中文名: 三維網頁制作工具
英文名: Demicron WireFusion Enterprise
資源格式: 壓縮包
版本: v5.0.24.926
發行時間: 2011年
制作發行: Demicron AB.
地區: 瑞典
語言: 英文
來自Demicron 公司的WireFusion是目前流行的功能強大的專業實時Web3D軟件, 它提供了非常專業的3D交互,動畫,虛擬世界的制作工具。WireFusion 的特點是你可以使用的大眾化的3D動畫軟件,如3ds max Maya Lightwave以及其他3D工具制作的模型場景能夠輸入到VRML(與VRML兼容的軟件)都可以簡單的輸入WireFusion 中,然後可以在網絡中發布(在網絡中實時交互浏覽)。無需Java applets ,開發通過直觀上連接被制作節目前的對象完成,軟件包括50個對象和能夠被展開帶附加系統。
WireFusion 同時是一個多媒體平台,它整合了多種不同的媒體格式到一個獨立的播放器。它支持3D, 2D, Macromedia® Flash, MPEG v視頻和MP3 音頻. 同時它還支持360 度的全景制作。
功能強大的 3D 互動式網頁編輯軟件 WireFusion,快速協助你建立 3D互動式產品網頁,可以將你的商品以 3D 方式放在網站上供人浏覽。浏覽者不用再下載其他任何外掛,只要有 Java 的環境,就可以執行此網頁。而產品設計者,也可以在設計之前,將產品定義好功能,以供人點閱測試討論,如此可以獲得更多使用者觀點以及功能使用率,如此應用在設計上,可以強化功能的可靠度以及設計原型。
許多客戶再登錄到企業網站時,除了想看看該產品的外觀設計之外,也想看看他有哪些功能。當每次遇到只有2D圖片可以參考時,心中難免有疑惑。大部分浏覽者,在找到自己有興趣的商品時,往往會把玩一番,考慮一下是否要購買這一個產品。尤其在網購方面更是如此,怕有瑕疵品,怕買回來後發現跟圖片感覺差很多,因為沒辦法將產品全面浏覽觀察。另外其他有使用可輸出成 3D 網頁的軟件,一般都要下載外掛程序,每次要下載外掛都很怕電腦中毒等等問題,也讓許多浏覽者遲疑不前,而不會去點選你的 3D 產品網頁,那麽你的辛苦也白費了,而所收到的效益更小,花費更大。
WireFusion 精彩部分:
- 無須浏覽器插件觀看作品
- 短時間制作(簡單易用)
- 支持 3D模型,尤其是VRML格式
- 支持 Macromedia® Flash (SWF) 動畫
- 支持 MPEG Video and MP3 Audio
- Java l語言支持高級腳本
- JavaScript支持外部交流
- 3D API for Advanced 3D Programming
- 非常實用的2D 制作工具。
WireFusion® is a powerful technology that allows for quick creation of interactive 3D presentations for the internet. WireFusion is typically used by designers, programmers, architects and product companies, and mostly for internet marketing and e-commerce, creating 3D configurators, visualizing product design and architectural design. WireFusion presentations are also used for e-learning or computer based training (CBT), training sales forces, support teams and for customer support.
Use your favorite 3D authoring tool, such as 3ds Max, Maya, Cinema 4D, modo, SketchUp, LightWave, Blender or any other 3D tool capable of exporting to X3D or VRML, to bring your 3D models and 3D worlds to life. Import your 3D content into WireFusion and have it published to the web. It’s as easy as 1-2-3.
With the visual interface you can easily add advanced functionality and interactivity to your presentations, even without any prior programming or scripting skills. You can also seamlessly integrate streaming video and audio. Simply put, WireFusion is for everyone, so start sharing your ideas!
Many large companies use WireFusion technology today to promote their products online or for computer based training. Examples are;
Sony, Motorola, Sony Ericsson, Philips, Siemens, Canon, Epson, Casio, Kenwood, Navman, Whirlpool, Mitsubishi, Fiat, Corvette, OMEGA, Swatch, NEC, AT&T, Bang & Olufsen, Vodafone, T-Mobile, NASA, US Army, US Coast Guard, Lockheed Martin, Raytheon, and many more.
