1.軟件名稱: Ashlar Vellum Argon 7.4 發布(3D建模)
文件大小: 72M
適用平台: /98/Me/NT/2000/XP/.Net/
2.軟件名稱: Ashlar Vellum Xenon 7.4 發布(工業產品制圖軟件)
文件大小: 69M
適用平台: 98/Me/NT/2000/XP/.Net
3.軟件名稱: Ashlar Vellum Cobalt 7.4 發布(工業產品制圖軟件)
文件大小: 71M
適用平台: 98/Me/NT/2000/XP/.Net/
[已通過安裝測試]WinXP+SP2和WIN2003專業版 WIN98
共享服務器:DonkeyServer No1-3 . DonkeyServer No5-6
Ashlar Vellum Argon 7.4 發布(3D建模)介紹:
Ashlar-Vellum 工業產品制圖軟件 Cobalt, Xenon, Argon, Graphite, Neon 是美國 Ashlar公司 所研發,使用於工業產品的2D-3D設計繪圖,是台灣電子產業與機械產業拓展美國與全球外銷市場的最佳繪圖創意工具, 無制圖經驗者也可以很快學會使用。 與其它CAD軟件比較的特色是操作容易, 功能強, 價格低, 是兼含工業產品制圖與美觀設計的唯一選擇。 Cobalt-Xenon-Argon也是AAA-CAD飛機設計性能分析軟件所選用兼容的3D繪圖核心。
此為Ashlar Vellum 7.4系列最新發布,
Argon is the middle product in a range of graphics tools from Ashlar-Vellum and costs 995. The company advertises its products as Software that works the way you think .
I m always sceptical about such bold advertising claims so I ll be wanting to see if their claims are really true or just hype as I learn how to use their product.
Xenon, like our flagship software, Cobalt, offers supreme design flexibility and speed, without the high-end mechanical functions, like equation-driven parametrics and mechanical parts library. For both Macintosh and Windows, Xenon lets designers work freely without worrying about how to run their software. For those doing highly stylized concepts with a great degree of customization, Xenon offers the best of Cobalt’s features at a more moderate price. In a world where highly customized, one-off products rule, Xenon reigns supreme. Save time and money as you move from concept through completion.
Imagine any shape—sensual curves, organic forms, and flowing edges are easily drawn in Ashlar-Vellum software, unlike traditional CAD programs. Set your own style, without limits.
Sell your ideas successfully—the photo-realistic rendering in Xenon goes beyond visualization to reality. Get faster buy-in from your clients, then show manufacturing what you expect. Everyone involved sees exactly the results you envision. Your products not only go to market faster, but you are assured of greater success.
Cobalt matches professional power with speed and ease of use for flexible 3D modeling. Available for Macintosh and Windows, Cobalt lets creative people work without worrying about their software. Designers save time and money by moving quickly from conception through completion in the real world of last minute changes. Primarily for designers, engineers and inventors, Cobalt leads the Ashlar-Vellum product line with on-demand, dimensionally constrained and equation-driven parametrics that make creating variations on a design faster and easier than ever before.
Bring real products to life—move beyond conceptual design to analyzing, maketing, manufacturing and sales. Cobalt’s precise 3D data guarantees accurate drawings and compelling marketing images. Generate renderings for sales, training and promotions, export data for fabrication, or send shop drawings to manufacturing.