"《攝影圖像後期銳化插件軟件》(NikSoftware Sharpener Pro)v3.005 for Adobe Photoshop & Lightroom[壓縮包]"介紹
中文名: 攝影圖像後期銳化插件軟件
英文名: NikSoftware Sharpener Pro
資源格式: 壓縮包
版本: v3.005 for Adobe Photoshop & Lightroom
發行時間: 2011年
制作發行: Nik Software, Inc.
地區: 美國
語言: 英文
NikSoftware Sharpener Pro采用最新銳化技術的Photoshop銳化濾鏡插件,可以在任何圖片上完成最佳銳化。對於一些圖片或者照片的後期處理,一般在銳化方面,用photoshop來進行銳化處理(USM銳化),已經不錯,但往往在細節地方有不足之處。
居於業界領先地位的Nik Software, Inc.最新推出的專業銳化濾鏡
SharpenerPro 3。
圖片銳度是攝影後期需要調整的一個重要參數,Nik Software Sharpener Pro 應用在Photoshop圖像後期銳化上功能強大效果出色!
使用數碼相機拍攝照片最大的好處就是能夠後期修改 ,比如對於對焦不准或者是輕微的手抖造成的不清晰圖像,能夠使用圖像處理軟件的銳化效果數碼銳化.Sharpener Pro 能自動掃描分析原圖,對認為是細節的地方才實施銳化,也就是說並不是全畫面平均的銳化.並且有專門針對打印或出圖的大尺寸圖形的銳化,比較方便.
Nik Sharpener Pro 有自己獨特的處理銳化的思路。可以在設定圖片的高寬、特定的出片介質、以及不同的打印設備等情況下對圖片進行銳化,增加的新功能提供了對特定區域進行銳化的選擇,可以控制銳化程度,另外可以對raw格式文件進行銳化。所有的這些都可以在8位或者16位通道中進行加工處理。
Adobe Photoshop CS5 中調用截圖Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 3 中調用截圖Sharpener Pro 3.0 provides professional power and control over the complete sharpening workflow, from RAW pre-sharpening and creative detail enhancements to superior output sharpening based on the output device.
Selective Sharpening with U Point® TechnologySimply the most unique and powerful image editing technology available today, U Point powered controls allow you to precisely control sharpness and detail selectively within an image without the need for complicated selections or layer masks. Enhancements are automatically and naturally blended throughout your image for spectacular results.
Creative Sharpening ToolsPowerful new creative sharpening tools enable you to enhance subtle details and textures that are hidden with an image. When selectively applied using Control Points these tools enable you to draw attention to key areas within your images.
RAW PresharpenerThe updated RAW Presharpener feature retains and enhances sharp details within images without amplifying noise and artifacts. RAW Presharpener compensates for the potential loss of clarity and detail caused through digital capture or digital noise reduction techniques.
Output SharpenerDesigned to sharpen based on proven loss of detail caused by different output methods and devices, the Output Sharpener filter provides the optimum controls for creating perfectly sharpened images for such devices as display, inkjet, continuous tone, half tone, and hybrid print devices.
Output PresetsSaves time in the photographic workflow by saving custom settings in the Output Sharpener for repeatable, professional results.
Powerful Selective Tool (Adobe® Photoshop® only)The Selective Tool allows you to brush any Sharpener Pro 3.0 filter enhancement into your image using Photoshop’s brush tools. Layers and masks are created automatically, enabling you to quickly and easily apply any filter with painterly precision.
Time-saving Professional InterfaceThe completely updated and reworked interface in Sharpener Pro 3.0 feature key controls placed conveniently on the right side of your image workspace for fast and consistent access. Also a Navigator Loupe provides a quick 100% view and navigation view, saved settings, and a resizable user interface help speed your workflow.
Smart Filter Support (Adobe® Photoshop® only) Sharpener Pro 3.0 is compatible with Adobe Photoshop Smart Objects which permits you to fine-tune enhancements even after they’ve been applied.
Multi-image Support (Lightroom® & Aperture™ only) Sharpener Pro 3.0 is compatible with Lightroom & Aperture’s ability to work on multiple images at once. When more than one image is opened, "Previous" and "Next" buttons appear that allow photographers to easily sharpen several images quickly.
System Requirements WindowsWindows XP with Service Pack 3, Windows Vista, and Windows 7
AMD or Intel processor
1 GB RAM (2GB or more Recommended)
Adobe Photoshop® CS3 through CS5
Adobe Photoshop Elements 6 through 9
Adobe Photoshop Lightroom® 2.3 or later
===== 供源情況截圖 =====供源時間:10:00-22:00