Home Page - http://www.demicron.com/wirefusion/
News in WireFusion 5At a first glance it seems that there are not many changes in WireFusion 5. However, there are dramatic changes under the hood. More than 50% of the WireFusion engine has been totally rewritten, and a major part of the 3D engine has also been rewritten. A lot of effort has been made to improve the visual quality, increase performance, to reduce memory usage and to prepare the engines for future features. Below is a list of the major news.
OpenGLPresentations can optionally be published using OpenGL hardware acceleration, which gives higher frame rate and allows for high polygon models and larger scenes (width and height).
WireFusion SDKA WireFusion SDK allows for third party development of WireFusion objects and for new WireFusion features.
WireFusion APIThe engine API has been enhanced and has been opened up so that it can be accessed from the Java object and the new WireFusion SDK.
Enhanced Java objectThe Java object can now optionally have a Target Area and can display graphics in it, and together with the SDK, it can be used for creating graphical objects.
3D Optimization with Simplygon Extend WireFusion 5 with the State-of-the-Art polygon reduction and polygon repairing tool Simplygon.
Bump mappingA technique to simulate more details in a 3D model by using a bluescale heightmap.
Glossiness mappingA technique to achieve partial glossiness on a 3D model by using a bluescale map.
CPU & Memory profilingSupport for memory and CPU profiling has been added, making it possible to quickly find bottlenecks in your presentations.
Improved performanceEnhanced calculation of what areas of the screen needing to be updated, resulting in better performance for many presentations. Better performance of objects using alpha channels.
Improved anti-aliasingA new improved 3D edge anti-aliasing algorithm covers now also internal edges.
Improved memory handlingPixels of images are shared between objects using the same image, resulting in lower memory usage. Improved memory management of textures.
3D MeasurementMeasure point-to-point distances on 3D models.
3D GroupingGrouping of 3D objects makes it possible to change settings on multiple objects with only one connection, instead of making individual connections to each object.
Renaming and RemovingRemoving of 3D objects, and renaming of objects, cameras, lights and animations can now be done directly from the 3DScene dialog.
Pause and Resume 3DPossibility to pause and resume a running 3D scene using in-ports.
Show backgroundPossibility to display scene background graphics in the 3DScene preview makes it easier to arrange 3D compositions.
Cleaner projectsUsing fewer objects and wires now makes projects cleaner and easier to read and understand. It is now possible to bundle multiple wires between two objects into one single wire, and parameter values such as Numbers, Colors, Boolean etc can now be sent directly within wires, reducing the need of Data objects in the projects. The Folder View is also cleaner and easier to navigate as only Folder and Scene objects can now work as container objects.
Improved groupingObjects placed in a Scene object will now be applied directly to the parent Scene. This results in much better performance and with the possibility to have a "transparent background".
Publish as Java Web StartPresentations can be published as Java Web Start Applications, using adjustable memory limit.
New WidgetsAbout twenty new widget objects have been added to the Widget category.
Replaceable Alpha ChannelsObjects with Alpha Channels, such as e.g. Image, are now set using in-ports, making them replaceable during presentation runtime.
Transparent animationsAnimation image sequences, published as PNG images, can now optionally be transparent.
Improved mouse handlingRight mouse button and the Scroll Wheel are supported. Mouse event are now only absorbed by objects listening for mouse events, even in Scenes used within other graphical objects. For example, if you click a Button in a Scene used as a 3D texture, the button will be pressed. Any mouse events occurring outside of the button will be absorbed by the 3D Scene instead, and used for rotating the 3D object for example.
Improved transparencyMultiple transparent 3D layers are better handled.
Improved Contour and WireframeImproved filled Wireframe and Contour rendering. Added interactivity on filled Wireframe and Contour rendered models. Touchsensors now work with Wireframe and Contour rendered models.
The following hardware and software are required to author WireFusion presentations.• Intel® Pentium® IV or AMD Athlon® XP (or higher processor)
• Microsoft Windows® 2000/XP/Vista/7
• Hardware-accelerated OpenGL 1.5 (or higher) (*)
• 512 MB of available RAM (or more)
• 200 MB available hard-disk space
• 1024x768 resolution (or higher)
• DVD-ROM drive
• Internet connection required for product activation
(*) Only required when presentations are published with OpenGL acceleration.
===== ===== 供源情況截圖 ===== ========== ===== 供源時間:10:00-22:00 ===== =====更多資訊請點擊訪問||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
苘苘? ? ?
圹圹圹膊曹 苓 ?
捋圹膊策哌哌哕苘 苘膊? ? ? ?
