中文名: 圖片無損放大
英文名: PhotoZoom Pro 3
資源格式: 壓縮包
版本: 破解版
發行時間: 2009年
制作發行: BenVista
地區: 美國
語言: 簡體中文
軟件類型:圖形圖像 - 圖像處理
網站鏈接: http://www.benvista.com/main/content/content.php?page=home
Name: Peter Zuma
[email protected]Unlock code: UVFYM - SSHN4 - 4SWGG - QY7VU - TQFVQ
The numbers in the image above indicate where each of the following steps should be performed.
1. Click Open, and select an image you want to resize
2. Fill in the new size (in pixels, percentage, or centimeters / inches, whichever you prefer)
3. Select the resize method you want to use, or leave it at the default setting*
4. Click Save, specify a filename, and wait for the process to finish
* The default setting (S-Spline Max, preset: Generic) will give fine results in most cases, but the ideal settings can differ from image to image. When you fine-tune the settings, or pick a different resize technique (such as S-Spline XL or S-Spline) or preset, you can preview the differences in the preview window.
If you have a lot of images to resize, process them all at once using Batch processing
For tips and information on fine-tuning your resize method, see the chapter Fine-tuning
Windows XP sp3系統,卡巴斯基反病毒軟件8.0.0.506,數據庫發布日期2010-01-19 15:59:00 檢測結果