包含:Eyeon DIGITAL Fusion V5.0 和 Render Slave v5.0(渲染器)
Digital Fusion 5.0 (電影合成):
Fusion 5.0 專業級電影合成工具、高端合成軟件!Fusion 5包含了許多新的特點及增強的工作流程。具有真實的3D環境支持,是市場上最有效的3D粒子系統。通過3D硬件加速,你現在可以在一個程序內就可以實現從Pre-Vis到finals的轉變。eyeon's Fusion 是真正的2D和3D協同終極合成器。
Digital Fusion 5.0是一套非常強大的視頻合成軟件,具有眾多的使用特點,節點式的工作流便於使用。Fusion 5.0 是eyeon公司旗艦產品,該產品問世是eyeon公司第9次發布這個強有力的合成器,該產品使用了一個新的圖形引擎,能夠將整體性能提升一個台階並能更使得內存使用效率提高,新的DF5可以在每一個像素上以8bit,16bit或者以浮點方式來運行。DF5可以創建以時間線為基礎的緩存實時播放的部分。利用eyeon 革命性的集群技術可以通過網絡擴展富有傳奇色彩的計算性能。Fusion 5的網絡渲染一直以來與其他批處理渲染技術相比屬於高端技術的應用。新的DF4強勁有力的集群技術,能夠將多台工作站有效的連接組成高級的網絡工作環境,通過網絡render farm的聚合處理能力,整個環境能夠連續的按照次序渲染工作任務。
http://www.eyeonline.com/Web/EyeonWeb/Products/fusion5/teaser_fusion5_color.jpg http://www.eyeonline.com/Web/EyeonWeb/Products/fusion5/teaser_fusion5_3d.jpg http://www.eyeonline.com/Web/EyeonWeb/Products/fusion5/screenshots/thumb_fusion5_waveform.jpg
Fusion 5支持電影流程,並通過一個強大的ODBC支持腳本引擎。
Digital Fusion 5.0的主要特征包括了一個具有燈光、攝像機和基本幾何體的真實的3D合成環境,OpenGL加速器,ASCII文件。自Eyeon在去年的siggraph上宣布以來,藝術家對Fusion 5 World Tour進行了一些反饋,Fusion 5在提供許多新功能的同時也增加了工作平台。波形、矢量顯示器和3D監視器這些用於廣播需求的圖形和效果,都是真彩色的。新的實時矢量顯示器、矩形圖和波長在Fusion5中提供了完整的色彩控制顯示。Digital Fusion 5中新的注釋表與每一合成的記事本相似。藝術家可以用這個特征來保存所做的合成列表。
新增的實時波形表,矢量和柱狀圖顯示使其達到了廣播級標准。直接導入功能和與主流3D軟件的兼容性,使攝像機和場景能夠存在於Fusion中。這其中包括對Maya、LightWave 3D、Max和XSI的支持。
Fusion現在可以直接導入FBX文件,通過FBX文件就可以制作出一個與燈光和攝像機相匹配的作品。Bins已經被移到網絡上了,並允許其他的藝術家看到並更新它們。注釋表(comment tab)的引進可以讓藝術家們記錄一些注釋以及其作品的創作過程。
Eyeon Fusion Render Slave 5.0 (Fusion 5.0渲染器):
也叫Digital Fusion Render Node。是一款革新性的多渲染機在線整合工具,通過簡單的單鍵命令和程序本身的網絡渲染功能。繁重的工作可以很容易被分配到不同的機子,方便電影藝術家們共享相同的網絡渲染節點。可以多線程、多任務實時渲染預覽,它的網絡渲染模式和寬太相近!
A 20 minute render on a dual 400 PII was reduced to 45 seconds with DFRN, a 30-fold increase performance.
Utilizing multiple dual processor machines, DFRN significantly accelerates the rendering process. This simple computer-to-computer rendering design network renders flows for Digital Fusion, DFHD and DFX+ (with Module 5).
Countless users can send flows of every format possible to the queue for rendering, as the network can render all different bit depth and image formats. DFRN also supports all of the tools, features, animation and plug-in options available for the full version of Digital Fusion.
安裝時 選擇Custom 自定義安裝 下一步 去掉 HASP Hardware lock driver (硬件鎖驅動)
一、2000系統 比較容易,安裝後破解文件直接復制、覆蓋到DF 的安裝目錄就可以了!
二、XP系統:可能比較麻煩,因為原安裝文件上就寫了是 NT2K 的 可能兼容性 比較差!
2、破解文件夾裡的 exe文件覆蓋到 DF的安裝目錄
3、C盤 新建 FLEXlm 文件 將 DAT文件 復制到 裡面
Compositions vs. Flows
Fusion 5 now refers to its saved projects as compositions, which now use the .comp file extension. Projects saved to disk were previously known as Flows. This change in terminology has several purposes.
First, calling the saved project a composition reduces possible confusion with the node schematic portion of the Fusion interface, which is also called the Flow. For example, the sentence “Open the flow and examine the flow” is much clearer as “Open the composition, and examine the flow.”
Second, this change helps to distinguish projects saved by Fusion 5 from projects saved in Fusion 4. This is important because Fusion now uses an ASCII file format rather than a binary format, so flows created in previous versions of Fusion are not compatible with Fusion 5.
Flow Improvements
The Fusion 5 flow has been subjected to many enhancements. Nodes in the flow can now use direct-connect pipes as an alternative to the orthographic connections in previous versions. A thumbnail 'flow navigator' which provides an easy way to navigate large compositions with minimal panning. A 'Find Tool' dialogue has also been added to assist in managing and finding specific tools in a large flow. Finally, masks are now visible as separate tools on the flow, making their connections to other nodes instantly obvious, and allowing a single mask to easily be used on multiple tools.