膊懿槽膊? 哌卟曹苘? 苒圹圹圹鄄圹槽圹苒膊懿懿膊曹圹鄄膊膊北鞍??
氨北 圯 苘? 哌鄄圹稗圹圹鄄膊脖膊輩膊鄄膊輩膊膊槽膊鄄北脖卑 鞍? ?
圮 鞍?? 懿膊膊膊曹? 哌廁圹圹脖氨卑輩安北膊北氨脖輩膊北脖鞍卑鞍鞍
圹圮? ? 膊脖北北哌卟膊苘? 咣圹馨卑?卑卑氨舶鞍氨敗苘苘苓卑 鞍 ?苘圹?
圹圹圹?安 脖? 鞍輩膊曹苘 哌膊? ?? 氨?鞍鞍 圹圹圹薨 ?苘圹膊膊?
槽圹圹輩鼙??苓哌卟苘 鞍北膊膊苘 哌哕苘苘? ?捋鄄甙邊膊槽咣圹鄄膊
膊槽圹圹苓輩膊 ? 圹苘 鞍北膊脖鞍 捋槽圹圹膊脖卑鞍北輩槽脖佰圹膊?
鄄膊槽圹圹圮苘 ? 薏槽膊苘 鞍北北卑鞍 佰卟槽圹圹北鞍北卑圹哌 捋鄄膊?
哌卟膊咣圹圹圹圹苘? 鄄槽圹草 鞍卑鞍鞍臂? 郾氨輩策 苘苘 ?
鞍? 哌卟懿策策哌咣圹苘卟圹圯 鞍卑氨槽 郯輩膊策 薏膊廁?
鞍卑? 苘馨鞍卟輩膊曹苘哌哕槽圹鞍氨膊苘 脖輩圯 ? 郯槽膊策 膊膊卟
鞍敗膊膊懿曹?? 哌北北北苘 咣?鞍鞍輩?薏北薇 ? 郾圹膊草 邊哌苓
懿卑 槽圹氨陛 北 卟膊膊?郯? 鞍卑 鄄脖郾? 郾圹膊膊 苘 ?
薏卑 槽圹氨舶 鞍 圹鄄膊薇 ?薏脖圹莅 捋圹鄄膊? ? ?
苘膊邊 槽圹安脖 苘 圹圹鄄薏 鄄鞭圹? 鄄圹鄄膊
膊卑? 槽圹氨膊邊 卟策 圹圹圹脖? 鞍 薏鞭圹鄄 薏圹圹膊
膊蒉?槽圻氨膊? 懿鄄槽圹安? 郾佰圯鄄莅 鄄槽圹草
圹曹弑哌氨輩策 苘懿圹脖槽圯輩鄄 薇稗圹安鄄? 卟槽圹?
卟膊脖輩膊曹懿膊槽圹甙苒圻安槽圹? 舶捋圯氨槽鄄馨?卟槽郾 苒?
苘鄄哌圻咣咣哌哌? 苓? 膊圹? 薨捋鄄 鞍臂鄄曹 鞍斑弑曹? 苘苓 圹?
苒膊卑鞍鞍 斑膊苘懿膊甙哌? 薏圹圯 稗圹?苒馨薏圻卟膊苘馨鞍北輩槽策甙鞍臂圹?
圹膊膊馨鞍 哌膊草鞍鞍?卟?膊圹?捋圹圯 ?懿? 鞍?哌膊膊膊哌? 鞍苘懿槽圯
圹圹策卟膊苘 卟曹馨卑鞍?唼膊圹圹圹圯 苓 鞍鞍氨 苘苘哌 苘懿策卟圹圻
卟圹卑 斑卟曹? 哌膊苘 鞍輩槽圹圹圮脖? 鞍苘膊哌 苘策 ? 氨圹圻 ?
? 卟圮苘鼙鞍 卟膊? 哌膊膊苘槽圹圹脖敗苘懿膊哌 懿膊?鞍避苘苒圻 鞍?
苓鞍? 哌曹? 卟槽? ? 哌卟膊膊膊膊策哌 ? 苒膊? 苘策? 鞍斑?鞍
掭 苒鄄圻苘 ? 鞍卟曹? 鞍 哌哌哌 鞍 苘膊舶? ? 苘咣槽圮 掭
懿膊圹圹輩膊曹 鞍??哌膊曹? 鞍 鞍 苘懿策哕卑 鞍?懿膊脖圹圹膊曹 ?
