中文名: 網站關鍵字等級檢查工具
英文名: Rank Tracker Enterprise
資源格式: 壓縮包
版本: v6.7.3企業版
發行時間: 2013年02月
地區: 美國
語言: 英文
問題反饋: http://www.link-assistant.com/support/
網站鏈接: http://www.link-assistant.com/rank-tracker/
軟件介紹: Rank Tracker 讓網絡管理員可以使用來自於 Google, Yahoo 和 MSN 的搜索引擎結果為他們的網站檢查關鍵字等級。你可以使用無限制的關鍵字創建多個對象,並且還可以按時間跟蹤改變和處理過程。Rank Tracker 在需要的時候可以支持Google和Yahoo API 登錄。這是一款對於網站擁有者非常有用的工具。
Here's an easy way to see where your site ranks
in Google and Yahoo! — in under 2 minutes!
Dear Fellow Website Owner,
If your site depends on Google and Yahoo! placements for traffic and sales, your search engine rankings are tied directly to your bottom line. That's why you need to keep a close eye on your rankings to make sure you're near the top at all times.
Now here's the question: How would you like spending as little as 2 minutes once and then see every day where you rank for hundreds of your critical web searches? You know, the keywords people type into Google and Yahoo to arrive at your site and buy something? Or subscribe to your newsletter, or download your eBook?
If you're anything like most webmasters and SEOs, you'd love that!
Because if you ever tried manually hunting down a URL buried somewhere on page 17 of Google's results pages, you wouldn't want to do that again, ever.
Luckily, if you got Rank Tracker, you won't have to. Just click the image below to watch a demo video and see how you could start saving hours and hours of your valuable time every day monitoring your Google and Yahoo! rankings with our SEO software.
SoFT NaMe ....................................... Rank.Tracker.Enterprise.v6.7.3
ReLeaSe-TyPe .............................................................. uTiL
oS ...................................................................... WiNaLL
WeBSiTe ............................ http://www.link-assistant.com/rank-tracker/
CRaCKeD By............................................................. MoS 6510
CRaCK-TyPe ........................................................ *PaTCH V1.1*
PuBLiSHeD oN ........................................................ 2013/02/12
*uPDaTe V1.1* - SuPPoRT FoR BuZZBuNDLe
*PLeaSe NoTe* - WHeN SoFTWaRe uPDaTe iS SHoWeD SiMPLy CLoSe iT!
1) iNSTaLL *SoFTWaRe* aND iF aSK DoN'T RuN/ReBooT
2) MaKe SuRe THaT SoFTWaRe iS *NoT* RuNNiNG
3) eXeCuTe *MeGaHeRTZ* aND CLiCK oN *PaTCH* BuTToN