中文名: Mcafee內容安全刀片服務器軟件
資源格式: 光盤鏡像
版本: v5.5
發行時間: 2009年
制作發行: Mcafee
地區: 美國
語言: 英文
+- Install Notes -+
1. Unpack & Burn/Mount
2. Install
問題反饋: http://www.mcafee.com/us/about/contact/index.html
網站鏈接: http://www.mcafee.com/us/enterprise/products/email_and_web_security/email/content_security_blade_server.html
軟件介紹:McAfee Content Security 刀片服務器
用於保護電子郵件和 Web 安全的下一代解決方案
借助我們高性能的解決方案 McAfee Content Security 刀片服務器,可以保護您的網絡免受惡意軟件、垃圾郵件和其他惡意內容的侵擾。 電子郵件和 Web 混合威脅日益猖獗,所以,確保網絡安全成為重中之重。 該解決方案以高效的刀片服務器體系結構為基礎,能夠有效降低 IT 成本,減少復雜性,並提供一個用於應對未來威脅的可擴展平台。
借助一款產品即可實現全面的郵件和 Web 安全保護
及時清除威脅,防止它們侵入您的網絡,以保證業務連續性;McAfee 行業領先的技術可以防止垃圾郵件的大規模傳播,攔截惡意軟件,並可以幫助您輕松管理敏感數據;McAfee Content Security 刀片服務器將各種最新技術結合在一起,可以為您提供最佳的安全保護
保護您的企業免受零日攻擊的威脅;時間決定一切,McAfee 解決方案擁有業界最快的響應速度,按分鐘更新保護能夠幫助您有效抵御各種最新威脅
減少產品購置成本,每年可節省數十萬美元的認證和支持費用;McAfee 采用的是統一售價,不按用戶數量收費
根據需要啟用不同功能:電子郵件安全;反垃圾郵件;病毒清除、反網絡釣魚詐騙和內容過濾;Web 安全;安全浏覽、URL 過濾;可以根據需要將所有應用程序部署到一個刀片服務器中,或者將它們分配給網絡中的不同設備
McAfee Content Security 刀片服務器每小時可以過濾高達 500 萬封電子郵件,並可為多達 50,000 個 Web 用戶同時提供保護;您只需插入相應的掃描刀片便可以輕松添加所需容量,而不會干擾系統的正常運行;對於對工作量要求極高的工作而言,McAfee Content Security 刀片服務器能夠提供足夠的容量
配置基於 Active Directory 或 LDAP 的安全策略,以滿足企業內不同部門的需要;自定義安全策略以滿足企業的特定需求
使用一個平台和一個基於浏覽器的單一全面管理控制台(可提供集中的全面授權管理功能)代替多個單點設備以減少 IT 員工的工作量;企業級報告功能可以讓您對所有產品的情況一目了然,而以前要做到這一點需要耗費大量的人力和資源
您不必再購買和維護外置負載平衡器或復雜的故障轉移方案;Content Security 刀片服務器的內置負載平衡和自動容錯功能無需任何其他硬件或配置;所有刀片會像一個單一設備一樣運行,從而顯著降低復雜性和日常管理支出
第三方測試表明,刀片服務器比傳統設備更有效,電能、冷卻和其他數據中心資源的節省率平均可達 25%
電子郵件和 Web 中的威脅(例如,垃圾郵件、間諜軟件、網絡釣魚詐騙、病毒、蠕蟲、木馬以及其他威脅)會破壞網絡安全、降低員工工作效率、影響企業盈利能力。 這種局面正變得日益嚴峻。
您也許和大多數企業一樣,為了應對每一個新出現的威脅而不斷部署新的安全設備。 隨著設備的增多,管理會成為 IT 人員面臨的一大難題,解決方案的復雜性會逐漸加大,同時,能耗、設備冷卻以及空間占用等要求也會愈加緊迫。最後,您不得不面對越來越多的設備、越來越多的供應商、越來越多的管理控制台、難以管理的復雜性以及居高不下的成本!
鑒於這種情況,McAfee 為大型企業提供了一款易於管理、經濟高效的高性能解決方案 — McAfee Content Security 刀片服務器。 McAfee Content Security 刀片服務器充分利用了刀片服務器體系結構的強大功能、高效性和可擴展性,借助一個平台和一個單一管理控制台每年可以為企業節省數十萬美元的許可費用和運營成本。
McAfee Content Security 刀片服務器每小時可過濾的電子郵件數量高達 500 萬封,並可為 50,000 個 Web 用戶同時提供保護。 使用較少的設備就可以滿足您的各種性能需求,這意味著您獲得了一種易於管理、更加有效和更加經濟高效的安全保護。
隨著需求的變化,您可以根據需要隨時啟用相應功能。 首先啟用的是電子郵件安全、反垃圾郵件、惡意軟件清除和電子郵件內容過濾四項功能。隨後會增加安全浏覽和 URL 過濾兩項功能。 准備好後,您便可以將所有應用程序部署到一個刀片系統中,或者將它們分布到多個刀片系統中。這意味著,您只需管理較少的供應商,隨著企業的發展無需購買新的安全產品,從而顯著減少與安全相關的 IT 工作量。
Highly scalable email and web security
McAfee® Content Security Blade Server delivers the functionality large enterprises and service providers need to give employees safe access to Web 2.0 applications and email, while blocking spam and controlling security. The addition of McAfee Web Gateway software, the #1 anti-malware solution, brings a new level of protection, performance, and manageability to this highly scalable platform.
