中文名: 影視後期特效調色系統
英文名: Blackmagic Design Davinci Resolve
資源格式: 壓縮包
版本: V8.2
發行時間: 2012年
制作發行: Blackmagic Design Pty. Ltd.
語言: 英文
DaVinci Resolve 8加入了更多強大特性。新增的XML導入和導出功能讓DaVinci Resolve能導入和導出Final Cut Pro 7和Adobe Premiere Pro的多層時間線,使調色和剪輯系統更加緊密地結合了起來。加入了OpenCL支持的DaVinci Resolve可以在Apple iMacTM和MacBook ProTM計算機上為分辨率最高到1080 HD的視頻進行實時調色。此外,Blackmagic Design還為DaVinci Resolve添加了實時降噪、晃動畫面穩定化、曲線調色和自動立體3D圖像對位等多項新功能!
新的DaVinci Resolve 8在同第三方的兼容性方面也有新的突破。除了DaVinci Resolve調色台,DaVinci Resolve 8還兼容Avid™ Artist Color™、Tangent Wave和JL Copper調色台,讓用戶可以根據的預算和需求自由選擇最適合自己的工具。另外,DaVinci Resolve 8還可導出ALE文件,供Avid剪輯系統重新鏈接完成調色的DNxHD文件。
新的Resolve 軟件提供了以下功能:通過XML與Apple Final Cut Pro X協同工作;新的層節點合成特效;支持ACES色彩空間;通過 Avid AAF與 Avid Media Composer™協同工作;對Final Cut Pro 7 素材尺寸調整和位置的支持;新的調色設置復制命令;經過升級的EDL功能;對 Thunderbolt™ 采集盒UltraStudio 3D的支持;兼容2011 MacBook Pro 15”計算機。
安裝這個升級包後,DaVinci Resolve可以利用Final Cut Pro的rich XML文件格式導入和導出Final Cut Pro X時間線。使用Final Cut Pro X時,用戶可以在Final Cut Pro X和DaVinci Resolve之間交換工程,工程的多軌時間線會被完整保留,而且時間線上的剪輯點、迭化特技,以及變速鏡頭都會按照精確到幀的精度保留下來。DaVinci Resolve也可通過Final Cut Pro X導出的rich XML鏈接原始素材。
DaVinci Resolve支持高分辨率和高位深調色,因此從Final Cut Pro導出的時間線可以得到最高質量的輸出。用戶還可采用另一種工作流程:用DaVinci Resolve 管理RED、ARRI、CinemaDNG和DNxHD等具有極高分辨率的RAW圖像格式,完成調色後,渲染輸出成ProRes或者無壓縮媒體,供Final Cut Pro X使用。
DaVinci Resolve 新的層節點合成特效為調色師提供了更多的合成模式,包括加、減、差值、乘、屏幕、迭加、變暗和變亮模式。調色師可以利用這些新合成特效帶來的強大功能創作出極為復雜和精細的調色作品。
DaVinci Resolve 繼承了DaVinci在高端電影行業的領先地位,現在加入了對ACES色彩空間的支持。ACES IIF是由美國電影藝術和科學學院技術委員會推廣的一種通用開放圖形圖像交換處理格式。ACES IIF文件格式現在得到了全面支持,包括豐富的輸入數據轉換(IDT)和輸出數據轉換(ODT),以及對3D shaper LUT的支持。DaVinci Resolve 讓調色師可以自由利用這種格式,而且免費的DaVinci Resolve Lite也加入了對ACES色彩空間的支持,讓任何人都能使用這種最新的好萊塢技術。
為了提升與Avid Media Composer的兼容性,DaVinci Resolve 現在改進了通過 Avid AAF導入/導出與Resolve協同工作的能力。新的AAF支持包含顏色過渡、帶有邊框的邊緣和中心劃像、時鐘和百葉窗劃像、橢圓和鑽石劃像、迭加合成等特效 ,還加入了對Avid尺寸調整以及搖移、推拉、旋轉和傾斜的支持。
與Final Cut Pro 7的協同工作能力也得到了增強,而且還加入了素材尺寸調整數據導入功能。導入所有或選定素材的尺寸和位置數據可以在渲染時利用具有極高質量的DaVinci Resolve圖像尺寸調整引擎。
對包括動態時間線在內的剪輯和節點元數據進行剪切、復制和粘貼操作,讓時間線剪輯和節點間調色設置的復制變得更加簡單快捷。DaVinci Resolve 還加入了新的套底功能,包括輸出丟失素材EDL,以及將新EDL導入到時間線的一軌。這簡化了長篇影視制作中丟失素材的查找和替換,非常適合更換VFX鏡頭。DaVinci Resolve 還提供了一個新的Hover over node調色狀態顯示,可以顯示節點中更改過的調色設置,從而提升調色效率。
DaVinci Resolve 加入了對新硬件的支持,包括Apple 2011年早些時候發布,配有15英寸1680x1050顯示屏的MacBook Pro,以及支持Thunderbolt技術的UltraStudio 3D采集盒。對UltraStudio 3D的支持讓支持 Thunderbolt™技術的最新iMac和MacBook Pro計算機可以預監視頻或連接錄機進行輸入和輸出。
DaVinci Resolve 中的其他特性包括素材合法數據范圍或完整數據范圍色彩空間轉換;如果素材編碼不正確,可使用素材色彩空間選擇功能;渲染現在可以支持視頻或數據級別;在時間線縮略圖中,支持RED HDRx素材的HDR源圖標。
DaVinci color correctors are the standard in post production since 1984. There are thousands of colorists worldwide who understand the performance, quality and workflow of DaVinci and love it as their trusted partner in creativity. DaVinci is the name behind more feature films, television commercials, documentaries, episodic television production and music videos than any other grading system.
The post production standard:
DaVinci color correctors are the standard in post production since 1984. There are thousands of colorists worldwide who understand the performance, quality and workflow of DaVinci and love it as their trusted partner in creativity. DaVinci is the name behind more feature films, television commercials, documentaries, episodic television production and music videos than any other grading system. Now available for both Mac and Linux, the true quality and power of DaVinci is now affordable for everyone!
