《視頻縮略圖抓取工具》(SUU-Design Video Thumbnails Maker)v3.0.0.2/含注冊機[壓縮包] | |
下載分級 | 软件资源 |
資源類別 | 多媒體類 |
發布時間 | 2017/7/11 |
大 小 | - |
Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0+ is required
Updated to v3.0.0.2
[M] Engines speed is increased.
Please pay attention to my new project - Twins by Scorp! Twins by Scorp is a beautiful concentration memory game with simple rules for you and your family. More info at www.suu-design.com.
[M] New setting - "TXT". Instructs the processing engine to make a separate TXT-file with technical details, according to options selected in the Options window.
[M] New setting - "XML". Instructs the processing engine to make a separate XML-file with technical details in spite of options selected in the Options window.
[M] New setting - "General CSV-file". Allows to get one general CSV-file with technical details about all files form the list, according to options selected in the Options window.
[M] New setting - "General XML-file". Allows to get one general XML-file with technical details about all files form the list in spite of options selected in the Options window.
[M] Environment window is redesigned.
[M] More detailed errors logging into "Diad.log" file situated in the program's folder.
[M] A few cosmetic changes.
[M] Audio/video information module is updated significantly.
°²²²±±±² SUU-Design Video Thumbnails Maker v3.0.0.2
²²² ²² Released on 01/20/10 for exclusive usage by ²² ²²²
²² ° members of the release scene. This isnt something ° ²²
° ² ° to share with your school mates and not for sale. ° ² °
² °²±² ° Go and ask mommy to buy this app if you like it! ° ²±²° ²
²²²± ° ° ±²²²
° °± Company ..: SUU-Design ±° ° ±
±° Url ......: www.suu-design.com °± °
²² ²² ²² ²²
²² ° ° ²²
° ² ° Video Thumbnails Maker by Scorp ° ² °
² °²±² ° ° ²±²° ²
²²²± ° The latest version of the program is available in ° ±²²²
° °± the Downloads section of the site. ±° ° ±
±° °± °
²² ²² ²² ²²
²²² ²² Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0+ is required. You can ²² ²²²
²² ° download the Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 ° ²²
° ² ° redistributable package (x86) here or here (23 Mb). ° ² °
² °²±² ° ° ²±²° ²
²²²± ° Video Thumbnails Maker allows you to make ° ±²²²
° °± thumbnails (caps, previews, screen-lists) and ±° ° ±
±° screenshots of video files. The utility can be used °± °
²² ²² for home-video cataloging and for network video ²² ²²
²²² ²² sharing support. ²² ²²²
²² ° ° ²²
° ² ° Video Thumbnails Maker is coming with its own ° ² °
² °²±² ° Viewer! The main advantage of the Viewer is the ° ²±²° ²
²²²± ° ability to start the related video-file right from ° ±²²²
° °± the Viewer! The process is automatic in activated ±° ° ±
±° version. In usual version you can set the link °± °
²² ²² between the picture and the video-file manually ²² ²²
²²² ²² within the Viewer. ²² ²²²
²² ° ° ²²
° ² ° Screenshots of the program: ° ² °
² °²±² ° Work in progress, watch (32 kb) ° ²±²° ²
²²²± ° Options window (F2), watch (40 kb) ° ±²²²
° °± Environment window (F3), watch (50 kb) ±° ° ±
±° Fragments of the "Choose shots manually" °± °
²² ²² interfaces, watch (63 kb) ²² ²²
²²² ²² ²² ²²²
²² ° The results: ° ²²
° ² ° Base-preset N1 result, watch (155 kb) ° ² °
² °²±² ° Base-preset N2 result, watch (200 kb) ° ²±²° ²
²²²± ° Base-preset N3 result, watch (240 kb) ° ±²²²
° °± Base-preset N4 result, watch (225 kb) ±° ° ±
±° Base-preset N5 result, watch (230 kb) °± °
²² ²² Base-preset N5 result, watch (195 kb) ²² ²²
²²² ²² Base-preset N1 result, watch (195 kb) ²² ²²²
²² ° Also you can create such original pictures, watch ° ²²
° ² ° (43 kb) ° ² °
² °²±² ° ° ²±²° ²
²²²± ° The main features of the program: ° ±²²²
° °± Supports of the batch processing of videofiles. ±° ° ±
±° Supports of practically any videos-formats (even °± °