This screenshot shows a portion of the composition as it appears when viewed in a text editor. The composition is now saved as an ASCII file, making it possible to edit without having to open it in Fusion.
Those familiar with DFScript will notice that the syntax is basically just a series of nested tables. This makes it trivial to load and parse flows using our built in scripting language. You could alternately use any scripting language you want to manipulate Fusion.
Also, the saved project is no longer called a flow (*.flw), as it was in previous versions. The saved project is now referred to as a composition (*.comp). The flow editor in the interface is still referred to as the Flow. This makes it easier to distinguish between saved projects and the interface than it was previously.
The Third Dimension
A suite of native 3D tools are now available in Fusion 5, and the individual 3D worlds previously found in the Text and Particle tools are now part of the same overall environment. Fusion’s 3D environment supports lights, cameras, particles, text, primitive geometry, FBX meshes and scenes, and point clouds. The entire 3D environment takes advantage of OpenGL hardware acceleration.
Import FBX Scenes
The FBX scene interchange format is rapidly becoming the standard for moving 3D scenes from one program to another. Fusion can now import FBX files directly, creating a matching composition with animated lights and cameras drawn straight from the FBX file. Fusion will even load geometry and textures from the scene!
Display Views
OpenGL Display Views: Display Views in Fusion 5 are now based on the OpenGL rendering language. As a result Fusion now requires a graphics card with support for OpenGL, and will benefit enormously from the use of a fast OpenGL accelerated display device.
Sub Views and View Types: You can now enable a SubView in the Display Views that can show additional information about your scene. By default this miniature view will show histogram information about the current, but you can click on the arrow next to the SubV button to display a menu listing the various types of views available. The following types of views are supported: Navigator, Magnifier, 2D Viewer, 3D Histogram, 3D Viewer, Color Inspector, Histogram, Image Info, Vectorscope, Waveform.
OpenGL Implementation
The display views have been completely rewritten to become fully OpenGL accelerated. This was done to support the 3D environment introduced by Fusion 5. In addition to allowing you to move 2D image planes around in 3D, our 3D environment supports geometry, meaning that particles, text and basic shapes can exist in the same 3D environment as your images.
Our native camera will allow you to import camera paths from almost all 3D applications and trackers.
Waveform and Vectorscope Monitors
Producing graphics and effects for broadcast means ensuring your colors are legal, everytime. With new realtime vectorscope and waveform displays in Fusion 5, taking control of your color is easier than ever before.
White Balance
White Balance, one of Fusion 5's new Color tools, provides you with the ability to correct or tune the color composition of your shot. Choose different white balances for shadows, midtones, highlights for a finely tuned result.
You may have seen the footage here used in demonstrations of Fusion 4's Histogram Matching feature. White Balance gives us the ability to achieve the same stellar results we get from Histogram Matching, even when a reference plate is unavailable.
Remove Noise
Fusion 5 includes a powerful new noise removal tool, that can eliminate pesky grain and noise from your images. In the example provided, the left side has had the noise removal filter applied, while the right side contains the original grain and noise from the DV clip.
Masks on the Flow
Masks are now simply tools like any other in Fusion, and are visible as nodes in the flow. All tools that support masking now provide mask inputs on the tool tiles in the flow. Mask inputs on a tile are generally drawn as blue arrows, though other colors may be used for pre-masks and garbage mattes. Mask tools can be found in their own category in the tools menu.
The resolution of the mask is not fixed – it is determined by the resolution of the image it is masking. If you are masking a HD sized frame, you will get a HD sized mask. You can branch the output of a mask tool to multiple tools, in which case the mask will be rendered at the correct resolution for each tool.
Double Polylines
Fusion 5 now supports polylines with non uniform softness. This is done using double polylines – a new type of polyline that describes variable softness along the edge of a curve using inner and outer polyline curves. You can also convert any polyline into a double polyline.
B-Splines are now available as a type of polyline. A b-spline uses only a single point to define the smoothness and curvature of a polyline segment. Compare this to a bezier spline, which will use three points to describe smoothness along a polyline segment (the shape point, and two handles for smoothing)
Macro Editor
Fusion's already powerful Macro editor now allows you to open, edit, and re-save previously created macros, making Macros an even more essential part of any composition or workflow.
In addition Macros are now stored in an ASCII file format meaning they can be opened, edited and modified in any text editor
Instance Tools
You can now create an instance of a tool. An instanced tool is basically the SAME tool as the original, any change made to controls on either the parent control or any of its instances are automatically replicated to all other tools that share an instance relationship.
Direct vs. Orthogonal Pipes
The default mode for displaying pipes between tools is now Direct, a straight line connecting tool outputs to tool inputs. You may switch back to the old style of orthogonal pipes using the Flow’s Options context menu.
Bins Server
Fusions bins have escaped onto the network! Fusion has always provided a space to organize your composites, footage, tools and macros. Now the bins can be seen over the network, allowing other Fusion artists to see and even update your bins, and letting you see bins from other artists workstations. For even more power try running the Bins as a standalone service on a central server, making central management of resources for a project a snap.
Flow Comments
Collaboration is about finding simple and elegant solutions for sharing information about a composite between artists. The new comments tab in Fusion 5 is like attaching a notepad to each composite. Use it to keep a todo list for the composite, or just to remind yourself why you built the composite the way you did.
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