中文名: Magix矢量繪圖軟件
英文名: Magix Xara Designer Pro
資源格式: 壓縮包
版本: v8.1.2.23228
發行時間: 2013年01月01日
地區: 英國
語言: 英文
Designer Pro 是 Xara 出品的一款簡單但功能強大的影像處理二合一軟體。
Designer Pro 的操作簡單的讓人難以置信。
除了極強繪圖能力,Designer Pro 的另一個顯著特點就是能夠很方便的快速「生產」網頁圖片 (支援類似 Photoshop 的切圖功能)。
例如,你可以用 Designer Pro 來制作網站的導航圖片,它擁有很友好、直覺的介面,因此,不需要你具備很專業的美工基礎,只需幾步就可以做好,進而把做圖變成了一件快樂的事情。
用它你可以自己畫一個按鈕放到你的網頁上面,或者從一個視訊中截取一段,然後把它們轉換成 GIF,等等……軟體的功能和其輸出效果的相當完美!
Designer Pro 內建大量模板,制作一些相對簡單的效果比 PS 快 N 倍,非常適合懶人型玩家!!
Magix Xara Designer Pro 是一套矢量圖形處理軟件包,Xara Designer用來繪圖、處理圖像、制作WEB圖形,具有制圖速度快、軟件體積小、界面美觀等特點,被譽為世界上速度最快的繪圖軟件。
Magix Xara Designer Pro 設計套件支持 Pantone 和 CMYK 顏色印刷,轉換成矢量圖形、 位圖和透明膠片和文本設置的各種功能。。
Magix Xara Designer Pro來創建標志,名片,文具,廣告,宣傳冊,網站,橫幅和電子郵件的設計。Xara Designer Pro軟件支持輸出格式, EPS , PSD ,WMF和Flash視頻,還創建PDF和HTML文件。
摘自 http://www.ed2000.com/ShowFile.asp?vid=2940926
Microsoft Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8
至少 500 MB 之系統記憶體
至少 300 MB 之硬碟可用空間
Xara Designer Pro X description
An application that can meet the demands of any graphic designer
Xara Designer Pro X is a comprehensive software for assisting in all your creative works, including vector drawing, web graphics, photo composition, and Flash animation.
If you're working with photos, then Xara Designer Pro X can handle everything from a simple one-click auto-enhance of your photo to awesome digital photo compositions. If you're creating a website, then Xara Designer Pro X can help you produce everything you need, from Flash animations to complete web page layouts and even complete websites.
If you're looking for drawing and design software, then Xara Designer Pro X is a perfect solution for everything from simple logos, greetings cards and invitations to astonishingly detailed illustrations.
Whatever graphics you need and whatever your skill level, the intuitive user interface and fast processing of Xara Designer Pro X will make it an absolute pleasure to be creative. And even if you have little or no design ability the wide selection of professionally designed templates provided with the product on CD means you can still produce stunning documents and websites!
Here are some key features of "Xara Designer Pro X":
· Xara Designer is based on the world's most sophisticated, highest performance vector rendering engine. Quite simply this makes it the fastest graphics software to be found.
· Xara Designer's Direct Action Tools allow you to create effects such as transparency, shadows, bevels or gradient fills in an interactive, fast and intuitive way. No distracting dialogs - simply drag on the object!
· Many tasks in Xara Designer benefit from being able to use the drag and drop principle, which is the most intuitive way of working and a great time saver. It also supports drag and drop import of files, such as photos.
· Instead of dragging outlines when you draw, move, rotate or resize objects, Designer offers solid live object manipulation, which simply makes it much easier to see what you're doing! Only Designer is fast enough to do this on complex vector graphics.
· The Zoom tool allows magnification up to 25,000%, perfect for detailed work. And it's super-fast and resolution independent too.
· Xara Designer is the primary tool of many illustrators and includes a set of powerful but really easy to use vector line and shape drawing and editing tools.
· The blend tool tweens or blends from one shape to another. It's ultra-fast, click-drag simple, works with vector shapes, text and photos.
· Xara Designer photo handling beats other graphics programs on many fronts. It's much, much faster, produces smaller files and it's non-destructive. It makes the perfect photo composition tool.
· Intel Celeron or AMD Athlon processor 700MHz or newer
· 500 MB RAM, 300 MB hard disk space for program files
[ Install notes ]
1) Install the application
2) Block its inet connection with firewall
3) Enter Serial Number (run kg as admin)
4) Type a fake email
5) Select activate by post/fax or ticket
6) Enter Activation Code (Serial Number and Activation Code work in pair!)
For plugin activations you should type that driveletter in the keygen where the host application is installed!
Enjoy ...