²² ²² MOV, QT, FLV, SWF, RM if you have appropriate ²² ²²
²²² ²² codecs). If the file can be normally played in your ²² ²²²
²² ° video-player (Windows Media Player or BSPlayer), it ° ²²
° ² ° can be processed by the program. ° ² °
² °²±² ° Several ways to choose shots manually (including ° ²±²° ²
²²²± ° crop ability), learn more. ° ±²²²
° °± You can pause/continue or stop active job at any ±° ° ±
±° moment. °± °
²² ²² Visual preview of your settings right in the ²² ²²
²²² ²² Options window! Momentary rendering. Never before ²² ²²²
²² ° the creation of thumbnails was so simple! Maximum ° ²²
° ² ° freedom for your creativity. ° ² °
² °²±² ° Possibility to save each shot in separate file. ° ²±²° ²
²²²± ° Command line interface support, learn more. ° ±²²²
° °± Own Viewer allows to start the related video-file ±° ° ±
±° right from the picture-Viewer! The process is °± °
²² ²² automatic in activated version, learn more. In ²² ²²
²²² ²² usual version you can set the link between the ²² ²²²
²² ° picture and the video-file manually within the ° ²²
° ² ° Viewer. ° ² °
² °²±² ° Import and export options presets. ° ²±²° ²
²²²± ° Options preset file format (*.vtm). After you run ° ±²²²
° °± the preset, the program is automatically opened ±° ° ±
±° with the imported tuning. Very useful. °± °
²² ²² 6 interface languages (English, Belarusian, ²² ²²
²²² ²² Russian, Ukranian, German, French). ²² ²²²
²² ° 5 customizable "base"-presets. ° ²²
° ² ° Ability to export Video and Audio technical details ° ² °
² °²±² ° in CSV and XML file formats. ° ²±²° ²
²²²± ° Statistics of the progress of the program (F1 ° ±²²²
° °± window). ±° ° ±
±° If you support the project, you can receive an °± °
²² ²² email stating the amount you have donated, and a ²² ²²
²²² ²² special activation key for the program. The key ²² ²²²
²² ° allows you to personalize the program, and ° ²²
° ² ° depending on the amount you donated you will ° ² °
² °²±² ° receive special status (silver, gold, platinum), ° ²±²° ²
²²²± ° learn more. ° ±²²²
° °± Watermarks (alpha-channels and transparency are ±° ° ±
±° supported). Make your own style. °± °
²² ²² Ability to use your images as background images for ²² ²²
²²² ²² preview. ²² ²²²
²² ° Autoadjustment of height of a shot option. ° ²²
° ² ° Global stroke and stroke tiles options. ° ² °
² °²±² ° Fit screen option (autoadjustment of the shots to ° ²±²° ²
²²²± ° fit your screen resolution). ° ±²²²
° °± Special effects (drop shadow, gray scale, cut ±° ° ±
±° edges). °± °
²² ²² Customizable fonts, colors, contours, shadows, ²² ²²
²²² ²² frames, background, text. ²² ²²²
²² ° Stamp time in shots option (5 different locations, ° ²²
° ² ° transparency, contour). ° ² °
² °²±² ° Video information stamp option (4 different ° ²±²° ²
²²²± ° locations and customizable configurations). ° ±²²²
° °± "Audio/Video info" option. ±° ° ±
±° "Custom comment" option. °± °
²² ²² Three rendering engines (Engine 2 is recommended to ²² ²²
²²² ²² be used under 64-bit OS). ²² ²²²
²² ° "Try to substitute black frames" option. ° ²²
° ² ° The program's small size. ° ² °
² °²±² ° Hot keys. ° ²±²° ²
²² ° ° ²²
° ² ° 1. Unpack & Install ... ° ² °
² °²±² ° 2. Use KeyMaker to get Activation Code ° ²±²° ²
²²²± ° 3. Install newest DirectX ! ° ±²²²
° ² ° You got something to offer like ° ² °
² °²±² ° ° ²±²° ²
²²²± ° * supplies (either ISO or DDL) ° ±²²²
° °± * cracking skills ±° ° ±
±° * pizza °± °
²² ²² ²² ²²
²²² ²² and want to join the only scene family in existance? ²² ²²²
²² ° Then just ask around on IRC (maybe even your girl- ° ²²
° ² ° friend may know one of our council members, be it ° ² °
² °²±² ° the one or the other way...) and lets see if you ° ²±²° ²
²²²± ° fit into one of our open positions! ° ±²²²
° °± ±° ° ±
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