Benefits:* Secure your network
Take advantage of the industry's best anti-malware protection to proactively filter out objectionable content from web traffic in real-time
o Enhanced real-time behavioral detection of Web 2.0 malicious mobile code
o Advanced zero-day and targeted attack exploit detection without a signature, regardless of media or content type
o True context-based threat detection
* Regain control
Consistently block 99 percent of spam, thanks to a powerful combination of detection technologies and streaming updates.
* Gain instant insight
Monitor overall system status easily with convenient, at-a-glance system dashboard and status indicators
* Gain complete security and extensibility on demand
Turn on different features when you need them:
o Email: Anti-spam; virus removal, anti-phishing, and content filtering
o Web: URL filtering; anti-malware, anti-virus, anti-spyware, ssl scanning, and content inspection
* Go green and reduce costs
Use up to 40 percent less power and 40 percent less space when compared to equivalent 1U rack-mounted servers
Features:* Unmatched security
Take protection to a new level with advanced zero-day and targeted attack exploit detection , detect Web 2.0 malicious mobile code in real-time; stop spyware, inappropriate web content, phishing, viruses, worms, trojans, spam and other malware threats, both known and unknown, from entering the network
* Scalability and performance
Need more performance? Just add blades. McAfee Content Security Blade Server instantly recognizes and configures new blades and adds them to the pool of shared resources. There's no need to rearchitect your network or worry about balancing the load, the system does it all for you
* Flexibility
Protect either your e-mail or web infrastructure separately or take full advantage of the system's flexibility and cover both with a single system. Features and capacity can be easily added with no need for planned downtime
* Operational efficiency
Simplify complex, multi-appliance or server deployments and ongoing maintenance with a single enclosure
Take advantage of all Web 2.0 has to offer, safely and cost-effectively with McAfee Content Security Blade Server. McAfee Content Security Blade Server gives large enterprises and providers the functionality, scalability and performance they need to enable safe employee access to Web 2.0 applications and email while blocking spam and maintaining complete control of security. The addition of McAfee Web Gateway software, the number one anti-malware solution, to McAfee Content Security Blade Server brings a new level of protection, performance, and enterprise-class manageability to this highly scalable blade server platform.
Using award-winning McAfee security technology on the HP BladeSystem infrastructure, McAfee Content Security Blade Server has been designed from the ground up to provide large organizations with a high-performance, cost-effective, and secure solution. We’ve taken the most economical approach to infrastructure hardware—blade servers—and created an intelligent, integrated web and email security delivery system that takes advantage of the blade server’s inherent capabilities: operational efficiency, scalability and reliability.
The blade enclosure integrates server, storage, networking, and power management into a single solution that can be managed as a unified environment. It automatically responds to fluctuating traffic demands and system status. It incorporates wire speed load balancing for traffic distribution and fault tolerance. And, it uses up to 40 percent less power and 40 percent less space when compared to equivalent 1U rack-mounted servers.
McAfee Content Security Blade Server combines numerous web and email protections and access control features that would otherwise require multiple stand-alone products. With McAfee Content Security Blade Server, you can protect either mail or web infrastructure separately or take full advantage of the system’s flexibility and cover both with a single system. Combining functionality this way streamlines management and ensures secure policy enforcement without gaps.
McAfee offers both the M3-class (c3000) and M7-class (c7000) blade enclosures. The smaller M3-class, or 'shorty,' with 8 blade capacity, extends the benefits of the blade architecture to a broader range of enterprises and data centers large and small. The M7 enclosure with 16 blade capacity continues to be the ideal enclosure for larger data centers.
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Company ..: McAfee
Url ......: http://www.mcafee.com/
+- Release Information -+
Next-generation solution for email and web security
Take advantage of all Web 2.0 has to offer, safely and cost-
effectively with McAfee Content Security Blade Server. McAfee
Content Security Blade Server gives large enterprises and providers
the functionality, scalability and performance they need to enable
safe employee access to Web 2.0 applications and email while
blocking spam and maintaining complete control of security. The
addition of McAfee Web Gateway software, the number one anti-
malware solution, to McAfee Content Security Blade Server brings
a new level of protection, performance, and enterprise-class
manageability to this highly scalable blade server platform.
Using award-winning McAfee security technology on the HP BladeSystem
infrastructure, McAfee Content Security Blade Server has been
designed from the ground up to provide large organizations with
a high-performance, cost-effective, and secure solution. WeÆve
taken the most economical approach to infrastructure hardware blade
servers and created an intelligent, integrated web and email
security delivery system that takes advantage of the blade serverÆs
inherent capabilities: operational efficiency, scalability and
Unmatched security
Take protection to a new level with advanced zero-day and targeted
attack exploit detection , detect Web 2.0 malicious mobile code in
real-time; stop spyware, inappropriate web content, phishing,
viruses, worms, trojans, spam and other malware threats, both known
and unknown, from entering the network Scalability and performance
Protect either your e-mail or web infrastructure separately or take
full advantage of the system's flexibility and cover both with a
single system. Features and capacity can be easily added with no
need for planned downtime
Operational efficiency
Simplify complex, multi-appliance or server deployments and ongoing
maintenance with a single enclosure
Disk 1: Apps
Disk 2: Docs
+- Install Notes -+
1. Unpack & Burn/Mount
2. Install .
+- Group Notes -+ :
. |
: You got something to offer like |
| |
| * supplies (either ISO or DDL) |
| * cracking skills |
| * pizza |
|: |
|. and want to join the only scene family in existance? :|
| Then just ask around on IRC (maybe even your girl- .|
|. friend may know one of our council members, be it |
|: the one or the other way...) and lets see if you |
|. fit into one of our open positions! |
|. .______________. \\
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