中文名: 電子商務訪問控制解決方案英文名: IBM Tivoli Access Manager資源格式: 光盤鏡像版本: v6.0發行時間: 2006年地區: 美國簡介:
程序語言: 英文
軟件分類: 國外軟件 / 零售版 / 企業應用
文件大小: 1CD 434.21MB
適用平台: 9x/98/Me/NT/2000/XP/2003/Vista
IBM Tivoli Access Manager 6.0 (電子商務訪問控制解決方案):
IBM Tivoli是業界領先的管理技術軟件,是IBM IT 服務管理的核心部分。Tivoli是唯一一個跨越主機系統、客戶機/服務器系統、工作組應用、企業網絡、Internet服務器的端到端的解決方案。Tivoli軟件以IBM的世界級服務、支持和研究為堅強後盾,為客戶提供一個無縫集成、靈活的隨需應變基礎架構管理解決方案,采用強健的安全機制將雇員、業務伙伴和客戶連接起來。Tivoli軟件能夠使企業降低總體擁有成本,提高IT基礎架構的管理及服務水平。Tivoli解決方案主要包括系統管理解決方案,存儲管理解決方案和安全管理解決方案。
IBM Tivoli Access Manager for e-business 是一個獲獎的、基於策略的電子商務訪問控制解決方案和 Gartner 的 Magic Quadrant 中處於領先地位的企業應用程序。它可以幫助您管理日益發展和日漸復雜的電子商務,控制不斷攀升的管理成本,解決在大量 Web 和應用程序資源中安全策略實施方面的難題。
Tivoli Access Manager for e-business 與電子商務應用程序集成在一起,以即裝即用(out-of-the-box)的方式提供一種安全、統一和個性化的電子商務體驗。通過提供身份驗證和授權 API 並與應用程序平台(如J2EE™ )集成在一起,Tivoli Access Manager for e-business 能幫助您安全地訪問業務關鍵型應用程序和分散在擴展企業中的數據。
通過使用 Access Manager 跨域單一登錄(SSO)技術和安全斷言標記語言(Security Assurance Markup Language,SAML)以及其他標記傳遞(token-passing)協議,基於Web的SSO可以跨越多個站點或者多個域。
在采用 Web、Microsoft、telnet 和主機應用程序環境中支持單一登錄。
在基於標准的Java 2 Enterprise Edition (J2EE) 應用程序支持下,可以快速和可伸縮地部署Web應用程序。
通過新支持的 Java 2、 z/OS 上的 Java 身份驗證和授權(Java Authentication and Authorization,JAAS)API 以及 z/OS 上的 WebSphere,改進了對主機應用程序的支持。
通過高伸縮性的代理體系結構和/或易於安裝的 Web 服務器插件、基於規則和角色的訪問控制、對主要用戶注冊中心和平台的支持以及可用於進一步定制安全性的高級 API,提供了設計的靈活性。
通過 IBM 在 Web 安全標准開發方面的領導地位,保持將來安全和身份管理的連續性。
Tivoli Access Manager for e-business 允許您定義綜合策略,並基於該策略管理安全性,而無論該策略是基於用戶角色的還是基於業務規則的。您可以根據每個用戶的職責,授予員工、合作伙伴、供應商和客戶動態的、基於角色的訪問權。您可以將用戶分組並向組指派權限,簡化跨多個應用程序和資源的訪問控制管理。業務規則在運行時進行求值,並保存在應用程序以外,這樣就允許更改影響訪問的策略參數,而無需重寫和重新編譯應用程序--這種特性有助於動態提高應用程序部署和適應的速度。
應用程序平台(如 Web Servers)向應用程序開發人員提供安全性和其他服務。但是這樣的話,管理訪問權就像豎井(silos)一樣與業務線(lines-of-business)隔離開來,它依賴於每個應用程序環境中可用的技術和工具。為了使業務能在隨需應變的模式下運作,Tivoli Access Manager 提供了一個關鍵功能作為公共服務,即面向服務的體系結構(Service-Oriented Architecture,SOA)。Tivoli Access Manager for e-business 為異構環境提供安全性。采用該體系結構後,訪問控制所基於的層是單一且前後一致的,這樣可以快速部署應用程序,與 安全孤島 方法相比,可以更加准確而一致地管理安全性。
Tivoli Access Manager for e-business 通過下列方法提供自我保護環境:
Web SSO,保持密碼和用戶的完整性。
負載均衡和自動反映 Web 對象空間。
Tivoli Access Manager for e-business 是IBM Identity Management 解決方案的集成部件,可以幫助您在線獲得用戶、系統和應用程序,並能提高生產效率,還可以保持動態順應性以便增加 IT 環境的彈性和安全性,同時有助於減少成本並最大化投資回報率。
Tivoli Access Manager 是第一個接受 Common Criteria Certification (EAL 3) 的解決方案,它滿足嚴格的國際上認可的安全標准。
IBM Tivoli Identity Manager 是一種用於管理用戶和帳戶定義的產品。 通過控制系統上的帳戶定義, 它允許公司控制用戶能夠訪問 哪個系統。
IBM Tivoli Access Manager 是一種訪問控制產品。它通過強制實施訪問控制策略防止對受保護的資源進行未授權的訪問。Access Manager 可用於保護多種類型系統資源的訪問,從單個文件到 Web 站點。
Identity Manager 和 Access Manager 產品互相補充。Identity Manager 控制系統中可以存在什麼樣的用戶帳戶,而 Access Manager 控制授權用戶在系統上執行的操作。為了完成這些任務,兩種產品都維護用戶的注冊信息。 這些產品對定義在注冊表中的用戶強制實施用戶訪問和授權策略。
Tivoli Access Manager for Business Integration 允許您加強管理跨多台服務器的訪問控制策略。此管理可通過基於 Web 的中央管理工具完成,無需系統管理員本地設置每一服務器控制台的訪問控制規則。該管理工具也支持多級委托,允許資源所有者對其資源進行維護和管理控制。您無需修改現有應用程序或改變常規 WebSphere MQ 環境,就能使用 Tivoli Access Manager for Business Integration 的功能。
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胡? IBM Tivoli Access Manager v6.0 C IBM
屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯您?Release Information 耐屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯旺
?Supplier ?TEAM FCN ?Release Date ?5/07/2006 ?
?Cracker ?TEAM FCN ?Protection ?None ?
?Packager ?TEAM FCN ?App Type ?WebSphere ?
?#/Disks ?1 CD ?Operating System ?95/98/NT ?
和屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯您?Program Description 耐屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯禿
?Tivoli Access Manager for e-business is a versatile solution for ?
?authentication and authorization problems. Primarily focused on Web ?
?applications, Access Manager implementations vary from simple Single ?
?Sign-on SSO to more complex security infrastructure deployments. ?
? ?
?Access Manager for e-business can help you manage growth and complexity, ?
?control escalating management costs, and address the difficulties of ?
?implementing security policies across a wide range of Web and ?
?application resources. It works by centrally managing security and audit ?
?policy for enforcement points that can be placed as a proxy in front of ?
?Web applications, or through authorization and authentication plug-ins ?
?direct into a Web server or application-server environment. You can use ?
?Access Manager to control wired and wireless access to applications and ?
?data, to help bar unauthorized users. For authorized users, Access ?
?Manager integrates with Web applications and servers to deliver a ?
?secured and unified business experience. It helps you secure access to ?
?business-critical applications and data spread across the extended ?
?enterprise, allowing highly available, scalable transactions with ?
?partners, customers, suppliers, and employees. ?
? ?
?Tivoli Access Manager for e-business helps ?
? ?
? * Define and manage a centralized authentication, access, and audit ?
?policy for a broad range of business initiatives such as employee, ?
?customer and partner portals, CRM systems, e-procurement, cross-company ?
?single sign-on SSO projects, and outsourcing projects. ?
? * Establish a new audit and reporting service which collects audit ?
?data from multiple enforcement points as well as from other platforms ?
?and security applications. A central point for reporting on security ?
?events and sample reports are included ?
? * Enable a flexible SSO to Web-based applications that can span ?
?multiple sites or domains with a range of SSO options, to help eliminate ?
?help-desk calls and other security problems associated with multiple ?
?passwords. By integrating with other SSO providers such as Kerberos ?
?from a Microsoft domain logon, and client/server SSO solutions Access ?
?Manager goes beyond reduced sign-on to help implement a single ?
?authentication for the user across all system interactions. For ?
?standardized cross-domain authentication federation using SAML, ?
?Liberty ID/FF, and WS-Federation, Tivoli Access Manager for e-business ?
?customers can also upgrade to Tivoli Federated Identity Manager. ?
? * Leverage a common security policy model with the Tivoli Access ?
?Manager family of products to extend support to other resources, such as ?
?WebSphere MQ applications, and UNIX and Linux system resources. ?
? * Provide a base for Federation Companies that choose to ?
