應用平台:Windows 7/Windows Vista/Windows XP
新聞報道的編輯工作離不開快速思考、准確性和團隊協作。Avid NewsCutter 視頻編輯軟件專為壓力巨大的新聞編輯工作而設計,為您提供制作優質新聞節目所需的所有工具。無論身處現場還是新聞制作室,您都可以輕松駕馭。 NewsCutter 軟件緊密集成新聞制作室的自動系統和播出服務器,可實現超快速媒體采集,支持公開、高效的制作流程,是獨立電視台和全世界此類媒體機構的理想新聞制作工具。
憑借一系列專用的新聞編輯和畫外音工具、對 XDCAM EX/HD、P2 DVCPRO HD/AVC-I 和 GFCAM 格式媒體的原本支持、元數據、卡和磁盤以及集成式媒體管理功能,NewsCutter 軟件能夠幫助您從容應對緊張的工作,專心制作最好的新聞故事。Avid 的開放時間軸以及混合與匹配實時轉碼功能使您能夠直接利用素材,將精力集中在編輯工作上,而無須考慮格式。在千鈞一發的時刻,FrameChase 功能可以幫助您在采集開始後幾秒鐘內立即著手進行編輯。隨後,使用簡單的 Send to Playback(發送到播放)命令播報完整的新聞故事,也可使用附帶的 Sorensen Squeeze 軟件將新聞故事發布到網上
使用Avid Media Access (AMA) 技術可節省寶貴的時間。這種技術可讓您跳過導入步驟,直接從攝像機磁盤或卡開始剪輯,所有元數據均能使用。您也可以使用 VTR(磁帶錄像機)的穿梭旋鈕來輕松地控制從磁帶到 NewsCutter 的捕捉操作。通過直接在 NewsCutter 中打開交互式的 iNEWS 或 ENPS 工作項目,您能與新聞故事和新聞制作室保持同步。當您准備好播出後,可使用一個簡單的下拉選項將整個項目包直接發送到 AirSpeed Multi Stream
媒體、節目和創意可以在廣播機構內部或全世界范圍內共享。Avid NewsCutter 是高效率 Avid HD News 環境的一部分,支持端對端原生格式工作流程和透明的協作和媒體共享。此外,NewsCutter 還與功能強大的 Avid Interplay 視頻制作資產管理系統緊密集成,可提供實時媒體管理,用戶工具,轉碼應用程序和廣域網媒體傳輸,讓用戶可以快速而輕松地查找,查看和移動媒體,不論媒體在什麼位置,也不論用戶在什麼地方。
使用 NewsCutter,您還可以獲得 Avid Media Composer 產品全部的視頻功能;眾多世界頂級的非線性剪輯師任您召喚,讓您底氣十足。拿起任何項目都能實現您預想的視覺效果。使用符合行業標准的 Avid 顏色修正工具集可快速匹配鏡頭。使用集成且易於使用的工具和模板可創建標題和圖形。憑借經過優化的實時效果性能,創造性的工作成果手到擒來。使用高質量 Avid DNxHD 編碼可節省時間和存儲空間。
通過 Avid,您將成為其全球性社區的一份子。您可以尋找剪輯師來協助您工作;選擇一個適合您需求和預算的支持計劃;充分利用靈活的在線和課堂培訓選擇。此外,通過加入我們在線用戶社區和現實用戶社區可獲取反饋、新聞和支持。
注: NewsCutter XP 現已更名為 NewsCutter 軟件。
NewsCutter 軟件 — 系統要求
由於 Avid NewsCutter 軟件系統的性能和可靠性取決於軟件、可選 I/O 硬件以及計算機平台的最佳組合,因此Avid 投入了大量的工程資源和時間來檢測並驗證具體系統配置。
下面列出了符合 Avid 要求的工作站和便攜式電腦。我們強烈推薦您使用下列其中一個平台,因為它們不僅能夠讓您的系統盡可能發揮出最佳性能,而且還能夠讓您獲得 Avid 針對這些系統提供的培訓和團隊支持。
同時,我們還列出了一組最低規格。請注意,這些信息僅供參考。使用不符合Avid 要求的平台來運行 Avid NewsCutter軟件時,Avid不能擔保該系統的性能和可靠性。我們也無法向不符合要求的平台提供支持。
如果您希望獲得最佳系統可靠性、性能和支持,我們強烈建議您購買符合 Avid 要求的平台或 Avid 一體式系統。
* 計算機:符合 Avid 要求的基於 Windows 的計算機或便攜式電腦(請參見詳細信息 )
* 操作系統:Windows 7 Professional (64位), Windows XP Professional SP3 (32位), Windows Vista Business SP2 (64位), Windows Vista Ultimate SP2 (64位)
* 處理器:Intel Core 2 Duo 2.33 GHz 或更快的處理器
* 內存:2 GB 隨機存取內存(推薦 4 GB 隨機存取內存;Windows Vista 需要 4 GB 隨機存取內存)
* 顯卡:NVIDIA Quadro FX 系列**(FX 560 或更高)
* 內置硬盤驅動器:最低 80 GB 7200 rpm 硬盤驅動器
* 光驅:DVD 驅動器,用於以光盤為介質的軟件的安裝
NewsCutter 僅適用於 Windows。
** 僅支持 NVIDIA 顯卡;全屏回放功能需要至少 128 MB 的顯存。
* 便攜式電腦用戶:請注意,便攜式電腦對非壓縮視頻的支持僅限於一個非壓縮標清視頻流
* QuickTime:Avid 已經測試並驗證 Apple QuickTime 7.5.6
* Windows Media Player:有些格式的導出和 VC-1 素材的操作必須結合使用 Microsoft Windows Media Player 11
What’s new in version 9.0
* SMPTE 436-compliant ancillary “data track” (including closed captions)
* Native support for QuickTime including ProRes
* AVCHD import
* AMA plug-in support for Canon camcorder
* AMA plug-in support for XDCAM proxies with high res audio
* AMA plug-In support for MXF Op1A flies
* Drag and Drop timeline editing
* Simplified multi-channel audio support
* XDCAM 50, DVCPRO HD capture from baseband
What’s new in version 8.0
* Panasonic AVC-I encode
* 720P Proxy Transcode
* GFCAM 100 Mb decode
* Mix and Match editing – mix different resolutions and frame rates in the same timeline
* Ancillary Data Handling with DX hardware
* Direct activation of software license
* Software suite upgrades
What’s new in version 7.5
* Avid Media Access (AMA)
o Native End to End support for XDCAM
o Full native metadata and disc/card support for XDCAM HD/EX and P2
* Support for stereoscopic editing
* Support for Pro Tools 8 Video Satellite