鄄圻? 哌咣圹曹北卑斑哕苘槽膊膊苘苘苘懿槽圹圮鼙鞍北北避槽圹哌? 哌鄄?
捋甙敗懿馨鞍 咣膊曹膊膊膊邊哌哌卟膊膊膊膊哌北膊膊膊膊槽? 鞍敗曹馨斑圯
? 咣圹圹圹苘 鞍避膊策哌哌 ? 卑 哌哌膊曹卑? 苘圹圹圹圻 ?
?懿圹哌 鞍氨卑輩? 哌 ,,T..E..A..M?..D..V..T.,,荥哌 卟卑北鞍?哌圹曹 ?
苒圹 卟膊? ? ? ? ? 膊膊? 圹圮 ?
捋圹 鞍卑?卟哕 ....P R E S E N T S.... 苓策 鞍卑? 圹圯?
薏圹鞍 氨卑 苘輩荼哕 苓鞭脖苘 氨卑 鞍圹草
薏槽郾鞍?苓 卟 ? ?策 哕 鞍氨圹膊莅
斑膊槽北輩? Demicron WireFusion Enterprise v5.0.24.926 鄄北臂膊策氨
卑 哕邊膊槽? Incl KeyMaker 苒膊策避?氨?
卟曹邊苘哌膊曹 苘? 懿膊哌苘弑懿策?
鞍斑鄄苘膊苘? 苘懿膊膊哌? 苘苘鄄脖北膊圮苘苘 卟膊膊苘? 懿曹懿圻鞍敗
?? 鄄咣曹苘槽圻弑北槽圮懿膊策策 氨? 卟卟圹苘苒鄄北邊咣鄄苘懿圻槽 ?輩
槽苘策 卟策甙 鞍 哌膊 氨邊?? ? ?北? 膊哌 鞍 斑卟策 卟苘鄄?
卟圹?? 氨? ? ??鞍 ? 鞍 ?? ? 氨? ?苒鄄弑
捋圹? 卑 氨 捋圹??
苒鄄草 膊 膊 薏槽圮?
槽膊? 膊? Released on 08/18/08 for exclusive usage by 卟? 卟槽策
策? 苓? members of the release scene. This isnt something 斑? 策曹
?哕 草 ? to share with your school mates and not for sale. ? 薏 苓 佰
曹 安輩? ? Go and ask mommy to buy this app if you like it! ? 懿輩?懿?
圹膊策? ? ? 邊膊槽圻
咣圹?? 氨 Company ..: Demicron 卑 ?苒圹弑
捋圹? 卑 Url ......: http://www.demicron.com/ 氨 捋圹??
苒鄄草 膊 膊 薏槽圮?
槽膊? 膊? 苘苘 ? 卟? 卟槽策
策? 苓? ? 懿膊卑? 唼? ? 斑? 策曹
?哕 草 ? 北 薏脖鞍? 鞍 安? 北 ? 薏 苓 佰
曹 安輩? ? ?懿脖輩膊苘? 卟敗苘 苘馨策 避懿膊北膊?? ? 懿輩?懿?
圹膊策? ? 氨鄄策 氨舶斑鄄曹苘避甙苘斑鼙苘懿槽甙安卑 卟槽卑 ? 邊膊槽圻
咣圹?? 氨 ?輩圹? 鞍苒策 斑? 哌? 卟圮鞍 捋鄄?? 卑 ?苒圹弑
捋圹? 卑 槽 卟? 鞭郾 Release Information 槽荼 鄄?鄄 氨 捋圹??
苒鄄草 膊 ? ? 苘膊 鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍? 膊苘 ? ? 膊 薏槽圮?
槽膊? 膊? 哌 哌 卟? 卟槽策
策? 苓? 斑? 策曹
?哕 草 ? The WireFusion Enterprise edition is targeted ? 薏 苓 佰
曹 安輩? ? towards professional users needing it all. The ? 懿輩?懿?
圹膊策? ? Enterprise edition includes all features found in ? 邊膊槽圻
咣圹?? 氨 the Professional edition, and is the choice for 卑 ?苒圹弑
捋圹? 卑 those wanting to create advanced product 氨 捋圹??
苒鄄草 膊 configurators. The Enterprise edition comes 膊 薏槽圮?
