《電影特效制作軟件(蘋果版)11.0.446.9》(SideFX Houdini Master for Mac OS X V11.0.446.9)蘋果版[光盤鏡像] | |
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資源類別 | 多媒體類 |
發布時間 | 2017/7/17 |
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Houdini 11關注的一個焦點就是使您每天的工作更加富有成效。這意味著我們的改進目標著力於更少的點擊次數以更快速度工作。在Houdini 11中,新的基於Voronoi算法的分形工具,使模擬前和模擬時打碎物體都更加容易。
Side Effects Software的旗艦級產品,是創建高級視覺效果的終極工具,因為它的橫跨公司的整個產品線的能力,Houdini Master為那些想讓電腦動畫更加精彩的藝術家們空前的能力和工作效率。
Houdini 是一個特效方面非常強大的軟件。許多電影特效都是由它完成:指環王中“甘道夫”放的那些“魔法禮花”還有“水馬”沖垮“戒靈”的場面......後天中的龍卷風......等等,a52的汽車廣告.反正只要是涉及DD公司制作的好萊塢一線大片,幾乎都會有Houdini參與和應用.
Productivity is Key
A key focus of Houdini 11 is making you more productive in your day-to-day work. This means targeting our development efforts on ways for you to work faster with fewer clicks. In Houdini 11, new Voronoi-Based Fracturing tools will make it easier to break up objects either before a simulation or automatically during a simulation. Destruction sequences are a staple of Houdini-based VFX shots and now they will be easier to create and even more controllable.
Our Particle Fluids are now up to 70 Times Faster with the new FLIP (Fluid Implicit Particle) solver as compared to Houdini 10’s SPH solver, making it ideal for generating multiple iterations. In addition, this new solver is seamlessly integrated with existing particle operations [POPs] making the results highly directable. New buoyancy controls make it easier to float rigid objects and you can even smash up an object by combining these fluid tools with the new fracturing tools.
Mantra Rendering Workflow
Mantra has traditionally been used to render out VFX elements but more and more Houdini customers are using Mantra for prototyping shots or rendering all the CG elements in final plates. Noticing this trend, we have put a lot of time into creating a new shading workflow which starts with a new “Uber” Surface Model node with built-in per-light exports, physically-accurate sub-surface scattering and energy conservation. Add to that user-interface improvements to Houdini’s shader building environment such as a Shader FX menu for quickly texturing materials and you will see how professional results can be achieved faster than ever before.
Hardware Rendering has also been enhanced with high quality OpenGL shading of lights and shadows as well as GPU-assisted volumes, unlimited lights and support for diffuse, specular, opacity, environment, bump and normal maps. Houdini’s Flipbook tools now support all these FX and can capture high dynamic range beauty passes.
In addition, we have improved the lighting interface for Houdini 11. We have new light types such as Global Illumination, Portal, Sky, Indirect and Geometry. The Geometry Lights let you turn any 3D object into a light emitting surface then use a surface shader to control the light emission. The geometry can also be animating or deforming for even cooler results.
Performance, Performance, Performance
We have heard your requests for improved performance loud and clear and with Houdini 11 we are introducing much faster particle fluids, faster rendering and targeted optimizations such as extensive multi-threading for dynamics and algorithmic enhancements for Houdini in general. An example of this optimization is the attribute transfer node which is now an order of magnitude faster when transferring vertex attributes such as UVs.
While we have made many performance improvements in Houdini 11, we also have a team of developers working on even deeper optimizations for the future. These improvements will modernize Houdini and let you work with bigger files, faster, with more efficient use of memory. These big performance changes will be a significant addition to the subsequent release.
Requires 64-bit Intel-based Mac with OS X v10.5 Leopard or 10.6 Snow Leopard.
2 GB required
2-4 GB+ recommended
4-6 GB+ and 64bit strongly recommended for fluid simulations
Multiprocessor systems should be configured with additional RAM
Houdini supports multiprocessor compositing and rendering
Recent generation 32 or 64-bit AMD or Intel processor (requires SSE or higher)
Houdini supports MMX and Streaming SIMD (SSE2) where present
500 MB required for installation
3 Button mouse required
Scroll wheel used where present
Wacom tablet recommended for Houdini's brush-based tools
Workstation-class OpenGL graphics card (such as NVidia Quadro and ATI Fire Pro) i.e. Not GeForce
Graphic Card drivers: NVidia: 185 or higher, ATI: 8.683 or higher.
Minimum resolution: 1024 x 768; Recommended resolution: 1920 x 1200 (widescreen)
Color depth of 16-bit+ required with 32-bit+ (“true color”) recommended
Requires support for OpenGL 1.2 or later; Takes advantage of OpenGL 2.0 support if available
Hardware-accelerated OpenGL required for optimum performance
Performance may suffer with complex scenes on non-workstation graphics cards and on laptops
Integrated Intel graphic cards are not supported
Houdini does not require support for Direct3D (all viewports and interfaces use OpenGL)
We don't recommend any specific computer manufacturer. As long as your machine meets the recommended ram, cpu, and graphics card, it's good to go.
Sound card and speakers/headset required for audio
Class C network (TCP/IP) recommended for floating licenses
Network support required for offline simulation, batch processing and rendering
Internet browser required for connection to www.sidefx.com (Houdini Exchange and Forum)
Video encoder required for creating AVI/QT/etc.
sudo chmod +w /Library/Frameworks/Houdini.framework/Versions/11.0.446.9/Resources/houdini/sbin/sesinetd(你不需要把路徑打進去,在輸入完+w和一個空格後,直接把剛才拷貝到sbin文件夾裡的sesinetd拖拽到終端窗口上,路徑就自動出來了),回車之後,輸入密碼。再輸入:sudo chmod +r /Library/Frameworks/Houdini.framework/Versions/11.0.446.9/Resources/houdini/sbin/sesinetd
sudo chmod +x /Library/Frameworks/Houdini.framework/Versions/11.0.446.9/Resources/houdini/sbin/sesinetd
這一步是在賦予權限,chmod +w意思是使文件可寫,chmod +r是使文件可讀,chmod +x是使文件可執行。
6)打開License Administrator.app(位於安裝後Houdini文件夾中Administrative Tools文件夾裡),再打開CRACK文件夾裡的houdini11keygen.exe(你需要使用一下虛擬機,或者找台PC機,或者其他什麼方法。我用的是虛擬機)。
把License Administrator裡Server Information標簽下的License server host和License server code分別輸入到houdini11keygen.exe的server name和server code中,來生成keys,然後在License Administrator裡選擇File-Manually Enter Keys,如下圖:
★已經過Mac OS X 10.6.4測試。
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