卟卟??苘哌懿?
哕?捋? 圹膊圯草 懿?薏 氨? 苘懿哌哌哌卟苘? 北?草 懿?薏捋膊圹 捋?苘?
捋膊哕懿咣 哌圮? ?懿?輩槽哌 哌鄄脖 薏?? 哕圻?圻曹苓膊圯
苘苒膊哌圻 ? ? 膊圹懿鄄? I N S T A L L +薏圹苒鄄? ? ? 咣哌膊圮苘
鄄?草 ? 哌卟膊槽? 苒圹鄄哌? ? 薏 膊?
圹?圻 咣 槽?
圹?? 1 Unpack. ?槽?
圹?? 2 Install app and FlexLM License Manger ?槽?
圹?? 3 Read Lz0 install.txt for more info. ?槽?
圹?? 4 Enjoy ?槽?
圹?? ?槽?
圹?曹 ? ?懿 槽?
咣鄄草 ?? ?? 薏槽圻
卟圮苒?懿曹 苘苘? 苘苘? 懿曹 捋苘鄄?
卟苓哕??懿卟? 哌? 鞍? 鞍? 苓? 卟卟??苘哌懿?
哕?捋? 圹膊圯草 懿?薏 氨? 苘懿哌哌哌卟苘? 北?草 懿?薏捋膊圹 捋?苘?
捋膊哕懿咣 哌圮? ?懿?輩槽哌 哌鄄脖 薏?? 哕圻?圻曹苓膊圯
苘苒膊哌圻 ? ? 膊圹懿鄄? + J O I N + 薏圹苒鄄? ? ? 咣哌膊圮苘
鄄?草 ? 哌卟膊槽? 苒圹鄄哌? ? 薏 膊?
圹?圻 咣 槽?
圹?? When joining Linezer0 you are not just joining a group, but ?槽?
圹?? a family. We re a group built on friendship, devotion, respect ?槽?
圹?? and of course the continous learning. If you are one of those ?槽?
圹?? whom are just here for the glory and releases, then you have ?槽?
圹?? found the wrong group. Hard work and dedication is what has ?槽?
圹?? brought us to where we are today, and it is that we will ?槽?
圹?? demand from you as well. ?槽?
圹?? ?槽?
圹?? CRACKERS ?槽?
圹?? To be able to be accepted as a cracker in Linezer0, you will ?槽?
圹?? need to have at least 6 months of experience from other groups ?槽?
圹?? and have at least 2 people that can vouche for you before we ?槽?
圹?? will even concider talking with you. ?槽?
圹?? ?槽?
圹?? Open positions ?槽?
圹?? * Keygenner s - able to analyse and keygen advanced ?槽?
圹?? protection schemes. You will be working with the other ?槽?
圹?? keygenners to be able to meet the advanced protections ?槽?
圹?? with a joint effort. ?槽?
圹?? * Dongle cracker s - need to have experience in one or ?槽?
圹?? more of the following dongles, FlexLM, SentinelLM, HASP, ?槽?
圹?? CRYPKEY and/or custom made license managers. We always ?槽?
圹?? got big projects that you can undertake, and with the ?槽?
圹?? dongle crew you will be working in a joint effort to ?槽?
圹?? find sollutions - preferrably complete emulators for ?槽?
圹?? the different solutions. ?槽?
圹?? ?槽?
圹?? CODERS ?槽?
圹?? You have knowledge regarding protections like ASPACK and ?槽?
圹?? ARMADILLO, and are able to code tools that can either analyse ?槽?
圹?? those, or even able to unpack them. Further we require that ?槽?
圹?? you have at least 4 years of coding experience, and can show us ?槽?
圹?? earlier achievements either through system analysis and/or ?槽?
圹?? programs you have developed. ?槽?
圹?? ?槽?
圹?? Open positions ?槽?
圹?? * Cracktro programmer - we are looking for an experienced ?槽?
圹?? programmer that can develop a complete cracktro and a ?槽?
圹?? update system for that particular cracktro. Experience ?槽?
圹?? from the demo scene is preferred, but achievements that ?槽?
圹?? can show your skills can also be accepted. ?槽?
圹?? * General programmer s - you will be recieving projects ?槽?
圹?? that will range from everything from updating our ?槽?
圹?? existing tools, as well as develop new tools that will ?槽?
圹?? be useful for the group. ?槽?
圹?? ?槽?
圹?? You work as a engineer or something similar where you got ?槽?
圹?? access to the latest software in the CAD/CAM area. Preferrably ?槽?
圹?? with experience in the supplied software as testing your own ?槽?
圹?? supply would also be required to ensure validity. We are also ?槽?
圹?? interrested in people able to supply us software in the ?槽?
圹?? GRAPHICS/MUSIC/PROGRAMMING area. One time suppliers are not ?槽?
圹?? welcome, a steady base of supplies will be required. ?槽?
圹?? ?槽?
圹?? SITES ?槽?
圹?? If you run a dedicated site, on a 100mbit link, a well ?槽?
圹?? supported site that have at least 6 months of up-time and ?槽?
