中文名: 專業多媒體影集制作
英文名: Boinx FotoMagico
資源格式: 壓縮包
版本: v3.7.2 Mac Os X
發行時間: 2011年
制作發行: Boinx Software Ltd.
地區: 德國
語言: 英文
Boinx Fotomagico 可以讓你將照片和音樂創造專業影集(幻燈片),只需幾個簡單的鼠標點擊。高品質形象,快速性能,和用戶靈活一些設計目標是都可以得到應用。它有直觀且功能強大的用戶界面。
Boinx Fotomagico 個人專業多媒體影集制作,用照片和音樂創造屬於你的專業影集,只需幾個簡單的鼠標點擊。高品質圖象,絢麗的視覺,快速性能,而且還具有直觀且功能強大的用戶界面。
創建最壯觀的幻燈片: 縮放,移動,旋轉,縮放或平移您的圖像,突出的部分才是最重要的。
執行一個驚人的發現: 你的幻燈片可以使用最好的設備展示您的演示文稿。
你的聽眾會想要把它帶回家: 刻錄您的使用iDVD或Roxio幻燈片DVD。
把你的幻燈片用在你的ipod上 。
創建一個單獨的播放機將在目前全面解決任何蘋果(即使沒有安裝fotomagico) 。
創造的mac os x屏保充分展示你的影集作品。
What's NewFotoMagico is a storytelling solution with an extensive set of features.
Version 3 is a major upgrade that provides exciting new possibilities for professional photographers. FotoMagico has been completely rewritten for version 3.0 and beyond, with dozens of overall improvements in the program's many advanced features.
New in 3.6: iMediaBrowser 2
Accessing media libraries is now easier than ever before. FotoMagico's developer, Peter Baumgartner, has been a major contributor to the open source iMediaBrowser 2 framework enabling access to Aperture, Lightroom, iPhoto and Flickr.
FotoMagico 3.0 adds support for QuickTime movies. Add a movie clip directly to your slideshow. Movies can be animated just like regular image slides. Since in and out points can be set for a movie clip, editing a clip in an external movie editor before importing it into FotoMagico is not necessary.
Instant Slideshow Assistant
A new assistant helps you put together attractive slideshows with just a few clicks. Create a new document with a few images and a song. Then launch the Instant Slideshow Assistant, choose from several options, and press OK. The assistant will automatically format all the slides in an appealing way. You can further customize the settings however you like.
Export to iPad
Bring your magic to the iPad with the new export preset that creates a movie optimized for display on the iPad.
Improved Storyboard
The Storyboard has been completely rewritten and now offers improved selection and drag & drop behavior. New in-place editing functionality as well as in-place warnings and notes are available to speed up the authoring process. Organize your content in Chapters and use them for DVD submenus in iDVD and Toast.
Support for Chapters is only available in FotoMagico Pro.
Multiple Audio Tracks
FotoMagico 3.0 now has three dedicated audio tracks: Music, Sound Effects, and Narration. Drag audio files and clips directly to the desired track, then set appropriate audio options like locked timing and ducking (see below).
Multiple audio tracks are only available in FotoMagico Pro.
Record Narration
FotoMagico 3 now lets you record narration directly in the application, while the slideshow is playing. You can even change the duration of the slides as you are speaking.
Recording narration is only available in FotoMagico Pro.
Audio Ducking
When ducking is turned on for an audio item or a movie, the volume of all other audio that is currently played is lowered by a given percentage. This feature helps to ensure that the music is lowered while a narrator is speaking.
Audio ducking is only available in FotoMagico Pro.
Final Cut Plugin
Quickly create stunning backgrounds, intros and b-roll using your photos. Animating stills becomes a fun activity with the bundled FxFactory Plug-In for Final Cut Pro, Motion and Adobe After Effects.
The Plugin is only available in FotoMagico Pro.
FotoMagico Remote
A fullscreen presentation can now be remotely controlled with the FotoMagico Remote for iPhone & iPod touch. FotoMagico Remote is available separately at the App Store in iTunes.
System RequirementsFotoMagico and Standalone-Player:
Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard and QuickTime 7.1 or newer
A Mac with G5 or Intel processor, with 1GB RAM or more
Recommended: A graphics card with a minimum of 64MB VRAM, 128 or more
Not supported: NVIDIA GeForce 5200 and ATI Radeon 7500
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Version 3.7.2
:Version 3.7.1 of FotoMagico Home for the App Store failed to launch in certain situations, due to the binary being corrupted. This bug has been fixed.
FotoMagico plugin for Final Cut Pro now works again (without quitting FCP).
Bugfix in German and French user interface of the Aperture export plugin.
Bugfix for launching iDVD after exporting to DVD.
Improved first run experience of iMedia Browser by automatically loading those libraries that are allowed by the installed license.
Improved stabilty of iMedia Browser.
Lightroom libraries in iMedia Browser now display folders correctly again.
Lightroom folders no longer display a folder icon at the end of the image list.
Double clicking in list and combo view in iMedia Browser should now work correctly again.
Preliminary support for iPhoto events in iMedia Browser.
Improved user interface for Flickr in iMedia Browser, by adding a smart folder icon for each Flickr query. That way the user can double click the folder icon to display the images of that query.
The transition icons now look much better with nicer anti-aliasing.
The logo and application icon for of FotoMagico Home for the App Store has been slightly modified so that this version is immediately recognized.
Various small fixes.
Name: da Pesky Squirrel
Organization: KCNCrew
License Key: *A 533A 9A85 4840 3379 24AF 4F97 C02A A277 EBDB*
Name: bigjez
Organization: cat-and-mouse
License Key: *A 4BBF 55DC 5ED2 27CB 08E0 E471 2602 6E61 D58B 587*