中文名: DJ打碟混音工具
資源格式: 壓縮包
版本: v2.2.4
發行時間: 2012年
制作發行: Digital 1 Media, Inc.
語言: 英文
問題反饋: http://pcdj.com/index.php/support/
網站鏈接: http://pcdj.com/index.php/products/pcdj-dex
PCDJ DEX是一款專業DJ混音軟件,帶有一個強大的錄音卡座,可以導入,混音以及搜索各種格式的音頻文件。支持m3U文件列表,創建混音,可以更換皮膚等。
PCDJ DEX 是一款幫助您組織和混合音軌的用戶友好型軟件。無論您是新手還是專業 DJ,本程序都是您的理想選擇!
PCDJ DEX 提供的音軌庫使您可以分類和搜索音樂文件。本軟件支持 MP3、OGG、WMA 和 WAV 等音頻格式。您可以使用 BPM 檢測來同步音軌,本功能讓您設置指令點,這樣歌曲便從您所需的部分開始。
此外,PCDJ DEX 可讓您混合品質優越的音軌。它還擁有虛擬錄制功能,可幫助您匹配多個音軌的節奏。您還可以使用其他混合工具,如音譜分析器、立體聲 VU 測量器、比特破碎機和外部混合器等。如果您剛開始做 DJ,或已經是俱樂部一名老手,您應該立即試一下本軟件!
PCDJ DEX是一款適用DJ行業的現場表演軟件,具有打碟與音樂混編的功能,支持mp3, ogg, wma, flac, wav和直接讀取音樂CD。
PCDJ 它是一個混音軟件可以在一台電腦中存儲成千上萬首歌,支持全雙功聲卡,內置有混音功能,可以自動混音播放、自動停止,支持MIDI控制,並且允許你連接外部的MIDI控制器,它還可以即時播放歌曲,能夠即時保存、查找任何歌曲,另外,它還可以用來制作MP3文件,在這個新版本中增加了視頻播放功能、音軌抓取和MP3制作,數字音樂管理,全面支持網絡廣播。 絕對不是一般的音樂播放軟件,只能夠播放MP3、換一換Skin就能滿足大家。PCDJ Red 有內建搜尋引擎、亂數播放、自動播放、自動節奏調整、即時混音等等專業功能,連專業DJ也愛不釋手!最明顯的特色就是它有兩個播放器,而且可以同時播放音樂,而這個設計就是專為專業DJ量身打造的。因此系統需求相當高,至少需要Pentium II 300以上才跑得順。另外,其操作方式也蠻復雜的!
PCDJ DEX 2 for Mac OS X or Windows is an all-encompassing professional DJ software that’s simple enough for the novice, but feature rich enough for any seasoned DJ.
DEX 2 does it all – whether you’re mixing audio, video, or even karaoke files DEX gives you full control over your media allowing you to do more in the mix than ever before. With ultra-accurate automatic beat-mixing, your songs will always stay in sync, allowing you to focus on the other aspects of your mix. Since DEX 2 offers no latency playback; loops, hot cues, and all playback controls are as responsive as possible, whether you’re using a keyboard and mouse or a DJ MIDI controller.
4 DJ decks (two for video and karaoke) with professional grade mixer and playlists.
Fully manual or automatic mixing (one-click beat-matching).
Video mixing (including pitch, break, reverse, scratch video).
Timecode vinyl/CD support.
Robust library with format filters, search as you type, and tag editing.
Seamless intelligent looping and beat-skip.
Skin support – change the appearance of DEX 2.
Automatic grid-based BPM detection with batch processing.
Vinyl simulation including scratch, pitch, reverse play, and brake.
Headphone cueing and monitoring.
Support for professional VST effects.
Analog input for microphone (with talk over),turntables, or CD player’s.
Pitch scaling for harmonic/key mixing.
advanced auto-mixing including Mix-In/Mix-Out (Cue In/Out) points.
Perceptual automatic gain (volume control).
Sample player – load up audio clips and trigger them.
Karaoke CDG (MP3+G Zip and uncompressed) support.
Record your mix to MP3, WAV or AIFF.
Key-Lock (Master Tempo) – Very high quality option available.
ASIO/CoreAudio low-latency support.
Browsing system with unlimited lists, disk explorer, database, and iTunes library import support.
Load the whole song in RAM for instant access.
Audio-CD support on Win/Mac.
DEX 2 reads mp3, m4a, wav, aiff, ogg, cda, mpeg, avi, mov, mkv, wmv, flac and more (Non DRM).
DEX 2 works cross-platform, so your purchase will work equally well on a Windows computer as it will on a Mac.
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PCDJ DEX v2.2.4 04/27/12
Cracker : Jules Supplier : UNION ²
Packager : UNION OS : Windows ° ²
Protection : License °
° Retail: 229$
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°² NOTES °²
We don't want sites, neither couriers and we don't take in new
crackers. If we feel you are worthy you will be contacted.
Greetings goes to: CLS.CORE.DSI.HBD.LND.OGN.PDM
UNION! ²° ²
.nfo header and layout by Hetero