中文名: 歐洲頂級音頻播放軟件AIMP2
英文名: AIMP2
資源格式: 壓縮包
版本: v2.60 Build 551官方多國語言版(含簡體中文)
發行時間: 2010年02月15日
制作發行: AIMP Developer Team
地區: 俄羅斯
語言: 簡體中文,多語言
問題反饋:[email protected]網站鏈接:http://www.aimp.ru/
相信很多人都曾經使用過Winamp這款音樂播放器,Winamp曾是一款專業的MP3 音樂播放軟件,現如今已經發展為影音通吃的多媒體軟件,軟件的體積以及資源占用也與日俱增,迫使Winamp的老用戶不得不轉而使用其它的替代方案,今天我就為大家介紹一個與Winamp功能類似但資源占用比它小很多的歐洲頂級音頻播放軟件AIMP,相信一定能夠滿足您的音樂試聽需求!
AIMP2 是一款來自俄羅斯的音樂播放軟件,操作方式類似老牌MP3 播放器 Winamp。但是它卻有比 Winamp 更多以及更好用的功能,而且完全是免費軟件。有著華麗的介面,但是卻非常的省資源,程式在執行的時候記憶體占用得非常少,縮小到系統列之後,只占用約 3 到 4 MB 而已。
支持格式:AIMP 除了支援MP1, MP2, MP3, MPC, MP+, AAC, AC3, OGG, FLAC, APE, WavPack, Speex, WAV, CDA, WMA, S3M, XM, MOD, IT, MO3, MTM, UMX 各種常見的音樂格式之外,還支援一些較特殊的格式,像是 .APE、.OGG、.FLAC、.ACC 等等…
AIMP 基本功能的介紹:等化器
就像 Winamp 一樣,AIMP 也內建了等化器 (Equalizer),並且也提供了一些預先設定好的等化值,像是重高低音、金屬音樂、流行音樂、搖滾樂、爵士樂、古典音樂等等…
AIMP 提供了面板更換功能,當用膩了同一個面板的時候可以隨換掉。官網提供的面板樣式雖然不多,但其中有幾個是滿不錯的,等一下會介紹到。在這裡我想強調的是面板顏色自訂功能。下面的撷圖裡有一個顏色棒,使用者可以把面板設定成自己喜歡顏色。
除了自家的播放列表 .plc 之外,AIMP還支援 .pls (Winamp 播放列表) 以及 .m3u (M3U 播放列表),因此之前使用 Winamp 建立的播放列表就不必擔心無法使用。
支援 Unicode 的 ID3 標簽
完全支援 .APE 音樂檔案
AIMP 內建 Monkey’s Audio 解碼器,可播放 .ape 檔案。如果有相對應的 .cue 檔案 (記錄音軌資訊的文字檔) 的話也不用擔心,因為 AIMP2 同樣內建了 Cue Reader,只要把 .cue 檔案拉到播放列表就可以聆聽 .ape 音樂檔了。
只要知道網路廣播的正確網址,AIMP 便可以將廣播錄制為 MP3 或是 WAV 格式的檔案。
AIMP 提供相當大范圍的熱鍵自訂功能,因此完全不必用滑鼠也可以輕松操作。
在 AIMP 中,播放列表可以是單純地只顯示歌手、歌曲以及歌曲時間,或是也可以使用被稱之為“新樣式的播放列表”而進階地顯示每首歌曲更詳細的資訊。預設是會以新樣式顯示,但如果還是喜歡單純的播放列表則可以到“選項->界面的播放列表->取消勾選”使用新樣式的播放列表””即可。
安裝說明:Windows XP SP3下已通過安裝測試,正常安裝。
版本更新說明:Version: AIMP v2.60 Build 551
Build date: 15.02.2010Change Log :
+ Player: Automatically subdividing to tracks when adding file that has CUE-Sheet
+ Player: Possibility to turn off Explorer context menu cascading
+ Player: 'Windows Default' added to default sound output devices list
+ Player: Repeating of the part of the track (A-B Repeat) added
+ Player: Crossfading effect when rewinding track added
+ Player: When playing CUE-Sheet real track`s format will be displayed in information line
+ Player: Displaying duration and size of files, selected in playlist
+ Player: Embedded CUE-Sheet support for WV, FLAC, APE formats
+ Player: Reconnection to internet-radiostation when losing connection
+ Player: XSPF playlists support
+ Player: Ability to adjust pause between tracks
+ Player: Template for filename for radio recording
+ Player: Adjusting playlist scrolling speed
+ Player: Reduced system resources usage
* Removed title scrolling from playlist
* Removed ability to dock main window to audio library because of the instability
+ Tag editor: 'Disk number' field added
+ Tag editor: Ability to edit Embedded CUE-Sheet
+ Tag Editor [Advanced]: new column 'album cover’s availability in tag-file' added
+ Tag editor [Advanced]: added ability to show subfolder headers in the file list
+ Tag editor [Advanced]: Multiple deleting of selected tags
+ Tag editor [Advanced]: MiniPlayer for track preview
+ Skins Engine: Added saturation regulator
+ Skins Engine: Added ability to disable windows magnetize effect
+ Skins Engine: 'All In One' mode added
+ Skins Engine: Ability to create user`s containers added
+ Skins Engine: New elements added - CoverArt, Rating Display, A-B Repeat Mode
+ Skins Engine: Half-opaque support for elements that can`t contain other elements
+ Skins Engine: Docking Engine updated
+ Plugins: Information line is a plugin now
+ Plugins: Automatic computer shutdown is a plugin now
+ Plugins: Active online Shoutcast / Icecast radiostations browser added
+ Plugins: CoverArt Downloader added
+ Core: In Windows Vista and higher 'Vista Dialogs' will be used instead of classic
+ Core: 'While-typing' TreeView navigation
+ Core: Single-line text painting speed-up
+ Core: Internal classes and functions optimisation
+ Core: Ability to read audio content info from MusePack v8
+ Core: Small bugs fixed
+ Information line: FadeIn and FadeOut
+ Information line: Optional album art displaying
+ Information line: Ability to adjust text alignment
+ Information line: Ability to disable display of infobar if full-screen application is running
+ Audio Library: Ability to reset statistics
+ Audio Library: DB requests optimization
+ Audio Library: CUE-Sheet support
+ Audio Library: Sorting playlists by rating
+ Audio Library: Displaced files management
+ DSP-Manager: Button to reset effects to their default values
+ DSP-Manager: Equalizer algorithm updated
+ DSP-Manager: 'Replay gain' tag support in 'Auto normalize sound volume' module
+ DSP-Manager: DFX9 compability improved
+ Queue: Ability to save queue as playlist
+ Queue: Ability to turn off queue saving after player shutdown
+ Queue: Moving queue manager items by mouse
+ Sound recording: Moved to separate package
+ Sound recording: Engine optimized
+ Audio converter: Moved to separate package
+ Audio converter: Engine optimized
+ Audio converter: Option added 'skip the file if it already exists in destination folder'
+ Audio converter: '_new' suffix is deleted automatically if the source file is deleted after converting
病毒庫發布時間:2010.2.23 8:58:00
檢測系統:Windows XP SP3