中文名: 音頻工作站軟件
英文名: Presonus Studio One Professional
資源格式: 壓縮包
版本: v2.0.5 WIN&OSX
發行時間: 2012年
制作發行: PreSonus
語言: 英文
Studio One是PreSonus首次涉足音頻工作站領域的第一個軟件,可以運行在Windows和Mac OS X下,獨立運行,可加載AU、VST 2、VST 3效果器和虛擬樂器插件,也可作為ReWire主控端軟件使用。
Studio One是一個集MIDI和音頻功能於一身的工作站,如果你使用PreSonus的硬件那麼完全不必設置就可以直接用。音軌數量、插件數量都沒有限制,即便 在32位系統下它內部也會用64位符點來做運算保證聲音質量。
劃時代的音樂創作與制作軟件,同時適合Mac OS X與Windows XP/Vista。Studio One讓您通過更簡單的方式來錄制音頻及進行MIDI制作,並提供了豐富的專業功能。
Studio One現有兩個版本:Studio One Artist隨每台PreSonus音頻接口一起發售;Studio One Pro,包括tudio One Artist的全部功能,並包括VST, AU及ReWire支持,全面集成母帶處理功能,還有各種重要的附加功能及捆綁的音色。
全新的設計,極其人性化的用戶界面,功能強大的浏覽功能,多種鼠標拖放功能,簡單易用的 MIDI映射功能,與PreSonus對應的自動配置功能,卓越的音質,無限制的音軌數及每軌無限的插件數,支持各種最新技術規格,便利的起始頁面,化繁雜為簡單,Studio One Pro及Studio One Artist的這一切都是下一代音頻軟件的特性。
Studio One Pro基干劃時代的音頻引擎,提供了強大的音頻性能,並可自動在32位及64位浮點處理之間進行切換(哪怕是在32位操作系統下),從而保證在任何情況下均提供最優質的音頻。Studio One Artist采用了相同的音頻引擎,但只工作在32位模式下。兩個版本均兼容ASIO,Windows音頻系統及CoreAudio標准的音頻接口,其中當然包括PreSonus的全系列音頻接口。
Studio One自動識別PreSonus接口,並自動根據接口的型號載入模板,根據硬件輸入口的類型分配軟件輸入口。也就是說您無須在軟件裡進行對應的設置,一切都是自動完成的!
Studio One還提供了一種簡易的操作:軟件將為每首樂曲保存輸入輸出設置,對應於每台電腦、每個設備驅動程序的設置。這樣,您可以將樂曲帶到朋友的錄音棚裡,通過Studio One軟件在他們的接口上進行工作,當回到自己的工作室再打開同樣的樂曲時,軟件將自動恢復為您原來的輸入輸出設置,就好象樂曲從來沒有離開過您的工作室一樣。這個功能不受音頻接口型號的限制。
軟件為專業人士及愛好者提供了一個強大的工具。通過起始頁,您可以打開最近的樂曲及項目,建立新作品,配置外部設備,觀看教程,聽演示曲,還可以看到產品新聞。您可以通過起始頁直接下載最新的產品支持文件,而無須關閉Studio One軟件。
與大多數音樂制作軟件不同,本軟件通過一個直觀的工作窗口,讓您通過一次點擊即可進行音軌編輯、縮混工作。當然如果您願意,也可以把調音台窗口及編曲窗口分開。 通過一個緊湊的調音台窗口,您可以在查看編曲窗口的同時進行混音,這樣就省去了在兩個窗口之間反復切換的麻煩。您還可以切換到大型調音台窗口——軟件通過這些方式提高工作效率,並盡量滿足各種人士的習慣。
Studio One的浏覽器提供了快速訪問功能,用來直達效果、反復、音色及其它關鍵部分。您可以預覽各種音頻片段。如果片段帶有速度信息,它將與樂曲速度同步。
為了保證您可以隨心所欲地進行音頻處理,我們已經提供了相應的Native Effects Suite插件,包括多種內置效果,例如壓縮,EQ,失真,延遲效果,音箱模擬,調制及混響。這些都是為Studio One Pro設計的全新插件,均采用64位雙精度處理。(這些插件在Studio One Artist以32位模式運行。)Studio One具有延遲自動補償功能,以保證音軌同步,不受插件處理的影響。這是真正具有藝術魅力的高科技。Studio One同時配備了四個新的PreSonus虛擬音色軟件,包括SampleOne,這是現有運行最快的采樣映射軟件。
在MIDI映射方面,Studio One再次重寫了規則。當然,您可以錄制MIDI聲部,並在鋼琴卷簾窗中處理。不過,真正的樂趣來自於Control Link窗口,這是迄今為止最人性化的MIDI映射系統。只要點擊Link(連接)按鈕,即可將軟硬件控制功能連接在一起,並進行快速映射。在全局 (Global)模式下,將為軟硬件控制建立一對一關系,即將硬盤控制直接連接到對應的軟件控制。在聚焦(Focus)模式下,控制映射只對應於某個插件,這樣就可以為每個插件建立不同的控制映射,而且這種映射關系隨插件一起保存,從而讓您鎮定自若地完成一切工作。這種功能適用於各種VST或AU插件的所有參數。總而言之,在這個音樂制作軟件中,映射功能既簡單又靈活!
