中文名: 珠寶設計軟件
英文名: JewelCAD Pro
資源格式: 壓縮包
版本: v1.1
發行時間: 2011年
制作發行: JewelCAD/CAM Ltd.
地區: 香港
語言: 英文
[email protected] 網站鏈接:http://www.jcadcam.com/
JewelCAD Pro 是JewelCAD 的第二代最新軟件,擁有全新開發程式核心,大大增強日後革新速度及擴充能力,包含更豐富、強大、實用的軟件功能。現有JewelCAD 數據檔可輸入JewelCAD Pro 繼續運作。
維持原有JewelCAD 簡單容易理解的用戶界面及菜單工具,現有用戶可輕松快速地學習掌握新軟件,配備互動式勳畫教材,方便學習理解最新操作。
JewelCAD Pro 增強了可旋轉觀察3D效果,直接轉化手畫成3D效果,直觀反映產品的最後成品效果。簡易快捷的高效能建模功具,大大縮短制作復雜設計款式的時間,並可直接計算產品的金重,表面面積,石頭大小及數量。
可輸出大部份快速成型機可接受的切片式SLC及STL文件格式,廣泛應用於CNC機器制造,Roland JWX-10 珠寶數控車床,美國Solidscape T76/D76/T612/R66等原型機,德國 EnvisionTec-Perfactory原型機,以色列Objet-Eden原型機,意大利DWS-DigitalWax原型機,美國3D System-ProJet CPX 3000原型機,等等. . . 輸出的數據完整無缺,無需後加工及驗證,快捷省時。
承襲JewelCAD的優勢,JewelCAD Pro將快可成為世界范圍最流行的珠寶工業CAD/CAM軟件,覆蓋全球各個主要國家和地區。用戶遍佈於珠寶首飾制造工業,教育機構,服務中心及設計工作室。原有人才優勢及學習優勢,有大中院校專門的JewelCAD課程,短期的JewelCAD培訓,中文JewelCAD學習手冊,大量互動教材,
最節省成本優勢表現在具有手工制造無可比擬,原來的圖片是經過雕臘起版,最後拍照生成圖片;現在只要在JewelCAD Pro創建產品,就可以輸出無紙化的圖片,省時省力省錢。另外,可以反覆修改產品,隨時調用,覆制快速,並可按照設計師思想制造原型。
新的版本新功能: 用戶界面:更具彈性,方便用戶調較及定制,日後更可擴充至多平台操作。
其它新功能 可輸出完整無缺STL格式數據,方便輸出至其它CAD軟件、RP機及CNC機。
可在曲面上生成等參線(lsoparametric curve),可轉換成普通曲線做建模用或做排石用。
JewelCAD is a 3D free-form surface based solid modeler. It provides powerful free-form modeling tools that allow freedom in creating artistic and stylish designs. These tools are flexible and intuitive and they can be easily learned and used. JewelCAD is now widely used in the jewelry manufacturers in Asia region.
About Jewellery CAD/CAM Ltd. Jewellery CAD/CAM Ltd. is a Hong Kong based company with partnership with a local Jewellery maufacturing company. It has a close relationship with the Jewellery Industry and its aim is to develop a better CAD/CAM software for the benefit of the Jewellery Industry. Its flagship product JewelCAD is a 3D free-form surface modeler providing powerful modeling tools for creating artistic and stylish designs. Jewellery CAD/CAM was founded in 1992 and JewelCAD was firstly developed in 1990. At that time, JewelCAD was written in Silicon Graphics Graphics Library and can only be run on Silicon Graphics platforms. In 1994, JewelCAD was rewritten as a completely new version and ported onto PCs. It now runs perfectly well on MS Windows environment and supporting OpenGL.
About JewelCAD ProJewelCAD Pro is the new generation of jewelry designing and modeling software that is more powerful and efficient than its predecessor, JewelCAD. It has a completely new programming core that allows fast and up-to-date extension of features. JewelCAD Pro still maintains the simple user interface and similar way of working in JewelCAD so that current users can operate it without much difficulty.
New features in JewelCAD Pro 1.1 Interactivity- Support real-time move, size and rotate during rendering and support bounding box transformation on objects
- Generate isoparametric curves on surface and can be converted to simple curves for modeling and stones setting
- Allow creating curves on surface
- Easier and more effective manipulation of control points on surface, also allowing addition of local control points
Stones auto setting- Free setting of frames on surface by mouse, then assigning stone, setting or object to frames
- Generate array of stones along curve or surface with different stone size and separation
- Auto setting within a defined region.
- Auto setting within two curves
Computer System Requirement: Pentium, or higher processors. Windows 98/NT/ME/2000/XP/VISTA/7.
The minimum requirement is Pentium 4 CPU, 512MB RAM, 24 bit color with 1024x768 resolution supporting OpenGL.
The suggested configuration is Intel Core 2 Duo or above, 2GB RAM or above, 24-bit or 32 bit color display card with 1280x.1024 resolution (or higher), 256MB RAM (or above), supporting OpenGL.
* JewelCAD will not be ported to any other operating systems, but JewelCAD does run on Apple Macs with Virtual PC
Name: JewelCAD Pro
Version: 1.1
Creator: www.jewelcadpro.com
Interface: english, chinese
OS: Window XP / Vista / Seven
Size: 47.4 m
供源時間 10:00-22:00||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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# The M4Y4N PR0PH3CY T34M #
# is proud to present #
JewelCAD Pro 1.1
Cracker : JUNLAJUBALAM Date : 2011-02-04
URL : http://www.jewelcadpro.com/
Type : [x] Patch [ ] Cracked file
[ ] Serial [ ] Keyfile/License
[ ] Keygen [ ] Other
# Installation note #
- Install the program in the default directory
- Use our activator to register (as admin for Vista & 7)
- Enjoy your newly full registered app !
# MPT34M Members #
[ JUNLAJUBALAM..........founder/admin/web developer/reverse engineer ]
[ D!oXyDe2k...........................web developer/reverse engineer ]
[ OPTIMUS.............................web developer/reverse engineer ]
[ MorPheus..........................................reverse engineer ]
[ EMAN.........................................................admin ]
[ POP........................................................retired ]
[ JJBB.......................................................retired ]
[ JONNY..............................................retired/partner ]
# From the depths of Xibalba #
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Greetings to ALL our friends;)
# cr4ck1ng th3 cod3... 4 fun! #