?collaborate in identity-based business processes may benefit from IBM ?
?Tivoli Federated Identity Manager s ability to help simplify integration ?
?between companies and their partners Web sites. Federated SSO ?
?solutions, such as Tivoli Federated Identity Manager add standardized ?
?cross-domain SSO SAML, Liberty, WS-Federation to a security system. ?
?However these typically need first-point-of-contact and session ?
?management to already be in place; Access Manager fills that role and ?
?Access Manager for e-business customers can upgrade to Tivoli Federated ?
?Identity Manager if federation becomes a requirement in the future . ?
? * Manage and secure your business environments from your existing ?
?hardware mainframe, PCs, servers and operating system platforms ?
?including Windows, Linux, AIX, Solaris, and HP-UX. ?
? ?
? ?
?Other Key Features ?
?Policy-driven security helping to enforce compliance ?
? ?
?You can group users and assign permissions to groups, simplifying ?
?administration of access control across multiple applications and ?
?resources. There is support for dynamic rules, dynamic business ?
?entitlements, and authorization decisions based on external data for ?
?applications that require it. ?
?Enhanced Auditing helping to streamline reporting with Common Auditing ?
?and Reporting Services CARS ?
? ?
?The new version of Tivoli Access Manager is the first product to include ?
?IBM抯 new Common Auditing and Reporting Service CARS platform, which ?
?provides a consistent way to audit and report on data. Currently, it is ?
?difficult for enterprises to gather required information on who accessed ?
?what application/data when. For example, this can help ensure that ?
?financial data applications or HR applications with sensitive ?
?information are accessed appropriately. CARS automates the collection of ?
?audit data and provides the ability for enterprises to centrally view ?
?and report audit data that are critical for compliance needs. This ?
?allows the audit process to be much more efficient and reduces the cost ?
?of compliance. ?
?Centralized administration reducing costs and enhancing security ?
? ?
?Tivoli Access Manager includes a Web browser-based tool with which your ?
?administrator can manage users, groups, roles, permissions, policies, ?
?proxy junctions, and application access provisioning. This tool extends ?
?beyond delegated user management to also deliver delegated security ?
?administration. ?
?Integrated identity management for greater value on your investment ?
? ?
?Tivoli Access Manager for e-business can integrate with IBM Tivoli ?
?Identity Manager to help you get users, systems, and applications ?
?on-line and productive fast. IBM Tivoli Identity Manager has an Access ?
?Manager adapter that offers identity lifecycle management user self ?
?care, enrollment, approvals workflow, and provisioning extending Access ?
?Manager user management to be handled alongside other security systems. ?
? ?
?IBM Tivoli Access Manager helps you deliver a consistent and secure user ?
?experience by having end users use a single identity to log in once to ?
?the Enterprise Portal or Microsoft IIS Server and gain access to ?
?resources according to authorization rules. With support for Web SSO and ?
?secure session management across e-communities, it helps securely extend ?
?your business processes to business partners and business affiliates, ?
?and with the option to upgrade to Tivoli Federated Identity Manager, ?
?this can now extend to SAML, Liberty and WS-Federation authentication. ?
? ?
?IBM Tivoli Access Manager for e-business performs intelligent load ?
?balancing over replicated servers and can scale your server deployment. ?
?It supports implementations in excess of one hundred million users, ?
?takes advantage of SSL accelerator card technology and secure hardware ?
?keystore, and provides a fail-over capability that allows automatic ?
?switchover to a backup Web server. ?
?Modular design for easier use ?
? ?
?The modular authorization architecture of IBM Tivoli Access Manager for ?
?e-business separates security code from application code. This can ?
?translate to an improved time to market for your business initiatives, ?
?because typically you can change the security code without affecting ?
?application code, and vice-versa. This separation also accommodates ?
? defense in depth designs that involve enforcing security in a layer, ?
?such as a demilitarized zone. Tivoli Access Manager for e-business can ?
?help lower your cost of building security into new applications by ?
?reducing the need to write complex security code. It integrates with Web ?
?application servers that support Java 2, JAAS, and JACC without ?
?requiring nonstandard tasks such as extra precompiles. It also has ?
?focused J2EE-based support for securing WebSphere Application Server and ?
?BEA WebLogic Server. ?
? ?
?Tivoli Access Manager for e-business received a Common Criteria ?
?certification, under the auspices of the International Common Criteria ?
?process, administered by the National Information Assurance Partnership. ?
? ?
? ?
和屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯您?Installation 耐屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯?
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? ?
? ?
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