中文名: 音頻軟件
英文名: Native Instruments Komplete 7 Elements
資源格式: 光盤鏡像
發行時間: 2010年09月12日
制作發行: Native Instruments
地區: 美國,英國,法國,德國,意大利
語言: 英文
KOMPLETE 7 ELEMENTS可以看作是一個純演奏用的低價套裝,它包含Kontakt Player、Kore Player、Guitar rig 4 Pro、Reaktor Player和一些音色包。購買目的就是拿來就演奏,而不需要太多的創作。
盡管這些Player都是免費的軟件,但KOMPLETE 7 ELEMENTS還贈送12GB的音色庫,包含2000多個音色,涵蓋各種音樂風格,價格僅有119美元,所以還是物有所值的。
Packing a comprehensive selection of production-ready sounds and effects, this is the perfect introduction to the world of KOMPLETE. This collection delivers studio quality tools at unbeatable value, and is infinitely expandable with the ever-growing range of KOMPLETE Instruments and Effects. KOMPLETE 7 ELEMENTS comprises of over 12 GB of 2,000 premium, studio quality sounds. With a vast array of KONTAKT instruments, including ABBEY ROAD drums and VSL orchestral instruments, as well as stunning REAKTOR ensembles, GUITAR RIG amps and effects and the best sounds of the legendary synths MASSIVE and ABSYNTH, this collection is a fully equipped and ready-to-roll production suite.
The four included KOMPLETE 7 PLAYERS (REAKTOR 5 PLAYER, KONTAKT 4 PLAYER, GUITAR RIG 4 PLAYER and KORE 2 PLAYER), make up the perfect platform for playback of the library sounds, and are instantly useable in your studio productions. In addition, you can expand the sound selection at any time with the huge range of KOMPLETE Instruments and Effects.
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