《橋梁工程設計分析軟件》(LUSAS FEA v14.1)[ISO],行業軟件、資源下載 簡介: 中文名: 橋梁工程設計分析軟件英文名: LUSAS FEA v14.1資源格式: 光盤鏡像發行時間: 2007年制作發行: LUSAS地區: 美國簡介: 下載連接來自TLF,未經過安全檢測與安裝測試,使用者後果自負與本論壇無關 軟體版權歸作者及其公司所有,如果你喜歡,請購買正版 LUSAS Finite Element Analysis V14 語言:英語 網址:http://www.lu
"《橋梁工程設計分析軟件》(LUSAS FEA v14.1)[ISO],行業軟件、資源下載"介紹
中文名: 橋梁工程設計分析軟件英文名: LUSAS FEA v14.1資源格式: 光盤鏡像發行時間: 2007年制作發行: LUSAS地區: 美國簡介:
LUSAS Finite Element Analysis V14
(from 9iv) 橋,代表了改變,象征著飛躍,是向前者願望的化身!願中國的“橋”設計師們能為中國的現代“橋梁”添姿添色。這也是我們提供此軟件的意義所在。
lusas軟件可以解決壓力學,動力學和熱學以及混合式材料學問題的有限元分析。此款軟件包括四個軟件包:LUSAS Bridge / LUSAS Bridge plus, LUSAS Composite, LUSAS Civil Structural / LUSAS Civil Structural plus, LUSAS Analyst。LUSAS Bridge / LUSAS Bridge plus用於橋梁等專業。LUSAS Composite用於混合式材料領域。LUSAS Civil Structural / LUSAS Civil Structural plus應用於公民建築領域。LUSAS Analyst應用於各種機械工程制造領域。
[CODEbox] ? ? ?
? 苘哌卟? 氨策 ? ? + + ? M A G ? N i ?T U D E + + ?
? 鞍北 薏 脖 安甙? ? 苘懿苘苘 鞍 鞍
?鞍安卑? 安? 薇? 陛 鞍 ?卑 懿哌 安? 鞍 苘 ? 卑?
曹 咣馨? 鞍猖? 安 氨? 卑 脖苓 ? ? 鞍? 弑? ?鞍輩?
哕曹 卟曹荥 ? 哌脖? 安?膊? ? ? 鞍草 鞍?? 鞍北膊?
哕曹 懿? 鼙膊膊哌? ?北?哌膊?膊? 懿 氨槽 卑鞍鞍鞍北北輩?
曹 咣鄄弑敗鄄安圹? 鼙脖苘 懿 槽蒈北曹 捋? 氨槽苘 卟北輩膊膊膊?
薏曹 ? 安鄄?捋圹膊苘 懿膊甙 捋圮 ?槽圻膊策 槽? 鞍輩哌膊苘 哌哌哌?
薏圹圮 安圹? 圹鄄捋鄄卟槽?氨?膊圹?圹鄄苘圹圹圹鄄策 鞍卑 咣圹?薏槽鄄卑?
捋鄄卟曹圹槽?捋鄄稗圹蒉圹? 膊?槽?卟圹郾圹馨槽鄄苒? 苘氨脖 薏圹?卟圯
捋鄄 卟?膊?圹脖 捋鄄槽? 鄄?圹草 捋圹佰鄄 臂圹鄄 捋郯膊? 佰圹曹苘圹?
捋鄄 膊脖膊策卟槽膊鄄 圹?圹草 圹?圹?佰圹鄄 槽蒉膊 捋圹蒇圹? ?
捋鄄 薏輩膊弑 懿圹廁鄄? 圹?圹草 槽圯圹?佰坜膊? 薏槽圹?安圹圹圹? 鞍
捋鄄 懿北脖?? 卟曹咣圮苒鄄苒膊? 輩圹膊?臂?卟曹懿膊槽?懿圹圻槽圹? 氨
捋鄄? 哌甙北 哌? 哌膊圯哌? 安膊輩?膊?? 哌哌氨曹膊哌 哌膊圹 鞍?
捋膊卑 鞍 ? 苘苒圹圹苘苘 卟圯 ? 氨?卑苓 懿? 懿策? 卟脖鞍輩
薏脖北? 懿圹膊策哌哌哌卟圮圹 鞍北? ? 苓卑 ? 北氨輩
薏北卑 ?鞍輩槽? 哌曹 氨輩脖鞍 ? 安?? ? 鞍輩?