槽膊? 膊? delivered in a physical box, with an installation 卟? 卟槽策
策? 苓? DVD and six (6) printed tutorials, guides and 斑? 策曹
?哕 草 ? manuals. ? 薏 苓 佰
曹 安輩? ? ? 懿輩?懿?
圹膊策? ? 3D API ? 邊膊槽圻
咣圹?? 氨 A 3D API (Application Program Interface) allows 卑 ?苒圹弑
捋圹? 卑 advanced users to reach and change parameters in 氨 捋圹??
苒鄄草 膊 the VRML/X3D file while running a 3D presentation, 膊 薏槽圮?
槽膊? 膊? using the Java language. For example, 3D models can 卟? 卟槽策
策? 苓? be dynamically added/removed to a running 3D scene. 斑? 策曹
?哕 草 ? Individual shapes, lights, cameras etc can be ? 薏 苓 佰
曹 安輩? ? dynamically modified and controlled during runtime. ? 懿輩?懿?
圹膊策? ? ? 邊膊槽圻
咣圹?? 氨 Replaceable Signature 卑 ?苒圹弑
捋圹? 卑 All presentations published with WireFusion has a 氨 捋圹??
苒鄄草 膊 text string in the HTML source code saying "Created 膊 薏槽圮?
槽膊? 膊? with WireFusion - 卟? 卟槽策
策? 苓? http://www.demicron.com/wirefusion". In the 斑? 策曹
?哕 草 ? Enterprise edition, this text can be removed or ? 薏 苓 佰
曹 安輩? ? altered with your own text. ? 懿輩?懿?
圹膊策? ? ? 邊膊槽圻
咣圹?? 氨 Java Component 卑 ?苒圹弑
捋圹? 卑 Java developers can include WireFusion 氨 捋圹??
苒鄄草 膊 presentations into their own Java Applications by 膊 薏槽圮?
槽膊? 膊? publishing them as Java Components (Java Beans). 卟? 卟槽策
策? 苓? 斑? 策曹
?哕 草 ? ? 薏 苓 佰
曹 安輩? ? ? 懿輩?懿?
圹膊策? ? ? 邊膊槽圻
咣圹?? 氨 卑 ?苒圹弑
捋圹? 卑 氨 捋圹??
苒鄄草 膊 膊 薏槽圮?
槽膊? 膊? 苘苘 ? 卟? 卟槽策
策? 苓? ? 懿膊卑? 唼? ? 斑? 策曹
?哕 草 ? 北 薏脖鞍? 鞍 安? 北 ? 薏 苓 佰
曹 安輩? ? ?懿脖輩膊苘? 卟敗苘 苘馨策 避懿膊北膊?? ? 懿輩?懿?
圹膊策? ? 氨鄄策 氨舶斑鄄曹苘避甙苘斑鼙苘懿槽甙安卑 卟槽卑 ? 邊膊槽圻
咣圹?? 氨 ?輩圹? 鞍苒策 斑? 哌? 卟圮鞍 捋鄄?? 卑 ?苒圹弑
捋圹? 卑 槽 卟? 鞭郾 Install Notes 槽荼 鄄?鄄 氨 捋圹??
苒鄄草 膊 ? ? 苘膊 鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍? 膊苘 ? ? 膊 薏槽圮?
槽膊? 膊? 哌 哌 卟? 卟槽策
策? 苓? 斑? 策曹
?哕 草 ? 1. Unpack & Install. ? 薏 苓 佰
曹 安輩? ? 2. DELETE wirefusion.exe - its just the element5 ? 懿輩?懿?
圹膊策? ? license wrapper that only does trial messages, ? 邊膊槽圻
咣圹?? 氨 its NOT needed for the registered app. 卑 ?苒圹弑
捋圹? 卑 3. Do 'java -jar start.jar -eden' to start the 氨 捋圹??
苒鄄草 膊 app or use the included .bat file from now on. 膊 薏槽圮?
槽膊? 膊? 3. Use supplied keymaker to gen your license data 卟? 卟槽策
策? 苓? (java -jar wkey.jar) 斑? 策曹
?哕 草 ? ? 薏 苓 佰
曹 安輩? ? ? 懿輩?懿?
圹膊策? ? ? 邊膊槽圻
咣圹?? 氨 卑 ?苒圹弑
捋圹? 卑 氨 捋圹??
苒鄄草 膊 膊 薏槽圮?