Studio One is a new music creation and production application for Windows XP/Seven that makes audio recording, MIDI sequencing, and audio mastering simple right out of the box, yet provides a wealth of professional features. Fresh code, innovative drag-and-drop MIDI mapping and plug-in management, auto-configuration with PreSonus hardware, good audio quality, unlimited tracks and plug-ins per track and a powerful, inventive, Start page that puts the whole project right in your hands are just a few of the compelling features that make Studio One the next generation in audio software, according to PreSonus. Studio One gives you a complete, easy-to-use solution from raw tracks to finished master, while supporting the latest standards and technologies.Features:
* Elegant single-window work environment.
* Powerful drag-and-drop functionality.
* Unlimited audio tracks, MIDI tracks, virtual instruments, buses and FX channels.
* Content browser with convenient sort options and preview player.
* Integrated mastering solution with automatic avaxklan mix updating, waveform editing, effects, Red Book CD burning, and digital release.
* Automatic delay compensation.
* Advanced automation
* 64-bit processing (even on 32-bit machines).
* Easy-to-use sidechain routing.
* 64-bit effects suite.
* Virtual instruments collection.
* User-friendly sampler.
* Intuitive MIDI-mapping system.
* Real-time audio timestretching and resampling.
* VST2, VST3, and ReWire support.
* K System metering.
* Compatible with any ASIO-, Windows Audio compliant audio interface
This Sound Set Addon is compatible to Studio One PRO (Win/OSX)
Following Sets are included:
Voodoo One Synth.soundset:
A new collection of instruments for Presence based on some very popular synthesizers.
Voodoo One FX.soundset
A collection of 70-One exclusive sweeps, multi-effects, glitches and noize hits.
Rodney Orpheus of The Cassandra Complex has been gathering up a bunch of Creative Commons licensed drum sounds, and turned them into a free Studio One Pro soundset.
CC Kits includes 12 kits, with lots of multisampled acoustic drums and cymbals. The Cassandra Complex have already been using these kits both live and in the studio over the past weeks, so they are well road-tested and ready to rock.
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SIZE ......: 08 * 47,68MB
DATE ......: 04/2012
URL........: http://studioone.presonus.com
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Studio One is a new music creation and production application for Mac OS X
and Windows XP/Seven that makes audio recording, MIDI sequencing, and audio
mastering simple right out of the box, yet provides a wealth of
professional features.
Fresh code, innovative drag-and-drop MIDI mapping and plug-in management,
auto-configuration with PreSonus hardware, good audio quality, unlimited
tracks and plug-ins per track and a powerful, inventive, Start page that
puts the whole project right in your hands are just a few of the compelling
features that make Studio One the next generation in audio software,
according to PreSonus.
Studio One gives you a complete, easy-to-use solution from raw tracks to
finished master, while supporting the latest standards and technologies.
Elegant single-window work environment.
Powerful drag-and-drop functionality.
Unlimited audio tracks, MIDI tracks, virtual instruments, buses and FX
Content browser with convenient sort options and preview player.
Integrated mastering solution with automatic mix updating, waveform
editing, effects, Red Book CD burning, and digital release.
Automatic delay compensation.
Advanced automation.
64-bit processing (even on 32-bit machines).
Easy-to-use sidechain routing.
64-bit effects suite.
Virtual instruments collection.
User-friendly sampler.
Intuitive MIDI-mapping system.
Real-time audio timestretching and resampling.
AU, VST2, VST3, and ReWire support.
K System metering.
Compatible with any ASIO-, Windows Audio-,or Core Audio-compliant audio
Changes in v2.0.5
See included > WhatsNew.txt
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1) Unzip, Unrar and install
2) Check Readme.txt and use Keygen
3) Have Phun
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nFO bY ThE AiRBEARS 2011