薇卑 膊 ++S ++b5 ++Ix 苓氨輩膊圻 氨? ? 鞍卑輩卑卑鞍 氨輩?
薇? 鞍 哕 掭 哌哌? 氨? ? 氨膊圯
卑 氨? ? ? 苓 ? 鞍 ? ? 鼙槽圻
? 氨脖?? ? ? ? 鞍膊膊? ?
? ?卟? ? 鞍卑氨北? 懿
? FEA V14.03 鄄?
? LUSAS 鄄?
? ? 脖
? SUPPLIER...: Team MAGNITUDE 2007 DATE......: 21/07/2007 卑
? 鞍
? CRACKER....: Team MAGNITUDE 2007 SIZE......: 1 CD 氨
? ?
舶 PACKAGER...: Team MAGNITUDE 2007 PROTECTION: Sentinel+Serial 安
脖? 北?
圻曹? 苓哕 苓哕 ? 苓哕 苓哕 苓? 苓哕 ?圻哕 苓? 苓哕 苘策?
哌哌哌?哌?策哕 策哌 曹 策哌 策咣 哌卟 策哌 哌??? ?策哌 曹苓 哌?哌哌哌?
鄄哌 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?哌槽
? ? 鞍鞍 鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍?鞍鞍 ? ?
? ?
? LUSAS finite element analysis software products can solve all types of ?
? linear and nonlinear stress, dynamics, composite and thermal ?
? engineering analysis problem. ?
? ?
? LUSAS Bridge / LUSAS Bridge plus - Bridge engineering analysis ?
? software with an unrivalled range of analysis facilities including ?
? fundamental frequency, seismic, dynamic, large deflection and fatigue, ?
? for all types of bridge design, analysis and assessment from simple ?
? grillages through to complex cable stayed and suspension structures. ?
? ?
? LUSAS Composite - - Composite engineering analysis software with ?
? advanced shell and solid composite elements for all types of composite ?
? engineering, allows easy definition and visualisation of layups, and ?
? accurate delamination and failure modelling using a variety of ?
? industry standard failure criteria. ?
? ?
? LUSAS Civil Structural / LUSAS Civil Structural plus - Structural ?
? engineering analysis software with comprehensive facilities for all ?
? types of civil and structural analysis including seismic, blast, ?
? buckling, impact and fire for use on a full range of structures from ?
? buildings through to dams and tunnels. ?
? ?
? LUSAS Analyst / LUSAS Analyst plus - General engineering analysis ?
? software with highly regarded nonlinear and contact capabilities for ?
? all types of static, dynamic and thermal engineering analysis, ?
? including thermal/mechanical coupling in the automotive, aerospace, ?
? defence, manufacturing and general mechanical industries. ?
? ?
? The finite element analysis capabilities of the plus versions of all ?
? commercial LUSAS software products can be extended by using LUSAS ?
? Nonlinear, Dynamic, Thermal /Field, or Fast Multifrontal Solver ?
? product options. ?
? ?
? LUSAS Academic - For use only by educational establishments for ?
? teaching purposes and research. By using the software protection ?
? device and licence key supplied, the full licenced version allows ?
? access to any LUSAS commercial product, access to all LUSAS analysis ?
? product options, and has no restriction on model size. ?
? ?
? http://www.lusas.com/ ?
鞍 鞍
卑 氨
脖? 氨?
鄄脖苘 苘輩槽
苘苘苘?苘苘苘 ?圻哕 苓? 策哕 苓哕 ? ? ?圻哕 苓? 苓哕 苘苘苘 苘苘苘?
圮策? ?? ?哌卟 ?策咣 哕?哕? ?? ?策哌 曹苓 哌曹?
脖? ? 氨?
舶 ? 鞍鞍 鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍?鞍鞍 ? 安
? ?
? 1) unRAR and burn ?
? 2) check .txt from MAGNiTUDE dir ?
? 3) enjoy another fine MAGNiTUDE-release ?
? ?
? ?
? 圻哕 苓哕 策哕 苓哕 苓? ?
?? 鞍鞍?鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍北輩 ?曹苓 ?策哌 哌卟北卑鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍 鞍鞍? ??
? ?
? Magnitude, a measure of the brightness of a star - the Ancient Greek ?
? astronomers divided the stars into six magnitudes. First-magnitude ?
? stars were the brightest, and sixth-magnitude stars were the ?
? faintest. This system has been kept in modern times, when the new era ?
? of MAGNiTUDE has started. ?
? [/CODEbox]