槽膊? 膊? 苘苘 ? 卟? 卟槽策
策? 苓? ? 懿膊卑? 唼? ? 斑? 策曹
?哕 草 ? 北 薏脖鞍? 鞍 安? 北 ? 薏 苓 佰
曹 安輩? ? ?懿脖輩膊苘? 卟敗苘 苘馨策 避懿膊北膊?? ? 懿輩?懿?
圹膊策? ? 氨鄄策 氨舶斑鄄曹苘避甙苘斑鼙苘懿槽甙安卑 卟槽卑 ? 邊膊槽圻
咣圹?? 氨 ?輩圹? 鞍苒策 斑? 哌? 卟圮鞍 捋鄄?? 卑 ?苒圹弑
捋圹? 卑 槽 卟? 鞭郾 Group Notes 槽荼 鄄?鄄 氨 捋圹??
苒鄄草 膊 ? ? 苘膊 鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍? 膊苘 ? ? 膊 薏槽圮?
槽膊? 膊? 哌 哌 卟? 卟槽策
策? 苓? 斑? 策曹
?哕 草 ? You got something to offer like ? 薏 苓 佰
曹 安輩? ? ? 懿輩?懿?
圹膊策? ? * supplies (either ISO or DDL) ? 邊膊槽圻
咣圹?? 氨 * cracking skills 卑 ?苒圹弑
捋圹? 卑 * pizza 氨 捋圹??
苒鄄草 膊 膊 薏槽圮?
槽膊? 膊? and want to join the only scene family in existance? 卟? 卟槽策
策? 苓? Then just ask around on IRC (maybe even your girl- 斑? 策曹
?哕 草 ? friend may know one of our council members, be it ? 薏 苓 佰
曹 安輩? ? the one or the other way...) and lets see if you ? 懿輩?懿?
圹膊策? ? fit into one of our open positions! ? 邊膊槽圻
咣圹?? 氨 卑 ?苒圹弑
捋圹? 卑 氨 捋圹??
苒鄄草 膊 Signed, 膊 薏槽圮?
槽膊? 膊? - TEAM DVT - 卟? 卟槽策
策? 苓? 斑? 策曹
?哕 草 ?? ? ? ?? 薏 苓 佰
曹 安輩? 氨苓 哕卑 懿輩?懿?
圹膊策? 氨草 ? ? ? ?薏卑 邊膊槽圻
咣圹?鞍 氨北?唼?? ?荥?鼙北?鞍 苒圹弑
捋圹?鞍北鞍膊曹 卟? 輩?懿膊鞍北鞍 捋圹??
苒鄄草 氨氨氨避膊策薏敗 苓 氨卑 ? 氨卑 哕 馨草卟膊鼙卑卑卑 薏槽圮?
槽膊甙輩卑鞍策氨卑安膊輩曹北鞍鞍? 鞍? 鞍鞍氨避膊輩膊鞍北斑舶鞍輩卑卟槽策
卟膊膊北?安 鼙氨?鞍哕苘? 鞍 鞍卑? 鞍 苘苘甙?脖氨? 舶 氨輩膊膊??
曹圹鄄膊避苘懿?安舶 輩? 唼? 氨北? 荥? 卟? 安舶 安馨苘輩膊圹圮膊
邊卟圹鄄膊策安脖?槽鄄?草? 甙北脖卑? 稗?安圹?氨膊斑膊膊圹鄄哌北
? ? 哌? 鞍臂脖?槽鄄卑弑苘苓? 鞍輩輩卑? 斑苘鼙甙輩圹?氨槽卑? 苓? ? 卑
? ? 薏卑 稗鄄卑斑咣圹脖鞍懿?氨輩卑輩北?膊馨氨槽圹哌鞍輩圯?氨草 ? ?
? 懿哌北苒圹膊卑? 哌膊脖避苘槽卑 安膊苘鼙輩膊哌 鞍輩槽圹鼙邊卟? ?
? 卑 哌槽圮膊北北北鞍避鄄圹卑 氨槽槽鼙鞍北北北膊苒鄄哌 氨 ?
鞍 ?哌膊曹苘苘懿脖槽脖? 氨槽脖膊苘苘苘膊策?? 鞍
? ? 哌哌膊輩北膊膊脖?氨膊膊脖輩輩策哌? ? ?
? 氨北苘苘懿卑輩苘苘鼙北? ?
? 鞍 鞍北卑北卑? 鞍 ?
? 鞍? ?
? (( nFO layout by ixlover / buddha ))