《熱流體系統仿真分析》(Flowmaster v7 R1 build 7.5.0)[Bin],行業軟件、資源下載 簡介: 中文名: 熱流體系統仿真分析英文名: Flowmaster v7 R1 build 7.5.0資源格式: 光盤鏡像發行時間: 2008年制作發行: Flowmaster International Ltd地區: 美國簡介: 下載連接來自TLF,未經過安全檢測與安裝測試,使用者後果自負與本論壇無關 資源版權歸作者及其公司所有,如果你喜歡,請購買正版 語言:英語 網址:http://www.f
"《熱流體系統仿真分析》(Flowmaster v7 R1 build 7.5.0)[Bin],行業軟件、資源下載"介紹
中文名: 熱流體系統仿真分析英文名: Flowmaster v7 R1 build 7.5.0資源格式: 光盤鏡像發行時間: 2008年制作發行: Flowmaster International Ltd地區: 美國簡介:
Flowmaster是當今全球最為著名的熱流體系統仿真分析平台,以其高效的計算效率,精確的求解能力、便捷快速的建模方式而被許多全球著名的研究院所采用。Flowmaster是英國FML公司的產品,開發Flowmaster的想法來自英國流體力學研究協會的一個關於能源電力的研究項目,此協會在全世界的流體系統研究領域享有很高的聲譽。目前該公司不但提供領先的一維流體系統仿真軟件Flowmaster,同時也向客戶提供技術咨詢,技術合作等服務。到目前為止,已有1000多家公司購買了Flowmaster,共2000多個使用許可,用戶遍布世界上40個國家和地區。 Flowmaster已經通過了ISO9001認證。
Flowmaster V7的全部數據庫采用微軟的SQL Server(關系數據庫管理器)進行管理,如圖所示。用戶只要安裝了v7就可以使用其內置的SQL Server。和6.5版本自帶的數據庫管理器相比,v7所使用的數據庫管理工具更為專業和強大,也更為開放。
Flowmaster V7的SQL Server數據庫
Flowmaster V7的操作界面采用了美觀且標准化的windows平台軟件風格,如圖所示,軟件的操作界面的布局和主流的CAE、CAD軟件相似,整個操作界面分為三個主要部分:工具欄(左)、建模區域(中)及分析後處理區域(右),構成了一個人性化的從左至右的工作流程。設計分析人員首先在左邊的工具欄新建一個“項目”(project)及“系統模型”(network),接著在建模界面中進行系統模型的搭建和修改,最後在分析後處理區域中進行參數設置,運行分析,讀取結果。整個過程由左至右,條理明晰,即符合工程師的使用習慣,使其易於操作,又滿足了系統仿真工作的分析需求。
Flowmaster V7提供的報表功能模塊能夠以文本形式生成系統元件的關鍵參數列表,以方便工程師進行關鍵數據的核對。V7版本內置了水晶報表功能模塊(Crystal Report),用戶可以根據需要選擇需要出報表的項目,例如元件參數(Component Data)、節點信息(Node Data)、通用參數(General Data)等。報表文件可以按照一般的rpt格式,也可以按照EDIF(電子數據交換)格式輸出。Rpt文件可由辦公軟件如Word、Excel打開閱讀,而EDIF文件是二進制文件,可以被其他的應用程序訪問,實現數據交互。
內置的元件參數報表生成(Crystal Report)
Flowmaster V7一如既往的支持基於COM(Component Object Model,組件對象模型)的開發。COM是微軟對於網頁伺服器與客戶端、增益集與Office系列軟件之間互動的軟件元件技術。COM自動化(COM Automation)是指應用程序的COM化(封裝成COM組件)以讓外部程序調用這些COM組件,實現各種功能。其典型應用體現在微軟的很多軟件中,尤其是Office系列軟件中都支持宏,例如Excel、Word及Access。Flowmaster軟件的許多功能也封裝成了COM組件,這些組件可以通過運用於Windows平台的其他軟件包括微軟的Office系列軟件進行調用,實現數據的交互和分析的自動化。
基於COM自動化技術,Flowmaster已經開發了和許多其他知名CAE軟件的接口,如FLUENTLink、FlowmasterLink for MATLAB等。進一步,對於其他應用軟件包括設計軟件如PDMS,只要支持COM技術(一般應用於Windows操作平台的軟件都會支持),就能夠通過用戶的二次開發實現Flowmaster和三維設計軟件之間的無縫集成。
Flowmaster V7版本針對系統參數優化提供了Var. Params.控制面板功能,如下圖所示,用戶可以設定系統中的某些變量為可變參數,這些參數將集中體現在Var. Params.參數面板中,在這個面板中用戶可以設定變量的參數值,從而進行多工況仿真計算並在多工況中尋找最優解。此外,Var. Params.面板還提供了參數之間的耦合關系,即以函數關系控制各運行變量之間的耦合,以下圖為例,【Parameter1】和【Parameter2】為輸入可變參數,而【Parameter3】為【Parameter1】和【Parameter2】的函數,此時在【Parameter3】的參數表中即可實現相應的函數控制,其使用的語法規則為C#語言。
Var. Params.控制面板
l IS、IT——不可壓流體配送系統分析模塊。IS為穩態流動分析模塊,IT為瞬態流動分析模塊。
l SSH、STH——不可壓流體傳熱分析模塊。,SSH為不可壓穩態熱分析模塊,STH為不可壓瞬態熱分析模塊。
l CS、CT——可壓縮氣體系統分析模塊。CS、CT含義與上同。由於可壓縮分析模塊將能量方程及狀態方程加以考慮,所以其穩態及瞬態分析就已經包含了熱性能的分析。
Flowmaster V7汽車工業版本新增部件
此外,Flowmaster V7 汽車工業版本更是針對汽車行業用戶開發了大量汽車行業專用部件,如:發動機、渦輪增壓器、排氣閥、油泵、節溫器等,同時針對空調系統在車輛工程中的應用專門開發了空調系統元件家族,提供空調系統建模,如壓縮機、冷凝器、蒸發器、儲液罐、各種熱膨脹閥及專用的空調系統管道等空調專用元件。這些元件模型能夠模擬系統中的氣液相變,並能夠模擬濕度在空調系統中的變化。
l 對流體系統(含液壓系統)進行壓力、溫度、流速、流量等參數的預測
l 進行穩態和瞬態分析(含熱分析)
l 對空調系統和發動機艙空氣系統進行仿真分析
l 對元件尺寸及各種復雜形狀的流體管網系統進行分析
Flowmaster軟件可以運行在Windows2000、NT及XP 操作系統。推薦硬件配置為
l Pentium 4以上處理器
l 512Mb以上內存
l 1024×768以上分辨率
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- - - ----- - Release Notes - ----------------------------------- - - -
Supplier... The Force Team Release date...... 2008-04-07
Packager... The Force Team Operating system.. WinAll
Protection. FlexLM Size.............. 31 x 15mb
- - - ----- - Description - ------------------------------------- - - -
Flowmaster is an industry leading fluid flow solution.
