中文名: 2D動畫制作工具
英文名: Reallusion CrazyTalk Animator
資源格式: 壓縮包
版本: V1.01 PRO
發行時間: 2010年
制作發行: Reallusion Inc.
地區: 台灣
語言: 英文
2D動畫工具CrazyTalk Animator 1.0發布 CrazyTalk Animator是一個下一代2D動畫制作工具,可以使用任何照片或插圖來創建角色。借助自動的臉部動畫和創新的木偶運動,能夠使得舞台上的角色栩栩如生。使用場景和道具來拖放建立動畫。支持完整的2D動畫流程。產品環境▷ 完整的2D動畫環境
▷ 拖放媒體進行編輯
▷ 改善的時間軸和關鍵幀動畫
▷ 真實的Z深度層和3D攝像機視圖
智能動畫 ▷ 真實面部和身體的木偶表演
▷ 自動與文字和音頻文件口型同步
▷ 憑借IK和FK控制進行關鍵編輯 演員創建
▷ 從照片創建虛擬演員
▷ 臉部和身體照片匹配
▷ 自定義的3D面部輪廓
▷ 來自於Character Composer的毫無限制的服飾風格
Why CrazyTalk Animator is Unique2D cartoon animation is used by almost all design teams in every professional art studio. Usually animators need to have enough skills to draw characters from scratch. They also need to be experienced in key-frame animation, motion logic and other crucial aesthetic concepts. Reallusion's CrazyTalk Animator now changes the way you work with 2D Animation, with its innovative character generation and puppet control. Creating 2D animation has never been this quick and fun as now literally Anyone can animate - with amazingly good results every time!
Turn any image into actor
With CrazyTalk's unique photo-to-animation engine; anyone can quickly turn photos, sketches, statues, paintings, comics and toys into amazing animate-able characters.
Build scenes by drag-n-dropping popular media files
CrazyTalk Animator supports a variety of media formats such as"image"(.bmp, .jpg, .gif, .tga, .png),"video"(.avi, .wmv),"Flash"(.swf) and"sprite video"(.popVideo) which can all be dragged directly into a scene from any external window.
Seamless integration with your original creations
If you are skilled in any other painting or vector drawing tools, then you can easily bring your work into CrazyTalk Animator. Create characters, accessories, props, scenes and special effects with this awesome media mash-up platform.
Photo fitting with preset bones
No longer do you have to worry about setting character bones from scratch. CrazyTalk Animator provides articulated character-bone templates for quick facial & body fitting. All CTA compatible character can now enjoy this new and powerful animation control.
Decorate your characters with virtual dressing room
The Character composer system inside CrazyTalk Animator helps you mix and match different styles of cartoon characters; each with their own exchangeable body parts, accessories, face features and more! With the further touch of object transformation or color adjustment, you can result in a variety of styles.
Build your custom character library
With the expandable Composer system, you may bring in your own stylized character designs and easily manage them. Discover the fun and magic of creating unlimited theme stories and learn the secrets of making your own; South Park, The Simpsons or popular Japanese anime.
Instant animation with embedded motion templates
CrazyTalk Animator provides a complete set of motion templates that help you animate a character with professional results in seconds. CTA also provides full-wired eye, mouth and hand gesture systems that correspond to each animation profile.
Auto lip-sync and expression switch
Easily import a WAV file, or record your own voice to create automatic lip-syncing and vivid facial expressions. Morph captured images or create unique sprite animation with any character.
Real-time puppeteering control & custom profile
No more key by key editing. Simply use a mouse or another handheld device to puppeteer your character's animation with customizable puppet profiles. You can even record your movement clips with the smart motion key-layering tools!
System requirements:- Pentium4 2GHz
- 2 GB free hard disk space
- Display Resolution: 1024 x 720
- Color Depth: True Color (32-bit)
- Video Memory: 256 MB RAM
Year/Date: 2010
Version: 1.01
Developer: Reallusion
Bit depth: 32bit & 64bit
Compatibility with Vista: complete
Compatible with Windows 7: complete
Language: English
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³ °±ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ±° presents °±ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ±° ³
³ ³
³ Reallusion CrazyTalk Animator 1.01 PRO ³
³ ³
³ RLz DATE ..............: 08-12-2010 ³
³ PROTECTiON ............: Serial ³
³ REQUiREMENTz ..........: All Windows OS ³
³ ³
³ °±ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ±° info °±ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ±° ³
³ ³
³ CrazyTalk Animator, the next level of 2D animation. Create actors ³
³ using any photo or illustration. Bring actors to life with automatic ³
³ facial animation & innovative puppeteering motion. Drag & drop to ³
³ build sets with scenery and props. Film and direct all the action ³
³ with the camera & timeline tracks for complete 2D Animation. ³
³ ³
³ °±ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ±° installation °±ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ±° ³
³ ³
³ 1. Unpack ³
³ 2. Install with ANY REG ³
³ 3. Run without Internet or close this app. with firewall ³
³ 4. Enjoy... ³
³ ³
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