中文名: 跨平台的聲音編輯軟件
英文名: Audacity
資源格式: 安裝包
版本: v1.3.14.0 BETA便攜版
發行時間: 2011年
制作發行: Dominic Mazzoni
地區: 美國
語言: 英文
操作系統:for Windows® 98/ME/2000/XP/Vista/7 問題反饋: http://audacity.sourceforge.net/contact/
網站鏈接: http://audacity.sourceforge.net/
軟件介紹: Audacity是一個跨平台的聲音編輯軟體,用於錄音和編輯音訊,是自由、開放原始碼的軟體。可在Mac OS X、Microsoft Windows、GNU/Linux和其它作業系統上運作。Audacity在2004年7月獲選為SourceForge.net當月最佳推薦專案,2007年7月選多媒體類的SourceForge.net 2007 Community Choice Awards。
Audacity 的特色:
* 多語使用者介面(切換時必須重新開啟)
* 匯入與匯出 WAV、MP3、Ogg Vorbis或者其他的聲音檔案格式
o 從1.3Beta開始支援MP4、MOV、WMA、M4A 、AC3檔。
* 錄音與放音
* 對聲音做剪下、復制、貼上(可復原無限次數)
* 多音軌混音
* 數位效果與外掛程式
* 波封編輯
* 雜音消除
* 支援多聲道模式,取樣頻率最高可至96 kHz,每個取樣點可以以24 bits表示
* 支援Nyquist程式語言,讓您自行撰寫效果器
* 對聲音檔進行切割。(1.3.X beta 版本)
Bug fixes for:
Excessive delay occurred when typing into labels in long projects.
Last digit of TimeText controls could not be manipulated in some formats.
(Windows, OS X) Play and Record shortcuts did not work after clicking in Device Toolbar.
(OS X, Linux) Crash occurred if Toolbars were reset during playback or recording.
Imports and Exports:
MP2 files were not importable without FFmpeg library or an import rule.
Files that could only be imported using FFmpeg imported as noise with no error message if FFmpeg was not available.
Files containing PCM audio but an incorrect extension (such as MP3) caused a freeze.
Effects and Analysis:
An empty command could be added to a Chain which then displayed a Nyquist error message when run.
Plot Spectrum didn't preserve signal level if multiple tracks were analyzed.
Other bug fixes:
Audacity has been provisionally fixed so that it can no longer create block files longer than the sample format or project format allows, and can no longer delete these, which led to data loss. Any overlong blocks found are preserved but "orphaned", so will appear as silence.
Orphan block files were wrongly reported if cutting or copying to the clipboard then reopening the project in the same session.
Fixed some crashes and incorrect movement of audio when dragging tracks.
(Windows) Data loss is now prevented when encountering a corrupted .aup file created in ANSI builds.
(Linux) Restore building if USE_PORTMIXER is not defined.
Changes and Improvements:
Normalize: Faster processing and improved interface. Left-right balance in unsplit stereo tracks is now preserved by default, with a checkbox option provided to process stereo channels independently.
Spectrograms now allow window sizes up to 32768 and frequencies up to half the sample rate (the maximum possible).
Mix and Render now preserves clip length by not rendering white space between time zero and first audio, and preserves audio before time zero. To retain silence before the audio starts, generate silence after render.
Grouped some Edit Menu items into "Remove Audio" and "Clip Boundaries".
CleanSpeech Mode removed from Interface Preferences (it still runs if it was enabled in a previous Audacity but can only be turned off there).
(OS X) Added support for AudioUnit MusicEffects (but no MIDI support).
(Linux) Set the per-user files directory per the program name set in configure.
(Linux) Changed the default location of the Audacity temporary directory to be in /var/tmp not /tmp, so preserving the directory between reboots.轉貼自sharethefiles/sharevirus/TLF。