Clients demand DaVinci!
When you’re in a room full of demanding clients with conflicting ideas, colorists know that only DaVinci has the quality, real time performance, creative features, and powerful control panels to make euphoric clients who love to keep coming back. That’s why clients always ask for DaVinci by name.
Grade raw RED files in realtime!
DaVinci Resolve allows full unlimited grading of raw RED files in real time so you’re not limited by time consuming rendering before grading. DaVinci Resolve reads and browses files direct from your disk array, SAN or files captured from the video input. Choose from a huge range of file formats such as native DPX, CIN, QuickTime, DNxHD and native RED R3D in 4K with full de-bayer all in real time. You can even work with TIFF, JPEG, TGA and BMP and up to 16 channels of audio!
Get your job done fast!
DaVinci Resolve is designed to handle all types of source material common in busy post production facilities. Get the job done fast as you can automatically link color correction metadata to the master grade. Load an EDL for an instant conform of your timeline and you can grade multiple versions of the edit all at the same time. DaVinci Resolve lets you view the offline against the timeline to quickly see and fix any problems. EDLs are handled in A or C mode and if you don’t have an EDL, then the DaVinci Automatic Scene Detector can create one for you fast!
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³ Type..........: COLOR CORRECTORS ³ Packager......: TEAM XFORCE ³
³ Publisher.....: BLACKMAGIC DESIGN ³ Cracker.......: TEAM XFORCE ³
³ Supplier......: TEAM XFORCE ³ Release Date..: MAR 14TH 2012 ³
³ Release notes.. ³
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³ DaVinci color correctors are the standard in post production since 1984.³
³ There are thousands of colorists worldwide who understand the ³
³ performance, quality and workflow of DaVinci and love it as their ³
³ trusted partner in creativity. DaVinci is the name behind more feature ³
³ films, television commercials, documentaries, episodic television ³
³ production and music videos than any other grading system. ³
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³ http://www.blackmagic-design.com/products/davinciresolve/ ³
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³ 1. Unzip & Unrar, check Crack/install.txt ³
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³ 2. Enjoy it ³
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³ When so many groups bring you crap fakes non-working, X-FORCE always ³
³ gets you the Best of the Best. ACCEPT NO IMITATION ! ³
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³ X-Force 2012! ³
³ Group News & Greetings.. ³
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³ All our OLD friends ... and to all our fans ³
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[----------------- X-FORCE 2012 SMOKING THE COMPETITION --------01/01/12-]