* Fluid camera tracking
* Animate-able color correction
* Software licensing mechanism
* Supported formats: Canon 24f HDV capture, Sony progressive HDV
* Qualification of Panasonic 32 GB P2 card
News Editing Done Right
Editing interface
Edit faster with the most efficient, accurate, and flexible editing interface available - including a very responsive timeline. Work the way you want with the mouse, screen buttons or keyboard shortcuts, with full customization of screen and keyboard layouts to speed things up further.
News editing tools
NewsCutter includes streamlined editing tools designed for fast turnaround of news packages. With its intuitive interface and fast learning curve, NewsCutter lets editors of every experience level get up and running quickly.
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Work Natively with SD and HD Codecs
Start editing footage right away, with native support for a wide range of SD and HD codecs, including NTSC, PAL, DV, HDV, XDCAM, AVC-Intra, GFCAM, Canon, QuickTime, and DVCPRO HD, as well as progressive 720p, 1080p, and interlaced formats. No need to transcode, even when mixing codecs in the same timeline.
Auto Voiceover
In one step, remove the on-site voiceover and re-record a new one, while leaving the background audio intact. Save time when re-purposing stories for later use or when creating multiple versions.
Audio Punch-in
Record up to 4 channels of audio directly onto the timeline, without capturing into a bin first, for increased speed and flexibility when re-recording voiceovers and other audio for news stories.
FrameChase Editing
For the ultimate in fast turnaround, FrameChase editing lets you start editing before material is fully captured. Eliminate the biggest bottleneck in news production with immediate access to material as it's being captured by a supported capture device.
Seamless integration into any workflow
Native HD codec support
Start editing immediately with native XDCAM HD, AVC-Intra, HDV, Canon, and GFCAM support in progressive 720p, 1080p and interlaced formats. No need to transcode, even when mixing codecs.
Avid Media Access (AMA) file-based format support
Save time and maintain quality with direct mounting of removable camera media and supporting devices. Access P2, XDCAM, Canon, QuickTime, and GFCAM media files directly from discs or cards, along with all metadata. Edit the media in its native format without importing, and play out or write back directly to disk/card.
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Closed Caption and Ancilliary Data support
Seamless SMPTE 436-compliant ancillary data is supported and preserved from ingest, through edit, to playback.
720p proxy transcode
Use NewsCutter to create lightweight proxy versions of 720p material for easier collaboration, simpler searching, and efficient high-res archive/low-res on-line workflow.
Play-to-air server support
When you finish editing the story, push it to AirSpeed Multi Stream or other playout servers with a single click. You can also pull material from selected play-to-air servers, edit the content, and push it back.
Multimedia export
Use the integrated tools to create a large variety of high-quality output formats for Web or electronic delivery. Take advantage of easy-to-use compression templates or create your own.
