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SUPPLiER..: Team DYNAMiCS DiSKS...: 7 * 5MB
CRACKER...: Team DYNAMiCS DATE....: 0527 2011
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² ² - RELEASE NOTES - ² ²
Reverb improvements:
* Nectar's Reverb has been overhauled for a better sound, including
improved workflow for dialing in great vocal reverb settings.
Because of these changes, users may notice that sessions saved with
Nectar Version 1.0 sound different. For guidelines on adjusting the
Reverb of existing sessions in Version 1.1, please refer to this
knowledgebase article.
Pitch-related improvements:
* Adds a "Non-formant preserving" mode, which allows you to turn formant
preservation on or off. Small (less than 1.5 semitone) shifts that
occur in subtle pitch correction often sound better with formant
preservation turned off, while large shifts will be better with
formant preservation on. Tip: Turning off formant preservation is
also good for special effects (like the Chipmonk and Dark Lord Styles).
* In supported hosts, dragging a note in the Manual Pitch Editor now
creates a color highlight to better see the target pitch of the
note you're dragging.
* In supported hosts, dragging a note will also produce a tone so you
can hear the target pitch of the note you're dragging.
* Pitch transpositions now sound more natural due to a change in the
envelope shape.
* Optimizations to pitch correction algorithms for faster performance.
Doubler improvements:
* Adds Low, Medium, and High quality modes to the Doubler module. Note
that the version 1.0 Doubler was the equivalent of the High quality
* Doubler CPU usage is dramatically lowered in Version 1.1 (5.7x at
High quality and 13x at Low quality).
Other changes and fixes:
* Improved host compatibility on OS X in 64-bit VST formats.
* Includes the new iZotope Crash Reporter to help customers
automatically submit crash reports to iZotope for rapid diagnosis
and bug fixing.
* In several hosts, keyboard shortcuts meant for the host are no
longer "eaten" by some windows, especially in the floating Manual
Pitch Editor window.
* Stability enhanced in several hosts. Rare crashes or hangs in isolated
hosts were also fixed.
* Performance improvements for Tracking mode.
* Pitch algorithm quality improvements: fixed bugs causing glitching
such as stuttering, clicking, and popping.
* Minor bugfixes and performance enhancements.
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±° °° ² ² °° °±
²² ²°± ±°² ²²
² ² - iNSTALL NOTES - ² ²
1. Unpack
2. Install
3. Use cracks
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°° °°°° ° °² ²° ° °°°° °°
±° °° ² ² °° °±
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² ² - GREETS - ² ²
We hate you all.
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