中文名: 紅白機(8-bit)芯片音源
英文名: Plogue chipsounds VST, AU or RTAS
資源格式: 壓縮包
版本: v1.501/更新v.1.5破解版
發行時間: 2010年10月23日
地區: 美國
語言: 英文
軟件介紹:何為8-BIT?8 bit就是紅白機內2A03芯片發出來的聲音(包含矩形波2個通道+三角波1個通道+噪音1個通道+DPCM1個通道。),想想魂斗羅,沙羅曼蛇,超級馬麗,坦克大戰,冒險島.....這些耳熟能詳的名字,想起來是哪種聲音了嗎?(“滴滴嘟嘟”“呲呲嘭嘭”)
Plogue’s new soft-synthesizer turns your VST, AU or RTAS host into a classic video game console, vintage 8bit home computer and even an 80′s arcade.
Plogue chipsounds authentically emulates 15 vintage 8bit-era sound chips (on top of their variants), down to their smallest idiosyncrasies.
But more interestingly, it also faithfully allows you to dynamically reproduce the accidentally discovered sounds effect tricks and abusive musical techniques that were made famous by innovative chip music composers and classic video game sound designers, which for the good part of the last 3 decades, have pushed beyond the boundaries of the original chip designs.
In short, whether you are already versed into chiptune/chip music or just interested in those sounds, this is one unique instrument for you!
UI Changes:
* Totally different skin (fits on all monitors and ebooks)
* Current mixer strip is always available.
* You can now enter some values using keyboard
* new Amplitude LFO added
* two asignable drawable user LFOS
New rescued chips:
*uPD1771C (as used in the Super Cassette Vision)
*uPD65010G (as used in the PV-1000)
*M5232 (as used in the Poly-800)
Healed chip:
* DMG-01′s wave channel now has extra phase modulation (Pmode)
and vertical offset (VPOS) settings
Effect Changes:
* Added new MIDI Delay Module
* Added Swing to Arpeggiator
★已經過安裝測試,測試系統為win7 32位旗艦版+Cubase 5