Timestamp Export for BWF
Insert the sequence timecode based on project type when exporting the timeline audio tracks as BWF (Broadcast WAV). Provides fast and easy sync reference for downstream process that do not support OMF or AAF such as slave playback devices.
Engineered for collaboration
Sharing media, projects, and ideas
Unlike most competitive editing applications, NewsCutter is designed for collaboration, and seamless integration with Unity media networks means true collaboration on any scale. Multiple editing systems can play and edit the same file, and even capture to the same volume, simultaneously.
Shared bins and projects
Because media bins (folders) are not linked to specific projects or users, editors working in a Unity environment can open bins from other projects, without having to copy media. And they can give other editors access to their bins, even while they are in use.
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Interplay production asset management support
From within NewsCutter, easily search, select and move media from any location, to any location. Save valuable time by editing feeds just seconds after recording starts and with pre-selected clips and shot lists that go right to the timeline. Background media services transparently move media into, out of, and between workgroups, and in the right editing and distribution formats.
Connected to the newsroom
The NRCS Tool opens an iNEWS or ENPS session right inside NewsCutter. iNEWS journalists insert shot markers and in/out points that go right to the timeline, and text is keyed to the reporter’s read rate so edits are automatically timed.
Integrated graphics power
Easily add high-impact graphics and effects with available PostDeko for Editors software. Graphic and effect templates created on Deko can be completed in NewsCutter and incorporated into packages, saving time and steps while delivering consistent, eye-catching station branding.
Quality that tells the story
Color Correction
Save time and retain quality with a fully integrated 10-bit color correction toolset. Use the one-click analysis tool to automatically correct each clip in a sequence, or the Avid-exclusive NaturalMatch to quickly and accurately match shots.
Titles and graphics
Complete all elements of your news story in your editing software. Add lower thirds, titles, and graphics using the fully integrated and easy-to-use tools. Create and save templates for a consistent, branded look and feel.
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Effect plug-ins
Increase your effect library using third-party plug-ins, including the bundled Boris Continuum Complete and Avid FX. Save time using the real-time playback capabilities of selected AVX2 effects. AVX plug-ins are fully integrated into the Avid user interface using the Avid AVX2 standard.
Effect performance
Get the best real-time multi-layer effect performance using Avid's advanced effect acceleration.
Avid DNxHD support
Edit HD material in real time on your software system using Avid DNxHD encoding, including HD offline using Avid DNxHD36 media. The high-efficiency Avid DNxHD codec is designed to maintain image quality during multi-generation editing.
A world-class company, a worldwide community
Market leadership
Avid knows about professional content creation. We have been in this industry over 20 years, and NewsCutter has defined nonlinear news editing from the beginning. More news, TV and film productions are created using Avid tools than with those from any other company.
Industry focus
Avid is focused on the people and enterprises that make, manage, and move media. We are dedicated to creating innovative products and solutions that help professionals in this industry do their jobs more efficiently and to the highest quality.
System Requirements:
NewsCutter software - System requirements
Because the performance and reliability of the Avid NewsCutter Software system depends on the optimal combination of software, optional I/O hardware, and the computer platform, Avid dedicates a significant amount of engineering resources to test and qualify specific platform configurations.
These Avid-qualified workstations and laptops are listed below. We strongly recommend that you use one of these platforms, not only to get the best possible performance out of your system, but also because Avid trains and qualifies its support teams on these systems.
We have also listed a set of minimum specifications. Please note that these are provided for reference only. Avid cannot make any representation regarding either the suitability of non-Avid-qualified platforms to run the Avid NewsCutter software or the performance and reliability of such a system. We are also not able to provide support for non-qualified platforms.
If you are looking for optimal system reliability, performance, and support, we strongly advise you to purchase an Avid-qualified platform or an Avid turnkey system.
* Computer: Avid-qualified Windows-based computer or laptop (see details)
* OS: Windows 7 Professional (64-bit), Windows XP Professional SP3 (32-bit), Windows Vista Business SP2 (64-bit), Windows Vista Ultimate SP2 (64-bit)
* Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo 2.33 GHz processor or faster
* Memory: 2 GB of RAM (4 GB of RAM recommended; Windows Vista requires 4 GB of RAM)
* Graphics Card: NVIDIA Quadro FX family** (FX 560 or higher)
* Internal Hard Drive: Minimum 80 GB 7200 rpm hard disk
* Optical Drive: DVD drive for disc-based software installation
NewsCutter is available for Windows only.
** Only NVIDIA cards are supported; full-screen playback requires a minimum of 128 MB of graphics memory.
Additional Information
* Laptop users: Please note that support of uncompressed video on laptops is limited to one stream of uncompressed SD video
* QuickTime: Avid has tested and qualified Apple QuickTime 7.5.6
* Windows Media Player: Microsoft Windows Media Player 11 is required to export certain formats and to work with VC-1 material
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