中文名: 樂譜制作軟件
英文名: Avid Sibelius
資源格式: 壓縮包
版本: v7.0 MAC OS /Windows x86-x64
發行時間: 2011年
制作發行: Sibelius
地區: 英國
語言: 英文
「Sibelius」是世界上最暢銷的樂譜制作軟件。「Sibelius 7」則是「Sibelius」系列產品中的最新版本;「Sibelius 7」技術純熟,足以滿足頂級作曲家、編曲家和出版商的需求,而且它簡單易學的操作性能,更適合初學者和學生使用。
由英國 Avid 科技公司所研發的繪譜軟件「Sibelius 7」,是現有各種繪譜軟件中功能最強、效果最佳的一套軟件;一套「Sibelius 7」即能完成所有的「樂譜輸入」、「美工完稿」、「文字編排」和「音響輸出」工作。
一套 Sibelius 7 包含下列五組程序:
▲ Sibelius 7 作曲編譜軟件
▲ Sibelius 7 采樣音色集與音色集安裝軟件
▲ PhotoScore Lite 印刷樂譜掃描辨識軟件
▲ AudioScore Lite 音頻掃描辨識軟件
▲ Sibelius Scorch 有聲網頁樂譜制作及浏覽軟件
Sibelius 7 的新功能˙「磁性化布局」功能
˙更完美的「Sibelius Sounds Essentials」采樣音色資料庫
加入「AIR」的智慧型科技後,現在起「Sibelius Sounds Essentials」已不需要設定了。新的Sibelius 演奏器可以讓 Sibelius同時播放最高達128軌的軌數(依據電腦的能力),並具有包括「回音」在內的即時播放效果;Sibelius甚至能在背景載入播放所需要的采樣音色,意 即當采樣音色在載入時,您也可以同時編輯您的樂譜
可以使 Sibelius 的播放與 Pro Tools丶 Cubase丶Logic丶GarageBand 等等都能同步播放
容許您在其上點擊某個鍵或某個品位即可輸入音符, 或者您也可以將電腦的「QWERTY」打字鍵盤當成鋼琴使用;這些美觀而且可以調整大小的視窗,也是學生們學習繪譜 / 視譜的理想工具
「Sibelius 7」不但可以制作傳統的樂團總譜,也可以制作摩登/現代音樂等非傳統樂譜,使用「動態分譜編輯器」,不用再執行「摘錄分譜」;總譜與分譜同時存在同一檔案內,可以更方便地編輯分譜;總譜或分譜任何一方有變動時,另一方自動跟著同步更新,也可以針對各個分譜另行資料編輯
在國外有70%的商業樂譜網站和音樂網站,所使用的都是Sibelius Scorch格式的網頁,可將完成的樂譜放到網頁上供其他人浏覽丶試聽,並可限制列印或儲存
「Sibelius 7」獨有的「編曲」功能提供了130種不同的編曲格式,可以為您自動配器,不論是簡單的重奏編制丶流行樂隊編制,或是復雜如管弦樂團編制的配器均可,部份音樂人更因為這項功能而選購這套軟體
「Sibelius 7」附送「PhotoScore Lite」及「AudioScore Lite」樂譜與音訊辨識軟體,可將印刷樂譜經由「掃瞄」輸入,並判讀成有聲樂譜
「Sibelius 7」是第一套可處理影像的繪譜軟體,可於樂譜內插入「TIFF格式」之影像;並可撷取樂譜之局部影像,或將樂譜輸出為「影像檔」或「EPS圖檔」,供各式「文字處理」丶「排版」或「美工編輯」軟體作後續處理
「Sibelius 7」可將樂譜直接轉匯為「音訊檔」,供制作CD使用
「Sibelius 7」可以直接開啟視窗「.avi」丶「.mpg」丶「.wmv」及「.mov」格式之視訊影片編寫配樂,能夠准確抓取配樂與影片之銜接點,使「Sibelius 6」在多媒體教學與運用上發揮更大的作用;知名的卡通影片「豆豆先生」(Mr. Bean)即是使用本軟體編寫配樂.
The latest generation of the world’s best-selling music notation software, Avid Sibelius 7 is sophisticated enough to meet the demands of top composers, arrangers, and publishers, yet simple enough for beginners and students. Work quickly with the brand-new, task-oriented user interface. Experience your scores in stunning clarity with the exclusive, professional-quality sound library. Collaborate more easily thanks to full MusicXML interchange support and other sharing options. With all these advancements and many more, Sibelius 7 is the fastest, smartest, easiest way to write music.
New in Sibelius 7:
Task-oriented user interface
The brand-new Sibelius 7 user interface provides task-focused tabs that lead you through the process of creating a score from start to finish. Every feature has both an icon and a text description-which you can access via a button or a keyboard shortcut-with full contextual help available when you need it.
Professional sound library-only in Sibelius
You finesse every detail of your score-you want to hear every nuance during playback. Sibelius 7 includes more than 38 GB of professional content, including a specially recorded symphony orchestra, rock and pop instruments, and much more. This exclusive content is only available in Sibelius 7.
Native 64-bit support-only in Sibelius
Today’s 64-bit capable hardware and operating systems provide big speed and memory advantages. Sibelius 7 is the world’s first 64-bit notation software, enabling you to unlock the full power of your 64-bit system-and work more quickly, with more virtual instruments and effects, than ever before.
Optimized for single monitor use-only in Sibelius
We understand that many of our customers favor laptops or other single-display systems. That’s why we designed the Sibelius 7 interface to allow you to focus on the music at all times-and easily hide information that you only need to see occasionally.
Switch to Sibelius from Finale
There’s never been a better time to switch from Finale® to Sibelius. Sibelius now features a step-time note input method that is very similar to Finale software’s Speedy Entry method-right down to using many of the same keystrokes. So if you know how to input notes in Finale, you know Sibelius too. And because today’s workflows include a wide variety of software applications, Sibelius 7 now includes full MusicXML export capability, so you can exchange files with hundreds of other applications, including Finale.
Text and typography enhancements
Take advantage of the latest OpenType fonts, including advanced features like ligatures, and employ them in text frames with full DTP-level capabilities. There’s no need to export projects to a separate DTP application-now you can complete many of them within Sibelius 7.
Graphics import and export
Sibelius 7 makes it easy to import graphics in all major formats, then manipulate them to build complex layouts for publishing, creating teaching materials, instructional books, and more. You can export the full score as publication-quality graphics in PDF format, plus individual pages or smaller sections in EPS, PNG, and SVG formats. It’s never been faster or easier to finish the job to the highest standards.
HomePage: http://www.sibelius.com/
Avid Sibelius v7.0 | Windows x86-x64 / MAC OS
* For Windows release, use Patch.
* For MAC release, no crack or serial needed! Just run, install and enyoy!
Avid Sibelius v7.0.0 x86/x64 WORKiNG
TEAM ASSiGN | 30 JULY 2011 | 360MB
Note: Previous release by other team is bad patched and may cause crashing; Their modified zone will
be relocated by system. Our patch only modify 4 bytes and you don 39;t need regkey. Enjoy our
working release
1.Uninstall previous releases.
2.Unrar and install.
3.Use our patch to unlock.