Its advanced virtual modelling system enables you to carry out
complex simulations throughout your development process, enhancing
your design decisions and ensuring sustainable return on investment.
Simulation and Validation
* Steady state and transient simulations to calculate pressure, flow rate
temperature and heat flow at any point around your liquid or gas system
and for any type of system architecture; open loop, closed loop,
branched etc.
* Large complex fluid systems can be analysed in a matter of minutes,
enabling multiple æwhat if scenariosÆ to be investigated quickly and
* Component models underpinned by empirical data from extensive research
into fluid flow characteristics by DS Miller
* Build in your own logic and rules
* A range of packages to suit your needs
Data Management
* A data management facility built on an industrial strength, multi-user
relational database, giving you amazing flexibility in how you
represent your models, data and results and the potential to integrate
them into your whole design process in the future if desired
* An audit trail facility directly relating results to input data,
enabling you to keep track of changes in networks and data items,
thereby ensuring quality.
Customisation and Collaboration Tools
* Customisable catalogues of components and data with which you can
organise your models and data to suit the way your company works, gain
directly applicable design content from your suppliers and enable your
design teams to perform æwhat-ifÆ simulations safely
* Composite components which enable you to hide a complex group of
components beneath a single æcompositeÆ with its own symbol and
datasheet, making it easy for others to utilise your models
* Variable parameters providing a convenient way to relate different
component data items such that a single data change can update multiple
* Access to our own development tools enabling you to create your own
specialised component models that are fully integrated inside
* With our network of strategic CAE industry partnerships, you will
benefit from the ability to communicate simulation data between
Flowmaster and your existing CFD tools, allowing you to test the
suitability of your designs at concept stage leading to more informed
use of prototyping
* Flowmaster provides the flexibility for you to integrate with your
existing design and manufacturing systems, enabling multiple
departments to work efficiently together at the early stages of a
project, minimising the impact of design changes and reducing lead
* Advanced installation options will give you the potential to integrate
with enterprise PLM databases, enabling the continuous flow of
information through your entire product development lifecycle.
Graphical User Interface
* FlowmasterÆs intuitive left to right workflow GUI enables you to
increase your productivity with easy to use approaches to building
models and inputting data.
* Circuits, Sub-systems and Layers are graphical tools that give you
methods of manipulating and controlling large or complex systems
with great efficiency
* The ability to add background images to your models enabling you to
convey the meaning of your models with greater clarity.
* Minimise the disruption of your simulation projects and make full use
of your legacy data when you upgrade to new versions of Flowmaster
through a 100% upwardly compatible system
* By allowing you to take full control of the component data and design
parameters available to the team members on a project, you can ensure
a continual level of quality across the development process and
your organisation
* With Flowmaster as your Strategic Partner, you have invested in the
industry leading technology and can rely on our continual support and
development to meet your future expectations.
- - - ----- - Installation - ----------------------------------- - - -
1 Unrar and Install.
2 Mount or burn the cd-image .cue/.bin
3 read Install.txt in the CRACK dir on the CD.
Enjoy // TFTISO 2008
- - - ----- - News - ------------------------------------------- - - -
* Would you like to join The Force Team 0DAY?
You think you can contribute?
You have one or more talents in
- You can manually unpack applications with protections like
- You have good knowledge about cryptography, serial schemes,
License Managers like FlexLM, SentinelLM, SoftLM or hardware
dongles Hasp4, NetHASP, HaspHL, Sentinel SuperPro, Ssprov2,
Hardlock etc.
- You might be a programmer with good knowledge of ASM/C/C++
and can create tools for us from our instructions.
- You might be able to create trainers for new pc-games that
runs under Win9X/2K/XP.
- You are a coder who can code your own tools to automatically remove
commercial iso protections like the latest versions of any of the
following SafeDisc, Securom, Tages, VOB, Laserlok, StarForce.
- You can supply new unreleased utils/games, maybe you work at a
game/util magazine, press/marketing company, warehouse, shop,
design firm, packing companystore, packing companystore,
language translation company etc
..contact us
E-mail [email protected]
- - - ----- - Greetings - --------------------------------------- - - -
Tft0day - Harem - Ims - LineZer0 - Zenith
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