中文名: 數碼合成軟件
英文名: The Foundry NukeX
資源格式: 壓縮包
版本: V6.2V2 WIN32/64
發行時間: 2011年
制作發行: The Foundry Visionmongers Ltd.
地區: 英國
語言: 英文
數 碼 合 成 藝 術 的 先 驅 Nuke 是個強而有力的軟體,具有無比的速度丶高效率多通道掃描繪圖引擎丶和桌上型電腦軟體市場中一流的工具組。如果您是從事優質影像創作的行業,那麽 Nuke 這個經過產業驗證的視覺特效工具可以為您的視效作業流程帶來速度丶功能丶及彈性。
Nuke 原本是 Digital Domain 內部的合成和特效軟體。因為他們的視效藝術家發現市面的商品不夠彈性也不夠快,無法符合他們作業上的需求,於是在 1994 年集合了一些頂尖的工程師和視效藝術家來為這個視效先驅的後制公司研發解決方案。Nuke 自此誕生。在過去的十多年裡,Digital Domain 的視效藝術家肩負著推進視效科技的任務,而 Nuke 的進化與這智慧團所研發的先進技術有著密切的關連。
Digital Domain 團隊的創新造就了一個專為後制公司解決實際問題的軟體。但是對一個以實踐前衛的廣告丶音樂片丶和電影導演的夢想為重心的公司來說,即使有了一個智囊羣,也難以同時應付在電腦合成軟體研發先驅的任務。因此,在 2007 年 Nuke 就成了 The Foundry 的產品之一。
The Foundry 堅持原始的“由藝術家為藝術家設計”的信念來研發這個應用軟體,因此很多 Nuke 研發團員亦來自影視制作界。此外,Nuke 主要的研發團隊設在 The Foundry 的倫敦總公司,與一些主要的視效公司只有咫尺之離。Nuke 的進展大大的受益於與客戶間的密切交流,而 The Foundry 除了維系現有的關系外也培養新關系,以確保 Nuke 能繼續的為後制業提供務實的解決辦法和尖端的科技。
三維作業空間Nuke 強大的 3D 作業空間支援 OBJ 和 Autodesk FBX® 的輸入丶投影貼圖丶幾何物體的修改等。這個真實的 3D 環境開創有效的工作流程和有趣的新方法來處理合成。
體驗多通道丶多視窗丶高動態范圍合成Nuke 提供業界對 EXR 影像最完善的支援。可讀丶寫丶和處理上千個通道的影像,並可同時觀看多個使用者指令的預覽視窗,改善資訊管理和工作流程。
NukeX - a high-level software for compositing and special effects, created by artists to solve problems that arise during the process kinovideoproizvodstva. The program used in processing, apply effects, final assembly and other video footage and film material, the creation of commercials, as well as for other tasks. Product is a clear representative of the nodes architecture, which explains its clarity and consistency. The package started out as its own development studio Digital Domain, where he received an Academy Award for technical achievement and used to create effects in more than 45 feature films, hundreds of commercials and music videos. The package provides high performance-based 64-channel TCL architecture with a wide array of tools, unprecedented for a class of desktop systems.
NukeX includes all the features Nuke and additionally has a built-in 3D camera tracker, depth generator, tools for automatic correction of distortion and lenses, and includes FurnaceCore - flicker filter.
Working in 3D environmentThree-dimensional workspace Nuke supports the import of format OBJ, projection (projection mapping), import of 3D cameras and more.
64-channel OpenEXR workflowNuke fully supports EXR: reading, processing and recording up to 64 channels of EXR data.
ProkeivanieA new keyer based on image (image based keyer - IBK) gives an opportunity to color a new way, namely, work individually with each color channel. Thus began perhaps the most fine-tuning.
Custom InterfaceSaving configurations, interface and enhancement tools, such as a button "bullseye" and "input", as well as TCL label sites much easier to navigate large scripts.
PerformanceEven when processing high-resolution material on modest hardware with 32-bit floating-point scan-line multi-threaded architecture provides fast response. When it comes to rendering, Nuke can be named a leader in its class.
OpennessNuke supports the principle of maximum open architecture. As the scenario and the user interface based on a scripting language TCL, which allows to customize a package in countless ways. Moreover, the kit includes the SDK.
PluginsAll plugins OpenFX (OFX) from The Foundry is fully compatible with Nuke. Also at this time supported keyer Keylight, Tinder and Furnace collections in OFX format. In the future the list will grow.
NUKEX 6.2NUKEX 6.2 adds new image-based modeling tools allowing any artist to easily combine a tracked 3D camera with a selection of 2D image features, automatically creating simple scene geometry. When added to new dense point cloud generation and automatic calibration of projection cameras from 2D images and geometry, NUKEX 6.2 provides new ways to reference and re-apply composited elements more efficiently and realistically into live action scenes.
For those working with CGI rendered elements, NUKEX 6.2 brings Pixar RenderMan Pro Server support to the 3D compositing environment. As an alterative to the in-built scanline renderer, integration with RenderMan aligns NUKE-rendered scenes with the rest of the 3D pipeline, seamlessly matching motion blur and depth of field, whilst providing the compositor with more flexible control of new rendering capabilities such as ray-traced shadows and reflections.
NUKEX System Requirements for Windows 550 MHZ Pentium III or newer processor
Windows XP (with Service Pack 2 or later), Windows 7 (64-bit), or Linux RHEL 5.4.
5 GB disk space available for caching and temporary files
512 MB RAM (minimum requirement)
Workstation-class graphics card, such as NVIDIA Quadro series, ATI FireGL series, R3D Rocket, or newer. Driver support for OpenGL 2.0.
To enable optional GPU acceleration of certain effects, you need OpenGL 2.0 with support for floating point textures and GLSL.
Display with at least 1280 x 1024 pixel resolution and 24-bit color
Three-button mouse
===== 供源情況截圖 =====供源時間:10:00-22:00||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1. Install Nuke.
2. Extract the crack archive to the program dir.
Overwrite existing files while preserving the
directory structure.
4. Copy the keyfile nuke.lic in The Foundry license dir.
This is located in:
C:\Program Files\The Foundry\FLEXlm\
C:\Program Files (x86)\The Foundry\FLEXlm\
5. Enjoy it!
│ ------------ │
│ │
│ 1. Unzip & Unrar, check Crack/install.txt │
│ │
│ 2. Enjoy it │
│ │
│ When so many groups bring you crap fakes non-working, X-FORCE always │
│ gets you the Best of the Best. ACCEPT NO IMITATION ! │
│ │
│ Repack note: we packed the wrong patcher version in the previous │
│ release. │
│ │
│ X-Force 2010! │