中文名: 語音閱讀工具
英文名: NextUp TextAloud
資源格式: 壓縮包
版本: v3.0.10
發行時間: 2011年
制作發行: NextUp Technologies, LLC.
地區: 美國
語言: 英文
[email protected] 網站鏈接: http://www.nextup.com/index.html
NextUp TextAloud 讓你所有看到的文字說出來並可轉成MP3! 相當新穎的多媒體應用程序,NextUp TextAloud 可以轉換任何應用程序中的文字成為聲音或MP3文件。平常是常駐在Windows系統列中,隨時等待使用者利用它來讀取Email、Web page或其它文件中的文字。
NextUp TextAloud 是一款語音合成軟體,特別為喪失語言能力的人所設計。NextUp Talker可以從文本合成語音,與其他同類軟體不同的是,NextUp Talker側重於對話,在打字的時候將文字合成為語音,將電腦變成說話的工具。
NextUp TextAloud 是利用監視剪貼簿的方式來抓取所要發聲的文字(所以使用者可以直接利用復制文字的方式來啟動NextUp TextAloud),而使用者可以決定是要馬上聆聽,還是轉存成MP3、WAV文件,等到有空閒時再利用喜歡的MP3播放程序來收聽。除了NextUp TextAloud內附的聲音之外,使用者還可以到作者網頁去下載其它的聲音,讓使用者可以隨自己的喜好來變換發聲的人.
Convert any text into voice and MP3 for PC or download to MP3 player. TextAloud is the leading text to speech program, available with exciting premium voices (including several languages) from ATT, Cepstral and NeoSpeech for the best in computer speech for your PC. TextAloud uses voice synthesis to convert text into spoken audio. TextAloud reads text from email, web pages, reports and more, aloud on your PC. TextAloud can also save your daily reading to MP3 or Windows Media files ready for playback on your iPod, PocketPC, or even on your TV with Tivo's Home Media Option.
What you can do with TextAloud:• Sit back and relax while your PC reads to you
• Save text to MP3 for portable audio players
• Proofread your own writing
• Listen to that report while you're on the treadmill
• Find help for someone with a reading disability
• Create messages for your answering machine
• Reduce eye strain from too much reading
• Listen to information while you work on something else
• Take some reading along for your daily walk or run
• Turn your iPod into a tax write-off
• Listen to an eBook during your commute
• Study English as a Second Language
• Help a senior citizen or someone with low vision
• Add some spice to your PowerPoint presentations
• Find a great new tool to study for exams
• Listen to text read in other languages
• Amuse your kids by letting your PC read stories to them
• Create audio files for computer games
• Prepare for a big speech by hearing your words read aloud
Features at a glance:• Single-Article and Multi-Article Mode for listening to articles one at a time, or building a playlist to listen to later.
• Load articles using the Clipboard, Document Import, Hot Keys and Drag and Drop.
• Support for Word, PDF and HTML documents.
• Support for multiple Text-To-Speech engines, including international voices.
• Support for WAV, MP3 and WMA audio files.
• Proofread tool for listening to documents as you proofread.
• Plugin toolbar for Internet Explorer to listen to web pages.
System Requirements • Win 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP/Vista
• Minimum P200
• 64MB RAM
• 10MB Disk Space
• Sound Card
Homepage: http://www.nextup.com/index.html
Nuance RealSpeak™ (1 female)
Nuance RealSpeak™ (1 female)
Taiwanese Mandarin
Nuance RealSpeak™ (1 female)
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# The M4Y4N PR0PH3CY T34M #
# is proud to present #
TextAloud 3.0.10
Cracker : JUNLAJUBALAM Date : 2011-01-14
URL : http://www.nextup.com/
Type : [x] Patch [ ] Cracked file
[ ] Serial [ ] Keyfile/License
[ ] Keygen [ ] Other
# Installation note #
- Install the program in the default directory
- Use our activator to register (as admin for Vista & 7)
- Enjoy your newly full registered app !
# MPT34M Members #
[ JUNLAJUBALAM..........founder/admin/web developer/reverse engineer ]
[ D!oXyDe2k...........................web developer/reverse engineer ]
[ OPTIMUS.............................web developer/reverse engineer ]
[ MorPheus..........................................reverse engineer ]
[ EMAN.........................................................admin ]
[ POP........................................................retired ]
[ JJBB.......................................................retired ]
[ JONNY..............................................retired/partner ]
# From the depths of Xibalba #
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Visit us at : www.mpt34m.net
Greetings to ALL our friends;)
# cr4ck1ng th3 cod3... 4 fun! #
____________________________________ ______ _____ ____ ___ __ _
\ ________________________________//_____//____//___//__//_/ // /
\ \
\ \/\ Best and fresh soft and Excl. Ebooks,Games And Everything
\ \ _____________________________________________________
/____\ Enjoy!
Brought to you by Iam The Best/Anoosh? ______
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