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SUPPLiER..: Team DYNAMiCS DiSKS...: 46 * 5MB
CRACKER...: Team DYNAMiCS DATE....: 1110 2011
PROTECTION: Custom FORMAT..: vst,rtas
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² ² - RELEASE NOTES - ² ²
iZotope's complete mastering system in a single integrated plug-in
includes eight essential mastering tools:
Maximizer, Equalizer, Multiband Dynamics, Multiband Stereo Imaging,
Post Equalizer, Multiband Harmonic Exciter, Reverb, and Dithering.
Ozone 5 Advanced adds 6 additional component plug-ins, extended features
in every module, and an entire suite of configurable meters.
Learn more on the website.
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² ² - iNSTALL NOTES - ² ²
1. Unpack
2. Install
3. Apply cracks
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² ² - GREETS - ² ²
We hate you all.
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