圹?? decent affiliation. Then your site might be of interrest to ?槽?
圹?? us. Do note that we do NOT accept site offers from the US, DE ?槽?
圹?? and AT. ?槽?
圹?? ?槽?
圹?曹 ? ?懿 槽?
咣鄄草 ?? ?? 薏槽圻
卟圮苒?懿曹 苘苘? 苘苘? 懿曹 捋苘鄄?
卟苓哕??懿卟? 哌? 鞍? 鞍? 苓? 卟卟??苘哌懿?
哕?捋? 圹膊圯草 懿?薏 氨? 苘懿哌哌哌卟苘? 北?草 懿?薏捋膊圹 捋?苘?
捋膊哕懿咣 哌圮? ?懿?輩槽哌 哌鄄脖 薏?? 哕圻?圻曹苓膊圯
苘苒膊哌圻 ? ? 膊圹懿鄄? + L E G A L + 薏圹苒鄄? ? ? 咣哌膊圮苘
鄄?草 ? 哌卟膊槽? 苒圹鄄哌? ? 薏 膊?
圹?圻 咣 槽?
圹?? First of all you should know that we do NOT release our cracks ?槽?
圹?? so that you the end-user can benefit from it in the term of ?槽?
圹?? using software or any other of our releases without buying ?槽?
圹?? the required licenses. Linezer0 however believe that everyone ?槽?
圹?? should have the option to backup their program/game and be ?槽?
圹?? able to run it without any problems. ?槽?
圹?? ?槽?
圹?? Further we do NOT in any way condone the spreading of our ?槽?
圹?? cracks, in other words we do NOT spread the releases to any ?槽?
圹?? websites, P2P networks or any other public available location ?槽?
圹?? and we urge that our releases should not be spread like that ?槽?
圹?? at all. ?槽?
圹?? ?槽?
圹?? We -Linezer0- has nothing to do with the distribution of these ?槽?
圹?? cracks, it is all done by third parties. As such, and ?槽?
圹?? according to the laws where the individuals of Linezer0 reside, ?槽?
圹?? it is not our responsibility what others desides to do with ?槽?
圹?? these releases. However, let it be said quite clearly; ?槽?
圹?? ?槽?
圹?? We DO NOT in any way condone the selling or redistribution ?槽?
圹?? of our cracks, this was NEVER our intention. ?槽?
圹?? ?槽?
圹?? Linezer0 does NOT take any responsibility of computer-loss ?槽?
圹?? or any data-errors that may occur from using our cracks. ?槽?
圹?? Keep in mind that you are using a third party sollution to ?槽?
圹?? something we did not develop in the first place. ?槽?
圹?? ?槽?
圹?? Do note that the usage of our cracks are legal in most ?槽?
圹?? countries outside the United States, IF and ONLY IF you own a ?槽?
圹?? full copy of the program/game - then you may use our cracks ?槽?
圹?? for backup purposes, and only that. It remains to be seen how ?槽?
圹?? affected you are of the End User License Agreements EULAs . ?槽?
圹?? They can t supersede domestic laws, remember that. ?槽?
圹?? ?槽?
圹?? According to the DMCA ACT in the Unites States, you have no ?槽?
圹?? rights to circumvent a copy protection. Beware, they will ?槽?
圹?? punish you harder than if you stole the shrinkwrapped software ?槽?
圹?? in a mall. Though Linezer0 s base of operation does not reside ?槽?
圹?? in the Unites States, and thus we are NOT bound to the ?槽?
圹?? US legislations like ?槽?
圹?? ?槽?
圹?? * No Electronic Theft Act ?槽?
圹?? * Digital Millenium Copyright Act ?槽?
圹?? * The Patriot Act ?槽?
圹?? * other US legislations ?槽?
圹?? ?槽?
圹?? You should ALWAYS buy the software that you do use, or find ?槽?
圹?? suitable Open Source replacements as there are loads , we do ?槽?
圹?? ?槽?
圹?? By using our cracks you automatically agree ?槽?
圹?? to the written agreement above, and thus the responsibility ?槽?
圹?? regarding whetever you are affected by any EULAs is ?槽?
圹?? with YOU and YOU only. ?槽?
圹?曹 ? ?懿 槽?
咣鄄草 ?? ?? 薏槽圻
卟圮苒?懿曹 苘苘? 苘苘? 懿曹 捋苘鄄?
卟苓哕??懿卟? 哌? 鞍? 鞍? 苓? 卟卟??苘哌懿?
哕?捋? 圹膊圯草 懿?薏 氨? 苘懿哌哌哌卟苘? 北?草 懿?薏捋膊圹 捋?苘?
捋膊哕懿咣 哌圮? ?懿?輩槽哌 哌鄄脖 薏?? 哕圻?圻曹苓膊圯
苘苒膊哌圻 ? ? 膊圹懿鄄?+ G R E E T S + 薏圹苒鄄? ? ? 咣哌膊圮苘
鄄?草 ? 哌卟膊槽? 苒圹鄄哌? ? 薏 膊?